User:LePlooper/Box of Sand
Greetings And Welcome To My Domain
PPQ Enemy Profile Overhaul
Mass attack (4000) +6 |
None |
Create 8 (6th row) |
Self 2 (-99%) |
1T Trace Capacity -1 |
None |
None |
Self 2 (-99%) |
5 consec. attacks (4000) |
1T Transform Next Attack 3 cards (4000)
+Skill Rewind (+5) |
1T Trace Capacity -2 |
Mass attack (4000) |
Mass attack
(colorless ×100,000) |
None |
None |
All enemies 111 (0.5×) |
-- |
None |
All cards 6 |
None |
10 consec. attacks (20,000) |
Mass attack (20,000) |
Turn 1 |
Turn 1 |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
What To Do or whatever
- Add ultimatum
Deck by: LePlooper Notes: Instantly win any quest with this | ||||||||||
Fangzhang | |
Empusa | |
Fangzhang |
Color To COPY and PASTE
赤 | あか |
青 | あお |
緑 | みどり |
黄 | き |
紫 | むらさき |
You Are Going To Shit Your Pants
Translation Hold
I don't think I have to explain what this is
Anyway Eudaemonics was the inspiration for the creation of this section check em out
Plooper's Translation Stipulations
- Onomatopoeia may be written in-between asterisks to be consistent with PPT localization (e.g. ★3 Drana's third monologue line).
- My biases are toward the Quest mooks and (if they ever get more cards) New Animals, Friends of the Ocean, Trapcrafters, Microns, and Pumpkin.
- You're never going to catch me putting tildes on my translations (due to irrational squick); I can give you the luxury of tacking them on, however.
- I may be inconsistent and not follow these myself.
Here They Are Here Are The Translations
うりとイノシシが 合体したような姿のモンスター。 かわいいが、うりくさい。 カリウムたっぷり。
- A monster which appears to be a mix of a wild boar and a watermelon. It's a cute one, but it reeks of melon. It has plenty of potassium.
「どけどけえっ! オレは誰も止められねえっ!」
- "Outta the way! No one's stoppin' me, you hear!?"
「猪突猛進、つっぱしるッ! それがオレだあああああ!!」
- "Reckless pighead rushin' through! That's MEEEEEE!!"
「思い込んだらどこまでも!! 曲がることなく突き進むッ!!」
- "Once you make up your mind, go along with it!! You gotta push forward; there's no turnin' back!!"
うりとイノシシが 合体したような姿のモンスター。 熱血で直情的、 猪突猛進のちょっと困ったヤツ。
- A monster which appears to be a mix of a wild boar and a watermelon. Hot-blooded and candid, this one's recklessness makes it a bit troublesome.
「猪突猛進、つっぱしるッ! オレの合言葉だああああ!!」
「気が付いたら知らない場所にいる! それでも曲がらず突っ走るッ!!」
「曲がり角など目もくれず! オレはどこまでも突っ走るッ!!」
- A strange radish-like creature merchant equipped with a basket on his back. He speaks as if he has a French accent...or so he believes.
「パキスタだ~な~ 呼んでくれて、ありがた~な~。」
- "I'm Pakistaaa~na~! 'Ave you called me 'ere? Thank you very muuch~na~."
「ウィ、りょうかい~ お役にたとうな~。」
- "Oui, gooot it. I will be of 'elp to yooou."
「クエストに行こうな~? いろいろ拾える~の~。」
- "Are we going on zee quest? I shall pick up various items~no~."
- A strange radish-like creature merchant equipped with a basket on his back. He claims to have a French accent...or so it would seem, according to his odd French tone.
「大根?ち、ちがう~の~ パキスタはパキスタ~な~」
- "I'm a radish? Y-You misunderstaaand~, no~. Pakista is known as zee Pakistaaa~na~."
「いろいろ、たくさん、売ってる~の ぜひぜひ、見てほし~の~」
- "Numerous wares, good deals, all for saaale~no! By all means, take zee looook~no~."
