User:LePlooper/Translation Index/101
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LePlooper (talk • contributions • Box of Sand • Concepts (OC • ET • Gen) • Translation Index (1~ • 101~ • 201~ • 301~ • 401~ • 501~) • PPQ Enemy Profile Guide • Quest-exclusives if I gave them descriptions)
The Translation Index! It's the good old Card Index, but specifically for translation statuses of cards. You are currently at 101-200 of the Index.
You are free to add your name here if you've done any translations, otherwise I'm adding it.
- This index does not account for voice transcript translations.
- Card translations that are in succession are marked with a dash inbetween card rarity numbers, like "★1-4". Duh.
- Asterisks indicate that a translation has been edited. They have an abbreviation HTML so you can hover over it and see the editor's name.
- Ampersands with said HTMLs indicate the user after it only translated some cards with the other translator. You can hover over them to see which card(s) in specific.
- A superscript next to a username indicates the user has only translated that part.
- f = Flavor text only
- mn = Monologue lines only ("n" is the amount of monologue lines translated)
- Card templates that don't exist are replaced with proper filler, which I hope you enjoy.