PPQ:Re:Zero Challenge

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Re:Zero Challenge
Opening Banner
Event Period (UTC+9)2021/08/22 15:00~2021/08/29 23:59 (last boss summon 2021/08/28 23:59)
Event TypeCo-op Boss Challenge


See Category:PPQ:Co-op Boss Challenge Events for general information on Co-op Boss Challenge Events.

  • Text in red are exclusive to this event
Battle Type Stamina Turn Limit Special
Battle with 10 Stamina
10 3 None
Battle with 30 Stamina
30 2 6 cards immediately skill-ready
(only Normal Skill for Full Power cards)
Level UXP Difficulty Medium
Boss [★5] Klug ver. Puck [★6] Klug ver. Puck [★7] Klug ver. Puck
10-stam. 30-stam. Time Limit 1h 30m
1~49 1300 1690 Lives ×1 ×2 ×3
50~99 1900 2470 ×1 ×2 ×4
100 2600 3380 ×2 ×3 ×5
101~149 increasing
×3 ×4 ×5
150~151 3300 4290 ×3 ×4 ×5


By Boss Defeat Rewards

Boss Level Rewards
Stamina Herb (20)×1
Stamina Herb (20)
expires 2021/08/01 23:59
randomly 2~4
[★6] Comet Puyo×1
[★6] Comet Puyo (all colors)
[★6] Crown Puyo×1~7
[★6] Crown Puyo (all colors)
[★5] Moon Puyo×1~2
[★5] Moon Puyo (all colors)
Unknown Tome×1
Unknown Tome
expires 2021/08/28 23:59
Lv. 10
Red Sir Wilde (30)×1
Red Sir Wilde (30)
Lv. 20
Blue Sir Wilde (30)×1
Blue Sir Wilde (30)
Lv. 30
Green Sir Wilde (30)×1
Green Sir Wilde (30)
Lv. 40
Yellow Sir Wilde (30)×1
Yellow Sir Wilde (30)
Lv. 50
Purple Sir Wilde (30)×1
Purple Sir Wilde (30)
Lv. 60
Red Sir Wilde (40)×1
Red Sir Wilde (40)
Lv. 70
Blue Sir Wilde (40)×1
Blue Sir Wilde (40)
Lv. 80
Green Sir Wilde (40)×1
Green Sir Wilde (40)
Lv. 90
Yellow Sir Wilde (40)×1
Yellow Sir Wilde (40)
Lv. 100
Purple Sir Wilde (40)×1
Purple Sir Wilde (40)
Lv. 110
Colorful Sir Wilde (40)×1
Colorful Sir Wilde (40)
Lv. 120
Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Summer Puyo×2
Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Summer Puyo
expires 2021/10/31 23:59
Lv. 130
Red Sir Wilde (50)×1
Red Sir Wilde (50)
Lv. 140
Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Summer Puyo×1
Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Summer Puyo
expires 2021/10/31 23:59
Lv. 150
Blue Sir Wilde (50)×1
Blue Sir Wilde (50)