「いっしょにクエストいって ほし~のぉ。」
- "I want to go on zee quest togetheeer~non."
- A strange radish-like creature merchant equipped with a basket on his back. He insists that he has a French background.
「ムッシュー、そしてマドモアゼル だれでも、いらっしゃり~の~」
- "Monsieurs and mademoiselles, any and all are welcooome~no~."
「まいどありがた~な~ 商売繁盛!メルシ~♪」
- "I thank you for zee patronaaage~na~! Entreprise florissante! Merci! ♪"
「カブでも大根でもない~の~ パキスタ~な~!」
- "I am no turnip nor zee radiiish~no~. I am Pakistaaa~na~!"
背中に籠を背負った、ダイコンのおばけ。 あやしげな商人。 フランス語なまりらしい言葉づかいと 変化の少ない表情が、余計にアヤシイ。
- A strange radish-like creature merchant equipped with a basket on his back. He speaks in this alleged French accent, all the while his facial expression seldom changes, which makes him seem even stranger.
「強くなったらやりたいこと~の? もっとお金をかせぐ~の~!」
- ""
「品ぞろえがふえてきた~な! 感謝する~の~♪」
- ""
「ねだん交渉もうけつける~の まずはそうだんして~な~」
- ""
- A strange radish-like creature merchant equipped with a basket on his back.
「クエストならついて行く~の 出張買い取り~な♪」
- ""
「売れるものならなんでも売る~の まかせて~な」
- ""
「パ、パキスタは売れない~の …だから大根じゃないと言ってる~の!」
- "P-Pakista is not up for zee grabs~, no! ...That's why I say I am no radiiish~, no!"
- A strange radish-like creature merchant equipped with a basket on his back.
「お客さんいっぱいでうれしい~の とってもありがた~な♪」
- ""
「ぷよ勝負を買って~の そして、一緒にぷよぷよしてほし~の」
- ""
「こう見えて料理のお店もやってる~の こんど食べに来て~な!」
- ""
Future Whenever Pumpkin Alt
- A dolt can only dream!
Shaula (revision)
天界にあるさそり宮に住む天界人。規律正しい性格で、あまり人を寄せ付けない 雰囲気を出している。よくイライラしているように見える。
- The celestial residing within the shrine of Scorpio of the Heavenly Sphere. She's got a self-disciplined attitude, coupled with an air of caginess toward others. It is often she appears fretful.
- "I'm Shaula... The hell do you want?"
「用がないなら帰るわね あなたと話をしていても何もないでしょ」
- "You got nothing? Leave then; it just seems you don't have anything of importance to say to me."
「私は忙しいの …もうっ、あいつはどこに行ったのよ」
- "I'm quite busy here... Wha, where'd that one person go?"
天界にあるさそり宮に住む天界人。規律正しい性格で、あまり人を寄せ付けない。一人でいることが多く、練習も一人だけで 何時間も行っているらしい。
- The celestial residing within the shrine of Scorpio of the Heavenly Sphere. She's got a self-disciplined attitude, and is kind of cagey towards others. Being predominantly alone, she undergoes training with no one else around, which may go on for hours on end.
「くっ、まさかあれぐらいで折れるなんて… 過信してたわ…」
- "Damn it, I didn't expect it would snap like that... I overestimated myself..."
「こんな槍じゃ、あいつに届かない… もっと良い槍を作ってもらわなくちゃ…」
- "This spear can't reach 'em... Need someone to create a spear that's more durable..."
「クエストぐらい一人で行きなさいよ …私は一人で行けるから」
- "It's best to go on a quest by one's self... therefore it's best I go by myself."
天界にあるさそり宮に住む天界人。 規律正しい性格で、あまり人を寄せ付けない。 彼女が努力し続けるのは、誰のためでもなく 自分自身のため。
- The celestial residing within the shrine of Scorpio of the Heavenly Sphere. She's got a self-disciplined attitude, and is kind of cagey towards others. She's the type to never back down on hard work, not for the betterment of others, but for herself.
