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This page contains the transcripts and translations for Lemres's chants as they appear throughout the series.

Puyo Puyo Fever 2

Player Chain (Raffina Type)
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain 1 ほら Hora. Here.
Chain 2 平気だよ Heiki da yo. It'll be fine
Chain 3 こわくないよ Kowaku-nai yo. Don't be afraid.
Chain 4 そばにおいで Soba-ni oide. Come over here.
Chain 5 モンテ Monte Monter (to rise)
Repeater メランジェ Meranje Mélanger (to mix)
Spell 1 リソレ Risore Rissoler (to sear)
Spell 2 ルーロ Ruuro Rouleau (Rolling Pin)
Spell 3 シュクレフィレ Shukurefire Sucre Filé (Spun Sugar)
Spell 4 キャラメリゼ Kyaramerize Caramelisér (to caramelize)
Spell 5 グラッサージュ Gurassaaju Glaçage (Icing)
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Light おっと O-tto... Oops...
Heavy おっとっと Otto-tto...! Oopsie-daisy!
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Entered 気をつけてね Ki-o tsukete ne. You should watch out.
Success よかったね Yokatta ne. This is good for you.
Failed こまったな…! Komatta na...! I'm in trouble...!
Match Start and Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Character Select はじめよう Hajimeyou. Let's begin.
Win 大丈夫? Daijoubu? You okay?
Lose 油断したかな… Yudan shita kana... Guess I let my guard down...
Japanese Romanization Translation
クレームドゥーブル Kureemu Duuburu Créme Double (Double Cream)

Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary & Puyo Puyo 7

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain 1 ほら Hora. Here.
Chain 2 平気だよ Heiki da yo. It'll be fine
Chain 3 こわくないよ Kowaku-nai yo. Don't be afraid.
Chain 4 そばにおいで Soba-ni oide. Come over here.
Repeater メランジェ Meranje Mélanger (to mix)
Counter 甘いね Amai ne. How sweet.
Spell 1 ファリネ Farine Fariner (to flour)
Spell 2 ルーロ Ruuro Rouleau (Rolling Pin)
Spell 3 シュクレフィレ Shukurefire Sucre Filé (Spun Sugar)
Spell 4 グラッサージュ Gurassaaju Glaçage (Icing)
Spell 5 フォレノワール Fore Nowaaru Forêt Noire (Black Forest)
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Light おっと O-tto... Oops...
Heavy あーらら Arara... Uh-oh!
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Entered 気をつけてね Ki-o tsukete ne. You should watch out.
Success よかったね Yokatta ne. This is good for you.
Failed こまったな…! Komatta na...! I'm in trouble...!
Match Start and Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Character Select はじめよう Hajimeyou. Let's begin.
Win 大丈夫? Daijoubu? You okay?
Lose 油断したかな… Yudan shita kana... Guess I let my guard down...
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain A ほぉーら Hora! Here!
Chain B まだまだ! Madamada! More!

Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain 1 さあ Saa! There!
Chain 2 大丈夫 Daijoubu! It's alright!
Chain 3 こわくないよ Kowaku-nai yo. Don't be afraid.
Chain 4 そばにおいで Soba-ni oide. Come over here.
Repeater アロゼ Aroze Arroser (to baste)
Counter 甘いね Amai ne. How sweet.
Spell 1 パルフェ Parufe Parfait
Spell 2 モンテ Monte Monter (to rise)
Spell 3 コンフィテュール Konfityuuru Confiture (Jam)
Spell 4 グラッサージュ Gurassaaju Glaçage (Icing)
Spell 5 フォレノワール Fore Nowaaru Forêt Noire (Black Forest)
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Light おっと O-tto... Oops...
Heavy そんなぁー! Sonna! No way!
Match Start and Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Character Select さあ、おいで。 Saa, oide. There, come to me.
Win みんな、仲良くね。 Minna, nakayoku ne. Everyone, let's be nice.
Lose 甘くないね。 Amaku nai ne. It's not so sweet.
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Entered 気をつけてね Ki-o tsukete ne. You should watch out.
Success わくわくするね Wakuwaku suru ne. It's exciting.
Failed 違ったかな Chigatta kana. Did I mess up?
Transformation and Pair Puyo Puyo
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain A ほぉーら Hora! Here!
Chain B まだまだ! Madamada! More!
Pair Attack A 仲良く Nakayoku, Friendlily,
Pair Attack B ペアアタック! Pea Attakku! Pair Attack!
Pair Life Lost がんばろう? Ganbarou? Hang in.
Pair Life Gone ごめんね Gomen ne. Sorry.
Special Pair Victory
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
With Klug
Lemres 頑張ったね、クルーク Ganbatta ne, Kuruuku. Good job, Klug.
Klug 感動だぁ...! Kandou da! How wonderful!
With Feli
Lemres 楽しかったよ、フェーリ Tanoshikatta yo, Feeri. I had fun, Feli.
Feli 先輩…! Senpai... My dear Lemres...!

