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< Return to Ecolo

This page contains the transcripts and translations for Ecolo's chants as they appear throughout the series.

Puyo Puyo 7, Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Puyo Puyo Chronicle, & Puyo Puyo Tetris 2

  • Light Blue - Puyo Puyo Tetris Alt Voice
  • Dark Stale Blue - Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Alt Voice
Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 おう! Ou! Oh!
Yes! (T2 Alt. Voice)
Chain 2 いいね! Ii ne! Good!
Chain 3 なかなかいいね! Nakanaka ii ne! Pretty nice!
Chain 4 興奮してきたよ! Kofunshite kita yo! How exciting!
Repeater わはははは! Wahahahaha! Wahahahahahaha!
Counter お返しだ! Okaeshi da! Payback! Take that!
Spell 1 ライアー Raiaa Liar You cheater!
Spell 2 スウィンドル Suindoru Swindle You liar!
Spell 3 フェイク・スピーチ Feiku Supiichi Fake Speech What a fraud!
Spell 4 ラブリー・トリック Raburii Torikku Lovely Trick You trickster!
Spell 5 イミテーション Imiteeshon Imitation Just an imitation!
Tetris Line Clear テトリスだね!
Tetorisu da ne!
Tetorisu da no.
It's a Tetris!
That's a Tetris! (T2 Alt. Voice)
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light いたーい… Itai... Ouch... Ow.
Heavy 痛いなぁ~! Itai na! Hey, it hurts! That hurts!
Match Start and Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select 一緒に遊ぼうよ
一緒に遊ぼう? (T2 Alt. Voice)
Issho-ni asobou yo. Let's play together.
Win あー、楽しかった!
楽しいねぇ~! (until 20th)
Aa, tanoshikatta!
Tanoshii ne!
Ah, that was fun!
This is fun, eh?
Woohoo, that was fun!
Lose 負けちゃったかぁ… Makechatta ka... Aw, I've lost...
Fever Mode and Big Bang
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered いいんじゃない? Ii n ja nai? Isn't that great? Hey, that's good!
Succeed いい感じだ
よしよし! (until 20th)
Ii kanji da.
Yoshi yoshi!
It's going well.
Well, well!
Jackpot, hahaha!
Jackpot! Ha!
Failed ダメかぁ… Dame ka... Not good... Darn, no good.
No good...
Big Bang ぼっよよ~ん!
受け止めきれる? (T2 Alt. Voice)
Can you stop this? (Translation)
Are you ready for this? (T2 English Alt. Voice)
Light Attack そーれ! Sore! There!
Severe Attack 痛いかもよ? Itai kamo yo? This might hurt!
Win あはははは! Ahahahaha!
Light Damage うわぁ! Uwaa! Ah! Wow!
Severe Damage 楽しくないよ…
楽しくないなぁ... (T2 Alt. Voice)
Tanoshiku nai yo...
Tanoshiku nai na...
This isn't fun...
Lose ひどいよ… Hidoi yo... Meanie...
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Match Start ぷよぷよがいいな!
Puyo Puyo ga ii na!
Tetorisu ga ii na!
I want to play Puyo Puyo/Tetris! Anyone for Puyo Puyo/Tetris?
Swap どっちもいいな! Dotchi-mo ii na! I like both of them! Make up your mind!
Swap while in disadvantage ふぅー Fuu... Whew...
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Power-up item いいねぇ Ii ne! Good! Very nice!
Offensive item あげるよ Ageru yo. I give you this. Here you go!
Getting multiple items at once 楽しく(...)なってきた! Tanoshiku natte kita! This is getting fun!
Topped out まだ遊ぼう? Mada asobou? Let's keep playing. Let's play again!
Win 最高に楽しかったよ! Saikou-ni tanoshikatta yo! Most fun I've had all day!
Be a Runner-Up もっと遊ぼうよ
遊び足りないなぁ (T2 Alt. Voice)
Motto asobou yo.
Asobi tarinai na.
Let's play more.
I haven't played enough.
Let's play again.
Let's play some more! (T2 Alt. Voice)
Lose おや? Oya? Huh?!
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Mix Chain ミックス連鎖だよ! Mikkusu Rensa dayo! Mix Chain!
Tetris Plus テトリスプラスだよ! Tetorisu Purasu dayo! Tetris Plus!
Chaining by a Tetrimino crushing Puyo かなりいいね! Kanari ii ne! Quite good! Not too bad!
Transformation and Pair Puyo Puyo
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain A ぼよよん Boyoyon! Bouncy!
Chain B ぼっよよ~ん! Boyoyon! Bouncy-bouncy!
Pair Attack A 楽しく Tanoshiku, Happily,
Pair Attack B ペアアタック! Pea Attakku! Pair Attack!
Pair Life Lost まだ遊ぼう? Mada asobou? Let's keep playing.
Pair Life Gone おや? Oya? Huh?!
Special Pair Victory
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
With Ringo
Ecolo 以心伝心? Ishin denshin? Telepathical?
Ringo 勝っちゃいました... Katchaimashita... Oops, we won...
Skill Battle
Activated Skill Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Unused 力になろうか? Chikara-ni narou ka? Need my help?
Crestfall これでどうかな Kore-de dou kana? Does this work?
How do you like this?
Color Change そおれ!やっちゃえ!
助けがいるね (T2 Alt. Voice)
Soore! Yatchae!
Tasuke-ga iru ne.
There, go get 'em!
You need (my) help (, don't you?)
Pair Puyo Change やってあげるよ! Yatte ageru yo! Let ME do it!
System Startup
Result Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Boot Up 1 セガ! Sega!
Boot Up 2 テトリス! Tetorisu! Tetris!
Title Screen ぷよぷよテトリス!
Puyo Puyo Tetorisu!
Puyo Puyo Tetorisu 2!
Puyo Puyo Tetris!
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2!
Online Greetings
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
待ちきれないよ! Machikirenai yo! I can't wait!
あはははは、よろしくね! Ahahahaha, yoroshiku ne! Hahaha! Greetings!
一緒に遊ぼうよ Issho-ni asobou yo. Let's play!
お楽しみはこれからさ Otanoshimi-wa kore kara sa. The fun is about to start!
さあ、どうしたい? Saa, dou shitai? So, what do you wanna do?

Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop

Player Chain & Damage
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 ほら Hora! Here! Oh!
Chain 2 どう Dō... How about... Good!
Chain 3 比較的 Hikakuteki... Relatively... Pretty nice!
Chain 4 楽しいかも Tanoshī kamo! It might be fun! Oh, How exciting!
Repeater もっと行こう Motto ikou! Let's go further! Wahahahahahaha!
Chain 20-24 ぼよよん Boyoyon! Bouncy!
Chain 25+ ぼっよよ~ん! Boyoyon! Bouncy-bouncy!
Counter 邪魔しないでよ Jama shinaide yo! Don't get in the way! Take that!
Spell 1 ライアー Raiaa Liar You cheater!
Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater!
Spell 2 スウィンドル Suindoru Swindle Oh, you liar!
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
Spell 3 フェイク・スピーチ Feiku Supiichi Fake Speech Oh, What a fraud!
Spell 4 ラブリー・トリック Raburii Torikku Lovely Trick You trickster!
Spell 5 イミテーション Imiteeshon Imitation Just an imitation!
All Clear 全部消えた! Zenbu kieta! Erase everything! That takes care of that!
Light Damage もう Mō... Seriously... Wow!
Heavy Damage 意地悪だな Ijiwaruda na! That's mean! This isn't fun...
Adventure Mode Map Dialogue
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Story introduction 僕はエコロ!時空の旅人 Boku wa Ekoro! Jikū no tabibito! I'm Ecolo, the space-time traveler!
Beginning an episode
or Challenge Dungeon
楽しいやろう! Tanoshī yarou! Let's have some fun! Let's play together!
Entering a stage 遊びに行こう! Asobi ni ikou! Let's go play!
Finding an item もらっていいの? Moratte ī no? Ooh, can I have this?
Finding an item 2 うわあ、いいね! Uwa a, ī ne! Wow, look at this!
Completing a stage 楽しいねぇ~! Tanoshii ne! That was fun!
Failing a stage あれぇ? Are? Huh? Aww, what?
Completing all stages もっと楽しいところに行こう! Motto tanoshī tokoro ni ikou! Let's go have even more fun!
Special Dialogue
Event Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character's birthday 今日はお願い聞いてもらっちゃおっかな Kyō wa onegai kiite moratcha okka na! Maybe I'll tell you my birthday wish!
Clearing a Secret Mission へえなかなかすごいと思うよ Hē nakanaka sugoi to omou yo! You did pretty great!
Player's birthday
Puyo Day
Character Select & Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select
Win 楽しかったかもねえ Tanoshikatta kamo nē! It might have been fun! Ahahahaha!
Lose え?嘘でしょ E? Usodesho... What? You're kidding... Meanie...
Fever Mode & Big Bang
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered わくわくするね Wakuwaku suru ne. It's exciting. Hey, that's good!
Clear Success できたよ Dekita yo! I did it! Jackpot, hahaha!
Clear Failed 間違えた Machigaeta... I messed up! Darn, no good.
Big Bang 覚悟はいい Kakugo wa ī? Are you ready for this? Can you stop this?
Light Attack どうぞ Dōzo! Here you go! There!
Heavy Attack あはははは! Ahahahaha! This might hurt!
Win ごめんね Gomen ne Sorry!
Light Damage ちょっと痛い Chotto itai! That hurts!
Heavy Damage ひどいな Hidoi na! You're awful!
Lose やったな Yatta na! That's it!