「まどわされないでよ 自分が信じた槍で、一点突破のみ!」
- "Allowing one's self to be deluded isn't gonna cut it! With this spear by my side, it's nothing but make or break!"
「私は自分が正しいとは思ってはいないわ …ただ、自分にウソをつきたくないから」
- ""
「付いてくるのはかまわないけど ジャマしたら、ただじゃおかないわよ」
- ""
Uncanny Lamia
- A snake-bodied monster girl.
がおーっ!! かぼちゃの魔女だぞぉ~…あれ?
- RAAAWRGH!! Fear the one known as the Pumpkin Wiiitch! ...Whah? That was supposed to scare you; why the heck are you laughing?!
おかしを食べちゃうんだから! がおーっ♪
おかしなんて持ってない? なら、これあげる♪
And Now For Something Completely Different
「ナンダ オマエ! ジャマスルナラ コノムチデ オシオキシチャウヨ!」 "Hey, you! You'll taste the whip if you don't get out of the way!" | |
「イマ タノシイコトヲ サガシテルンダ! オマエモ テツダエ!」 "It's time now to look for fun things to do! You're coming along!" | |
「ケケケケケ! ヤルノカ? ヤッチャウカ?」 "Kehehehehe! You all good? You all set?" | |
「ケタケタケタ! バトル! バトル!」 "Kehehehahaha! Baaatle! We gotta BAAATLE!" | |
「オマエ オソイゾ! ハヤク コノ タイクツヲ ナントカシロ!」 "About time you got here! Gotta look for something to stop the slacking, and fast!" | |
「ケケケケ! タノシクナッテキタ!!」 "Kehehehe! The fun's just begun!!" | |
「ケタケタケタ! オマエノ オドロクカオヲ ミセロ! ケタケタケタ!」 "Kehehehahaha! Lemme see your pale face! Kehehehahaha!" | |
「ケタケタケタ! オモシロイ! オモシロイ! モット ミセロ!」 "Kehehehahaha! So funny! Sooo funny! Lemme see more!" |
Translation Hold's Corner of Judgement
go nuts - LePlooper (talk) 03:47, 10 December 2023 (UTC)
I'm stuck between either localizing Pakista's sentence end particles or just leaving them be (like how Tsu handled it) - LePlooper (talk) 07:03, 16 February 2024 (UTC)
OK I'll just localize those sentence-end particles as French sprinkled in his sentences - Plooper (user • talk • pumpkin • your mom) 19:06, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
Other Thing
This goes hard
|ft1= |ft2= |ft3= |ft4= |ften= |line11= |line12= |line1en= |line21= |line22= |line2en= |line31= |line32= |line3en= |tl1= |ed1=
Easy-peasy copy-pasty.
|ft1= |ft2= |ft3= |ft4= |line11= |line12= |line21= |line22= |line31= |line32=
If the card lacks translations and you don't feel like adding them right now.
I Should Kill People With Hatchets - Plooper (user • talk • pumpkin • your mom) 21:06, 30 April 2024 (UTC)
Turn | Action(s) | Action(s) |
Stage ?/? |
PPQ Skill Text But LePlooper
PPQ Conditions Timeline
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
April 24 | ||
April 24 | ||
April 24 | ||
April 24 | ||
April 24 | ||
April 24 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
April 24 | ||
June 17 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
October 30 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
September 17 | ||
October 7 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
February 26 | ||
February 27 | ||
February 27 | ||
September 30 | ||
December 1 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
April 24 | ||
July 15 | ||
July 29 | ||
November 25 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
March 2 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
February 25 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
December 26 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
May 22 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
December 26 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
July 26 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
June 20 | ||
October 24 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
June 20 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
November 13 | ||
December 10 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
August 9 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
August 9 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
October 24 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
July 19 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
February 1 |
Condition | Debuted with | Date |
February 1 |