Puyo Puyo Tetris, Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, & Puyo Puyo Chronicle

  • Cyan: Puyo Puyo Tetris 1 Alt. Voice
  • Sea Green: Both Puyo Puyo Tetris 1 & Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Alt. Voices
  • Green: Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Alt. Voice
Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 ほら Hora. Here.
Chain 2 おいで
Come to me.
Chain 3 こわくないよ
Kowaku-nai yo.
Osoreru na.
Don't be afraid.
Chain 4 食べてごらん!
Tabete goran!
Taste this! You okay?
Repeater アロゼ Aroze Arroser (to baste) Simmer down!
Calm yourself...!
Counter 甘い(ね)! Amai (ne)! Too soft! How sweet.
Too easy!
Spell 1 パルフェ Parufe Parfait
Spell 2 モンテ Monte Monter (to rise) Donuts
Spell 3 コンフィテュール Konfityuuru Confiture (Jam) Gingerbread
Spell 4 グラッサージュ Gurassaaju Glaçage (Icing) Bundt Cakes
Spell 5 フォレノワール Fore Nowaaru Forêt Noire (Black Forest) Cream Pies
Tetris Line Clear テトリスだ(よ)! Tetorisu da(yo)! Tetris!
Enemy Attack
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light おっと O-tto... Whoops!
Heavy そんなぁー!
Nan da-to!?
No way! Uh-oh!
Match Start and Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select よ・ろ・し・く・ね。
Why, hi there! Let's have fun, okay?
I've had a lot of sugar, let's do this...!
Win みんな、仲良くね
Minna, nakayoku ne.
Minna, amasugiru.
Seizei nakayoku na.
Everyone, let's be nice.
You guys are such suckers.
Piece of cake.
Victory sweets!
Lose 甘くないね Amaku nai ne. It's not so sweet. That wasn't sweet.
Aw, vegetables...
Fever Mode and Big Bang
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered 気をつけてね
Ki-o tsukete ne.
Ki-o tsukero!
You should watch out. Atta boy.
Watch out!
Success わくわくするね
Wakuwaku suru ne.
Kokoro ga odoru!
It's exciting.
My heart dances!
Woo, nice!
Such thrills...!
Failed 違ったか(な) Chigatta ka(na). Did I mess up? Oh well...
Big Bang 始まるよ!
Hajimaru yo!
Hajimeru zo!
Here it begins! You ready?
Let's begin!
Light Attack そーれ! Sore! Here! Take that.
There you go!
Severe Attack まだ行くよ/
Mada iku yo/zo! More to go! Hahahaha!
I'm not through yet!
Win ごめんね
Gomen ne.
Warui na.
How rude of me~!
Light Damage あいたっ!
Ouch! Ugh!
Severe Damage どうしようか(なぁ)…
Dou shiyou ka(na)...
Dou suru...
What should I do? Time to act fast...
What now?!
Lose 残念(だなぁ)…
Zannen (da na)... That's a shame... Disappointing...
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Match start ぷよぷよだ(ね)
Puyo Puyo da(ne)!
Tetorisu da(ne)!
Puyo Puyo.
Swap かえるね
Kaeru ne/yo. Let's change. Let's mix it up.
Swap while in disadvantage 助かったか(なぁ) Tasukatta ka(na). I guess I'm saved. That's helpful...
That helped.
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Power-up item やったね!
Yatta (ne)! I did it!
Sugar rush!
Sweet, sugar!
Offensive item おくりもの(だ) Okurimono (da)! A gift for you! Got you something.
Getting multiple items at once お菓子詰め合わせ!
Okashi tsumeawase!
Hora yo!
Candy assortment!
Here's a box of chocolates.
Take this.
Topping out がんばろう?
Kokokara da.
Hang in. Once more with feeling.
I'm back for seconds!
Win みんな、楽しかったね!
Minna, tanoshikatta ne.
Tanoshimeta yo.
That was fun, right everyone?
Well, that was fun.
Easy as pie.
Like taking candy from, well, me!
Be a Runner-Up いい勝負だった(ね)
Ii shoubu datta (ne).
Nakanaka datta.
Good game. What a sweet match.
That was somethin', alright!
Lose お菓子が足りなかったかなぁ?
Okashi-ga tarinakatta kana...?
Okashi-ga tarinakatta ka...
I guess I needed more candy.
It was not enough.
What a let down.
Could've been sweeter...
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Mix Chain ミックス連鎖(だ)(ね)! Mikkusu Rensa (da)(ne)! Mix Chain!
Tetris Plus テトリスプラス(だ)(ね)! Tetorisu Purasu (da)(ne)! Tetris Plus!
Chaining by a Tetrimino crushing Puyo 嬉しいなぁ
Ureshii na.
I'm happy.
Lucky me.
Sugary sweet!
Mega Puyo Rush
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain A ほぉーら Hora! Here!
Chain B まだまだ! Madamada! More!
Skill Battle
Activated Skill Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Growth 召し上がれ
Yaru yo.
Bon appétit!
Have this.
Help yourself.
Let's do this!
Recycle これでどうかな?
Kore-de dou kana?
Kore naraba!
How do you like this?
How about this?!
Unused 行っておいで
Itte oide.
Go on!
Go go go go go go go!
Color Change きみにおくるよ!
Kimi-ni okuru yo.
Kurete yaru.
A gift for you!
I give you this.
I'm on a sugar rush!
System Startup
Result Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Boot Up 1 セガ! Sega!
Boot Up 2 テトリス! Tetorisu! Tetris!
Title Screen ぷよぷよテトリス!
Puyo Puyo Tetorisu!
Puyo Puyo Tetorisu 2!
Puyo Puyo Tetris!
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2!
Online Greetings
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
ふふふ、よろしくね Fufufu, yoroshiku ne. (*laugh*) Hey there! Nice to meet you.
*laugh* Get some pleasure!
始まるよ! Hajimaru yo! Let's do it.
さあ、おいで Saa, oide. There, come to me. Come 'n get it.
甘いお菓子はいかが? Amai okashi-wa ikaga? Want somethin' sweet, eh/huh?
こわくないよ Kowaku-nai yo. Don't be afraid now...
I'm totally fine to battle!

Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop

Player Chain & Damage
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 うふ Ufu Heh-heh!
*maniacal laughter*
Chain 2 どうぞ Dou zo Here you go!
Chain 3 こっちだよ! Kocchi dayo! Over here!
Chain 4 怖いがらないで Kowai garanaide Don't be afraid! Look out!
Repeater アロゼ Aroze Arroser (to baste) Simmer down!
Chain 20-24 甘いね! Amai ne! How sweet! How do you like that?!
Chain 25+ 甘いね!! Amai ne!! How sweet!! Are you satisfied now!?
*even MORE maniacal laughter*
Counter 甘いね Amai ne. How sweet!
Spell 1 パルフェ Parufe Parfait
Spell 2 モンテ Monte Monter (to rise) Donuts
Spell 3 コンフィテュール Konfityuuru Confiture (Jam) Gingerbread
Spell 4 グラッサージュ Gurassaaju Glaçage (Icing) Bundt Cakes
Spell 5 フォレノワール Fore Nowaaru Forêt Noire (Black Forest) Cream Pies
All Clear スッキリしたね! Sukkiri shita ne! That was refreshing!
Where'd it all go?!
Light Damage あれぇ? Are? Huh?
Heavy Damage ひどいな! Hidoi na! That's mean!
Aw, come on!
Adventure Mode Map Dialogue
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Story introduction 僕は彗星の魔導師、レムレス Boku wa suisei no madō-shi, Remuresu. I'm Lemres, the Comet Warlock!
Beginning an episode
or Challenge Dungeon
甘いスイーツはいかがか Amai suītsu wa ikaga ka? Would you like some sweets?
Entering a stage さあ、行こうか Saa, ikoka! Alright, let's do this.
Finding an item 1 プレゼントかな? Purezento ka na? A present?
Finding an item 2 Aw sweet!
Completing a stage 楽しかったね! Tanoshikatta ne! That was fun!
Failing a stage Hmmm...
Completing all stages できることはやったと思うよ Dekiru koto wa yatta to omou yo. I think I did what I could. Well, I did my best.
Special Dialogue
Event Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character's birthday Would you like to have some cake with me?
Clearing a Secret Mission Hey hey, you did a great job.
Player's birthday
Puyo Day
Character Select & Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select 甘いスイーツはいかがか? Amai suītsu wa ikaga ka? Would you like some sweets?
I've got sugar in me..!
Win とっても甘い気分だよ Tottemo amai kibunda yo. Piece of cake!
Lose I messed up...
Fever Mode & Big Bang
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered ほぉーらおいで Ho~o-ra oide Come and get it!
Clear Success (Ooh,) let's have some fun!
Clear Failed Oh well.
Big Bang 気をつけてね Ki-o tsukete ne. You should watch out. (Ooh,) be careful!
Light Attack Take that!
Heavy Attack (Ooh,) better watch out!
Win That's too bad!
Nope, sorry!
Light Damage Ow!
Heavy Damage That's not good!
Ah, I'm crashing!
Lose Aw, really?

Puyo Puyo!! Quest

Main article: PPQ:Voice_Transcript/Lemres

Main article: PPQ:Voice_Transcript/Steam City Lemres