PPQ:Teruteru Bouzu Hunt

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Teruteru Bouzu Hunt
Opening Banner
Event Period (UTC+9)2023/06/07 15:00~2023/06/20 23:59
Event TypeHunting


See Category:PPQ:Hunting Events for general information on Hunting Events.

Difficulty Medium
Super Spicy
General Stats
Stamina 15 20 30 100
No. of Stages 4 5 5 5
Coins 300 500 1000 4000
TP 40 70 85 200
User EXP 1050 1500 2400 8000
Card EXP 0 0 0 0
Item Drops
10~17 19~23 34~36 270~322
Enemy Profile
Boss [★6] Fenneco
[★6] Fenneco
HP ___
attack ___
[★6] Remy
[★6] Remy
HP ___
attack ___
[★6] Yoh
[★6] Yoh
HP ___
attack ___
[★6] Sora
[★6] Sora
HP ___
attack ___


By Rewards Exchange

  • Available until 2023/06/23 23:59
Rewards Cost Limit
Reward Characters
[★6] Rainfall Penglai S [★6] Rainfall Penglai S total 2400 One set only
[★4] Rainfall Penglai [★4] Rainfall Penglai ×1 500 Once only
[★5] Penglai's Fan [★5] Penglai's Fan ×1 100 9 times
[★6] Penglai's Parasol (Yellow) [★6] Penglai's Parasol (Yellow) ×1 500 Once only
[★6] Penglai's Parasol (Green) [★6] Penglai's Parasol (Green) ×1 100 5 times
[★7] Rain-sheltering Jaan [★7] Rain-sheltering Jaan total 10,300 One set only+
[★4] Rain-sheltering Jaan [★4] Rain-sheltering Jaan ×1 500 5 times
[★6] Rain-sheltering Jaan [★6] Rain-sheltering Jaan ×1 1500 5 times
[★5] Leafy Umbrella [★5] Leafy Umbrella ×1 200 9 times
[★6] Floral Rainboots [★6] Floral Rainboots ×1 500 1 times
[★7] Painting Undine [★7] Painting Undine total 10,300 One set only+
[★4] Painting Undine [★4] Painting Undine ×1 500 5 times
[★6] Painting Undine [★6] Painting Undine ×1 1500 5 times
[★5] Magical Painting Set [★5] Magical Painting Set ×1 200 9 times
[★6] Undine's Beret [★6] Undine's Beret ×1 500 1 times
Cross Ability 10% Ticket Cross Ability 10% Ticket ×1 5000 Once only
Full Power 10% Ticket Full Power 10% Ticket ×1 5000 Once only
Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Spring Puyo Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Spring Puyo ×1
expires 2023/07/31 23:59
3000 5 times
Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Spring Puyo Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Spring Puyo ×1
expires 2023/07/31 23:59
600 5 times
Event-exclusive Character Ticket Event-exclusive Character Ticket ×1 100 300 times
Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1 500 5 times
Wilde Stone
[★6] Rainy Day Velena
[WS] Rainy Day Velena
[WS] Rainy Day Velena ×1 3000 Once only
[★6] Red Amitie
[WS] Red Amitie
[WS] Red Amitie ×1 3000 Once only
Sir Wilde
Sir Wilde (50) Sir Wilde (50) (all colors) ×1 5000 3 times per color
Sir Wilde (40) Sir Wilde (40) (all colors) ×1 2400 3 times per color
Sir Wilde (30) Sir Wilde (30) (all colors) ×1 1200 3 times per color
Transformation Items
[★6] 100-point Test [★6] 100-point Test (all colors) ×1 600 5 times per color
[★6] Grimoire [★6] Grimoire (all colors) ×1 600 5 times per color
[★5] Grimoire [★5] Grimoire (all colors) ×1 500 5 times per color
Books of Secrets
[★5] Purple Book of Secrets [★5] Purple Book of Secrets ×1 1200 5 times
[★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1 800 5 times
[★5] Book of Secrets [★5] Book of Secrets (R/B/G) ×1 400 5 times per color
[★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×1 900 10 times
[★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1 600 10 times
[★4] Book of Secrets [★4] Book of Secrets (R/B/G) ×1 300 10 times per color
[★3] Purple Book of Secrets [★3] Purple Book of Secrets ×1 600 10 times
[★3] Yellow Book of Secrets [★3] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1 300 10 times
[★3] Book of Secrets [★3] Book of Secrets (R/B/G) ×1 150 10 times per color
Power Strawberry Power Strawberry ×10 100 100 times
Healing Eggplant Healing Eggplant ×10 100 100 times
Endurance Asparagus Endurance Asparagus ×10 100 100 times
Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×1 200 100 times
Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×1 300 100 times
Growth Materials
[★6] Saturn Puyo [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1 100 50 times per color
[★6] Comet Puyo [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) ×1 50 50 times per color
[★6] Crown Puyo [★6] Crown Puyo (all colors) ×1 30 50 times per color

Support Special Effects

Special Effect Levels
Lv. 5 Lv. 4 Lv. 3 Lv. 2 Lv. 1
Medium +18 +12 +6 +4 +2
Hot +27 +18 +9 +6 +3
Spicy +41 +27 +14 +9 +4
Super Spicy +219 +96 +32 +16 +7
  • Teruteru Bouzu Drop (てるてるぼうずドロップ): Drop number increases at quest clear in Teruteru Bouzu Hunt
    • Effective no matter in front line, back line or even knocked out
    • Drop effect ×1/2 for non-guild-mate supporters
Characters Special Effect Level
Lv.5 Lv.4 Lv.3 Lv.2 Lv.1
Martial Ball Rulue Martial Ball Rulue ★6~7
Red Amitie Red Amitie ★7 ★6
Rainy Day Velena Rainy Day Velena ★7 ★6
Painting Undine Painting Undine ★7 ★6 ★4~5
Rain-sheltering Jaan Rain-sheltering Jaan ★7 ★6 ★4~5
Rainfall Penglai Rainfall Penglai ★6S ★6 ★4~5
Series Lv.5 Lv.4 Lv.3 Lv.2 Lv.1
Ulika Bookshelf Fairy Series ★7 ★6 ★5
Arle Original Puyo Puyo Series ★7 ★6 ★4~5