User:Pitybreak/Beginner's Guide
This article is currently being revised for the Super PuyoQuest Project major update.
Installing via QooApp is considered the easier of the 2 methods.
Its only caveat is that updates will be slower to release than downloading from Google Play itself.
APK (QooApp)
- Download QooApp from their website onto your mobile device.
- Run the file. If the error message "For your security, your phone is not allowed to install unknown apps from this source." pops up, select Settings and tap Allow from this source.
- After QooApp is installed, open the app. Close out of the promotional image that pops up.
- Click the magnifying glass icon and search for "Puyopuyo !! Quest." Make sure SEGA CORPORATION is listed as the developer.
- Click the Download button on the bottom. Allow QooApp access to photos, media, and files.
- Once the download is finished, click Install. Keep QooApp on your device, as you will need it to install updates in the future.
Google Play
This method requires you to have more than one Google account and access to a VPN.
Your 2nd Google account must be either new or unopened for a year.
- Open the Play Store.
- Back out of (but don't close) the Play Store and set your VPN location to Japan.
- Return to the Play Store.
- Switch to your 2nd account. This can be done by tapping on your profile picture, tapping on the dropdown menu, and selecting it from the list of accounts or clicking Add another account.
- If done correctly, the account you switched to will display banners in Japanese.
- Turn off your VPN and return to the Play Store.
- Search for "Puyo Puyo Quest" or "ぷよクエ" (puyokue) in the search bar. The game should be the first result. Alternatively, you can click this link to the app.
- Install the game. After the download is complete, you can return to your main Google account and update the app from there.
Starting the Game
Please visit this page for a walkthrough on making an account.
Start Dash Coupon
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Start Dash Gacha
- To see all cards available, visit here: User:TetsutaroOokami/Draft:Starting the Game#Start Dash Gacha

After the tutorial, the game forces you to roll on this gacha. It disappears immediately after.
It guarantees one Puyo Fest character from a select pool:
Don't overdo rerolling, as SEGA may issue a temporary ban or terminate your accounts.
If you plan to play casually, it is not recommended to reroll unless you really like a card/character.
There are plenty of opportunities to get Fests through tickets (handed out regularly from events) and Choice Mix-up (sacrificing 5 Puyo Fests for a card of your choice).
Below is a "tier list" categorizing the best starter Fest cards in terms of Leader Skill (LS).
While all starter cards are viable, some may be better suited for monocolor decks or are used for niche purposes late-game.
Progression (WIP)
This outline shows what to prioritize if you intend to play the game long-term.
Early Game:
- Obtain rewards from time-limited events. Event cards are easy to acquire and don't rerun often, and rewards like
Puyo Fest tickets grant powerful and rare cards.
- The event featured on the home screen is usually a Collection, Guild Rush, Co-op Boss Challenge, or Treasure event.
- Co-op Boss Challenges are the easiest event to clear without specific cards. At minimum, try to obtain and evolve the event card to ★7. If there's enough time, try to obtain all boss defeat rewards.
- Collection and Treasure will be easier with event supports, but they're still doable with limited supports. While it's recommended to get all the major rewards, your stopping point will depend on your patience.
- For Collection, stop at 20k items for the event card or 120k for the Fest tickets. To maximize items collected, see Tetsu's Collection Strategy.
- For Treasure, prioritize the Fest tickets and event card. If there's enough time, pick up the 50 Wildes.
- Guild Rushes are "late game" events, and you'll most likely be joining battles and immediately quitting. See this section (pending) on how to farm participations in Guild Rush.
- Play Adventure Map quests for stones. The Beginner Exclusive Gacha is recommended for new players because of its discounted price. Ideally, you should save enough stones to do all 3 tenrolls (90 stones) for the guaranteed Fest. Note that the gacha disappears 30 days after account creation.

- Intrusions
- Endless Towers
Mid Game:
- Collecting 50 Wildes from events
- Building SaD teams
- Reaching 50F in Endless Towers
Pre-Late Game:
- Raising niche cards for Guild Rush
- Increasing card index level
Notable Cards
The following are commonly used terms in the Puyo Puyo!! Quest community.
Some may appear throughout this guide.
- Active Skill (AS): a card's Skill that can be activated after popping a certain amount of Puyo. Shown as Skill (スキル) in-game.
- All Star: cards with the All Star Special Training Board (selectable Ailment shield on 16th Training Tier). These cards usually require Sir Wilde (40)'s and/or have a side color. Generally considered on par or a tier below Fests.
- ASE: acronym for
Attack Source Expansion.
- CA: acronym for Cross Ability. An effect that is activated automatically after popping a certain amount of Puyo. Shown as Ability (アビリティ) in-game.
- Fest: abbreviation of Puyo Fest (ぷよフェス). These cards have a Card Cost of 48 or higher at ★6. Generally very powerful or versatile.
- Fisher: refers to Skills that turn next Puyo
into a specific color. Named after the
Fisherboys Series.
- FP: acronym for Full Power (フルパワー). Full Power cards can pop additional Puyos to "power up" their Active Skill and are typically considered the strongest cards in the game. Can also refer to the Active Skill itself.
- Lead: the 1st card in your deck.
- Lore Fest: Fest cards tied to a non-Puyo Fest series through lore. Typically not a part of the series keyword (aside from Crowlas).
- LS: acronym for Leader Skill. The Leader Skill is active as long as the card is in the 1st deck slot. Shown as Leader (リーダー) in-game.
- Monocolor: decks that are only 1 main color.
- Nuke: a Skill that deals heavy damage, typically through a field change or field reset.
[★7] Arle is an example of the former, while
[★7] Charmy Draco is an example of the latter.
- Prism: short for
prism balls.
- Rainbow: refers to Skills that are most effective when all colors (including side colors) are present.
- SaD: acronym for Tower of Steam and Darkness. An event that is considered "late game" due to its difficulty.
- Stew: fan nickname for Mix-up Summons.
- Tenroll/10IAR: summoning 10 cards at once in a gacha. Shown as 10連ガチャ (10-in-a-row Gacha) in-game.
- Universal: refers to Skills that effects all cards, regardless of color.
- Wilde: abbreviation of Sir Wilde. Can refer to both the item or raising a character's level cap.