This page hosts some translations that don't have a good place to be stored on the wiki and translation notes for existing translations, especially voice transcripts. I frequently use the bottom of the page to draft/format stories.
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- If there is a character or manzai listed here that anyone wants to translate, you do not need to ask me if you can translate them instead!
- I cannot guarantee that my translations are free of errors. When help is available, I obtain it from one of my senpai: Ingu, Ami, Acy, or Neni.
- I try not to fix character tone unless it's blatantly incorrect because those are a bit subjective. I retranslate things that are incorrect, but please leave a message on my talkpage if it bothers you. You can reach out to me on Discord as a last resort, if necessary.
- My Japanese hovers around upper N4 and lower N3. I frequently use a dictionary, but I do not use machine translators. I'm open to learning and I'm willing to chat about translation choices and Japanese through Discord or my talkpage!
- Translation biases: Primp students and Fever-era, Stellar Mages, Sages, Assistants, Parascience Institute, Dark and Light angels, Warlocks, Tidal Roar Knights.
- Style notes:
- I follow Precise Museum's style guide for Ocean Prince, Witch, and certain appellations, so even if a character calls someone -san or -kun in Japanese, my English translation might not reflect that. If I feel they're important/notable for character relationships, I may localize honorifics.
- I don't add periods after symbols (hearts, stars, music notes etc.)
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- If you're using my translations that are hosted on my userpage or posted in the wiki Discord, please ask me first and credit me in your post.
- Compile Club - The Many Faces of Compile: Ragnus
- Compile Club - The Many Faces of Compile: Runelord (WIP)
- Compile Club - The Many Faces of Compile: Demiserf
French Magazine Article Translation
Originally posted in the Puyo Wiki Central Discord Server. You can view the article here.
Puyo Puyo Sun |
Puyo Puyo is considered by many to be the best spiritual successor to Tetris. This third arcade entry fills a gap in the library of the N64.
Also known as Dr. Robotnik on the Mega Drive and Game Gear, or as Kirby's Avalanche on the Super Nintendo, Puyo Puyo is a game with a simple concept that immediately hooks you. Arrange the colored pieces in different combinations and defeat your opponent. This third entry is named "Sun", a play on words with the Japanese "san" for three. The second entry was named "Tsu" which meant "expert" and also sounded like the English "two"... The novelty of this version rests in the Sun Puyos. These are created after you successfully offset/counter-attack your opponent. By clearing them, you'll be able to launch new attacks on your opponent. There are many modes: Kachimeki Puyo Puyo (a tournament for 16 players), Endless Nazo Puyo (16 puzzles to challenge and complete), Single-player Puyo Puyo (a story mode with a silly scenario and 3 levels of difficulty), and Two-player Puyo Puyo (versus mode--the best!!) |
![]() | ||
Name | Japanese | English |
アミティ |
おなか すいたなぁ・・・ なにか たべるもの ない かなぁ・・・ あっ! おいしそうな きのみ が おちてる! それじゃ いっただっきまー・・・ |
I’m so hungry… I wonder if there’s anything around here to eat… Ah! A tasty-looking fruit fell! Alright, time to dig i- |
クルーク | まちたまえ! | Hold it right there! |
アミティ | クルーク!
どうかしたの? |
Klug! What’s the matter? |
クルーク |
その きのみ を たべるのは よしたほうが いいとおもうよ |
Eating that fruit wouldn't be a very bright idea. |
アミティ | ・・・もしかして クルークも
この きのみ を たべたいの? |
...Klug, do you maybe wanna eat it, too? |
クルーク | いや
いらないから・・・ |
No, I have no need for it… |
アミティ | なら なんで
たべちゃいけないの? |
Then why can’t I eat it? |
クルーク | いいかい?
その きのみ は 「だつりょくのみ」 といって たべると からだじゅうの ちからがぬけて へなへな に なってしまう きのみなのさ |
You listening? That fruit is known as the “Fatigue Fruit”.
Eat it, and you’ll feel weak all over. It’s a fruit that completely saps your energy, you see. |
アミティ | え! そうなの!?
あと もうすこし で たべるところだったよー それにしても クルークって すごく ものしり なんだね! |
Eh?! Really?!
If you showed up just a few seconds later, I would’ve already eaten it all… Anyway, Klug, you’re really smart, huh! |
クルーク | あたりまえじゃないか!