By Challenge Point Gacha

  • Challenge Point Gacha opens until 2021/05/13 23:59
  • Extra Box 1 (EX1) and Extra Box 2 (EX2) appears alternately after Box 9
  • Key:
    = available •
    = Win (当たり!)
    = Big Win (大当たり!) • @ = for each color/type
Box 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EX1 EX2
No. in Box 100 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 300 300
Feature (delivered to Present Box)
[★6] Klug ver. Puck×1
[★6] Klug ver. Puck 1 1 1 1 1
[★5] Klug ver. Puck×1
[★5] Klug ver. Puck 1
[★6] Grimoire of Fluff×1
[★6] Grimoire of Fluff 5 1 1 1 1 1
[WS] Subaru Natsuki
[WS] Subaru Natsuki 1 1 1 1 1
Materials (delivered to Present Box)
[★5] Pusler×1
[★5] Pusler (ATK/RCV/HP) @3
[★4] Pusler×1
[★4] Pusler (ATK/RCV/HP) @3 @1 @1
[★3] Pusler×1
[★3] Pusler (ATK/RCV/HP) @3 @3 @3 @3 @3 @3 @3
[★5] Everything Pusler×1
[★5] Everything Pusler 3
[★4] Everything Pusler×1
[★4] Everything Pusler 1 1 1
[★3] Everything Pusler×1
[★3] Everything Pusler 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
[★5] Skill Pusler×1
[★5] Skill Pusler 1 1
[★4] Skill Pusler×1
[★4] Skill Pusler 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
[★3] Skill Pusler×1
[★3] Skill Pusler 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
[★6] Saturn Puyo×1
[★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) @1 @2 @2
[★6] Comet Puyo×1
[★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) @1 @1 @1 @1 @1 @1 @5 @5 @5 @3 @3
[★6] Crown Puyo×1
[★6] Crown Puyo (all colors) @5 @5 @5 @5 @5 @5 @10 @10
[★5] Grimoire×1
[★5] Grimoire (all colors) @1
[★6] Grimoire×1
[★6] Grimoire (all colors) @1
[★6] 100-point Test×1
[★6] 100-point Test (all colors) @1
[★3] Yellow Book of Secrets×1
[★3] Yellow Book of Secrets 1 1
[★5] Purple Book of Secrets×1
[★5] Purple Book of Secrets 3
[★4] Purple Book of Secrets×1
[★4] Purple Book of Secrets 4
[★3] Purple Book of Secrets×1
[★3] Purple Book of Secrets 5
Items (directly credited)
Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Summer Puyo×1
Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Summer Puyo
expires 2021/10/31 23:59
Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Summer Puyo×1
Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Summer Puyo
expires 2021/10/31 23:59
2 3
Magic Stone×1
Magic Stone 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
PuyoPoint PuyoPoint
5 4 4
10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Stamina Herb (20)×1
Stamina Herb (20)
expires 2021/08/29 23:59
5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3
Master's Truffle×1
Master's Truffle 3 3 6 1 1
Thief's Banana×1
Thief's Banana 10 10 15 3 3
Power Strawberry

Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus
★1 PuyoVeggies @5 @5 @5 @5 @5 @5 @8 @8 @8 @5 @5
Summons Point Summons Point
50 30 15 30 15 30 25 20 20 55 45
100 15 10 15 10 15 15 15 15 30 30
200 13
500 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 20 20
Coin Coin
500 15 30 15 30 15 25 25 20 45 55
1000 10 15 10 15 10 15 15 15 30 30
2000 13 4 4 4 4 4 10 10 10 20 20

Support Skill

  • Re:Zero Challenge Special Skill (リゼロチャレンジ特攻): Attack of self increases to 5× in Re:Zero Challenge
Characters Support Skill Level
Ram Ram ★6~7
Reinhard van Astrea Reinhard van Astrea ★6~7
Priscilla Barielle Priscilla Barielle ★6~7
Al Al ★6~7
Puck Puck ★5
Rafisol ver. Ram Rafisol ver. Ram ★6~7
Klug ver. Puck Klug ver. Puck ★5~7
Rem Rem ★6~7
Ferris Ferris ★6~7
Ally ver. Rem Ally ver. Rem ★6~7
Crusch Karsten Crusch Karsten ★6~7
Julius Juukulius Julius Juukulius ★6~7
Emilia & Puck Emilia & Puck ★6~7
Felt Felt ★6~7
Witch ver. Emilia Witch ver. Emilia ★6~7
Subaru Natsuki Subaru Natsuki ★6~7
Beatrice Beatrice ★6~7
Anastasia Hoshin Anastasia Hoshin ★6~7
Risukuma ver. Subaru Risukuma ver. Subaru ★6~7
Feli ver. Beatrice Feli ver. Beatrice ★6~7
Series Lv.1
Subarisu Subarisu ★5