LePlooper (or you can, uh, just call me Plooper) seems to be the type of guy who enjoys five things: synthwave, vaporwave, Super Mario 64 coins, Puyo Puyo Quest-exclusive characters, and Madou characters. Quite lame.
I work mainly on Quest pages. You may see me either working on Technical maps for their enemy profiles, translating, or procrastinating at templates.
See that cool looking thing above the page? I don't. It's a <div> element which was configured with a "sticky" position parameter, so it won't stick to your screen until you scroll down enough.
You know, besides me being part of the 0.017839444995045% of all members here actively making sure this wiki doesn't go up in flames, I immerse myself to the wonders of 3D modeling (which I can't really do much given my circumstances nowadays but I'll get back into it someday), writing, and drawing (which isn't my strong suit). Don't know what other filler to add here... ooh, I can start by appreciating the very few fan-stories that exclusively feature Quest characters since I don't see them that often. It's baffling there aren't much of them; there's literally hundreds of characters and I really want to see how others decide to write them.
Mayhap I could do it myself, but that'll take work...
...and ideas.
Like I said, I like Madou-exclusives, but nothing can come close to the Rock Eaters. Zero fanart? A disgrace.
Rarely you'll see me draw something. Best at drawing an occasional creature (like a Chulap, to give you some sort of view), though I want to try Pumpkin someday.
Damn, Puyo Quest mooks. They should do more with them. (Ooh? They've listened to me, somewhat, but that's not a Quest mook. Hard pass.)
You ain't built for these groves son
LePlooper's Endless Tower
This user dabbles in HTML/CSS.
This user is an administrator of the Puyo Nexus Wiki.
Translation progress and revisions can be found in the Translation Hold section of my sandbox page. If you ever feel the need to edit any of my translations, knock yourself out.
A majority of these aren't proofread, if that encourages you.
Materials are not included here, mostly since I don't plan on translating any.