ボクを だれだと おもっているんだい? |
But of course! Just who do you think I am? |
アミティ | じゃあ
ものしりな クルークに しつもんして いい? |
Then, can I ask the all-knowing Klug a question? |
クルーク | どんな しつもんでも
ボクに まかせてまえ! |
By all means, entrust any inquiries you may have to me! |
アミティ | あたしたちは
なんのために うまれて なんで いきてるの? |
Why were we born, and what's the meaning of life? |
クルーク | あ・・・ え・・・
それは・・・ その・・・ え〜っと・・・ その しつもん は パスで・・・ |
Ah… er… That is… Well… Uhm…
I think I’ll pass on that one... |
アミティ | そういえば
クルークは ここでなにを してたの? |
Oh yeah, what’re you doing here anyway? |
クルーク | ふっふっふっ・・・
よくぞ きいてくれたね! じつは ボクは ここで ひみつの とっくんを していたのさ! |
Myehehe… I’m very glad you asked!
To tell you the truth, I was doing some secret training! |
アミティ | ひみつのとっくん? | Secret training? |
クルーク | ああ!
ボクは ダークな まどう を きわめるために なにが ひつようかを あらためて かんがえなおした! そして その けっか ひみつ の とっくん が ひつようだとづいたのさ! |
Quite! I was pondering over and over again what I needed to do
In order to master dark magic! I came to a conclusion: I needed to secretly train myself! |
アミティ | へぇー | I seeー... |
クルーク | ・・・おかしいな
おもったより アミティの はんのう が うすいような・・・ |
...How peculiar. Your reaction is much flatter than I thought it would be. |
アミティ | うーん・・・ それ は
いまのはなし に きょうみ が ないから だとおもうよ? |
Hmm… That’s probably 'cause I was just thinking that I’m not interested in what
you’re talking about...? |
クルーク | この ボク の
すばらしい はなし に きょうみ がない・・・だと・・・!? そ そうだ! ボク が ひみつ の とっくん で あみだした とっておきの ダーク な まどう を みせてあげよう! これをみれば きっと キミも きょうみがわくはずさ! |
You have no interest in the wonderful knowledge the Great Klug has to impart, you
say…?! I-I know! I’ll demonstrate the dark magic I’ve devised during my secret training! If you see it, surely your interest shall be piqued! |
アミティ | そう?
そこまで いうなら・・・ |
Really? Well if you say that... |
クルーク | よし! じゃあ いくぞ!
スーパー ウルトラ ダークネス ボンバ ー アターック! |
Alright! Here I go!
(KABOOM) | ||
クルーク | ふぅ
どうだい? すごいだろう? |
Phew… So what do you think? Incredible, right? |
アミティ | ねぇ!
いまの ダークなまどう |
Whoa! That dark magic you just cast... |
クルーク | なんだい?
やっと ダークなまどうの すごさが わかったかい? |
Oh-ho? Have you finally realized the intrigue of dark magic? |
アミティ | なまえ ながいね! | It’s got a real long name, huh! |
クルーク | そこ に くいつくの!? | THAT’S WHAT IMPRESSED YOU?! |
Thank you Luna for transcribing these and formatting them.
SC Strange Klug
- 6*
The view from here has certainly changed quite a bit... Rather, I should say it's completely changed for the worse.
- 7*
とある蒸気の都市で、一番高い建物である時計塔の番人、兼、時計技師。 過去のスチームショックの際、とあるものを失ったらしく、蒸気の力に頼ることをあまりよく思っていない。
- A timepiece technician who lives in and watches over the tallest building in a certain city of steam--the clock tower. He seems to have lost something during an incident involving 'steam shock' in his past, so he doesn't particularly enjoy relying on steam power.
SC Rafisol
とある蒸気の都市に時折あらわれる、護衛任務を専門とする会社の社長。 言葉数が少ないため、実は怪しい組織のボスなのでは...などと、誤解されがち。 本人も特に訂正はしない
- The president of an escort and protection company who occasionally visits a certain city of steam. She's quite terse because she's actually the boss of some shady organization...or so people mistakenly assume. She doesn't bother to correct them, though.
Steam City Risukuma
Steam City Otomo
An Anomaly That Couldn't Bee
夢中で走っていた3人は、気が付くと帰り道が分からなくなってしまっていた! 運よくすぐに、アコール先生に見つけてもらえたが、なぜかそこからさらに見知らぬ場所に迷い込むことになり...!?
One day, Sig followed a butterfly into the forest with Amitie and Lidelle chasing after him. They were so focused on running that they didn't even notice that they were lost. Fortunately, they were found by Miss Accord, but for some reason they ended up wandering into an unfamiliar place...?!