PPQ:Rerun 1st Treasure Hunters' Brigade

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Rerun 1st Treasure Hunters' Brigade
復刻 第1回トレジャー見つけ隊
Opening Banner
Event Period (UTC+9)2022/05/13 15:00~2022/05/19 23:59
Event TypeTreasure


Map Search Quest

Stamina 10 30 80
General Stats
No. of Stages 5 5 5
Coins 100 1000 3000
TP 25 85 125
User EXP 800 2400 6400
15 45 120
Silver Treasurecoin 5 15 40
Enemy Profile
Interim any 5
[★1] Odorigame-Red [★1] Odorigame-Blue [★1] Odorigame-Green [★1] Odorigame-Yellow [★1] Odorigame-Purple [★2] Rouge Chulap [★2] Cyan Chulap [★2] Viridian Chulap [★2] Gold Chulap [★2] Violet Chulap
Boss [★7] Minotauros

Puzzle Search Quest

General Stats

Difficulty Mild
10 30 50 20 60 100 30 150 300
No. of Stages 3 4 5
Coins 50 500 1000 100 1000 2000 150 1500 3000
TP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
User EXP 400 1200 2000 800 2400 4000 1200 3600 6000
Gold Treasurecoin 3 9 15 6 18 30 10 50 100
Treasurerisu +5 +15 +25 +10 +30 +50 +20 +100 +200
Silver Treasurecoin 7 21 35 20 60 100 40 200 400
In Failure
6 18 30 12 36 60 18 90 180
Stage Details

Quest Details

[★5] Nyevus Mild (甘口)
  • Stage Effects: Skills Disabled (スキルが使用できないよ), No Yellow Puyo dropped (except chance) (きいろぷよドロップ無し(チャンスぷよ除く))
  • Deck Rules: No Yellow-only decks (黄属性のみのデッキはチャレンジできないよ)
  • Puzzle Shield Goals/Enemy Profile:
Stage Puzzle Shield Enemy Special
Pop Red Puyo4
[★4] Red Umiushi
Pop Blue Puyo12
[★4] Blue Paprisu or [★5] Treasurerisu (Blue)
3+ chain
[★5] Nyevus
[★6] Explorer Ringo Hot (辛口)
  • Stage Effects: Skills Disabled (スキルが使用できないよ)
  • Deck Rules: None
  • Puzzle Shield Goals/Enemy Profile:
Stage Puzzle Shield Enemy Special
8+ same-time clear
[★5] Dugtt
Large Chain Chance success
[★5] Sans
[★5] Sufu of the Water Gate AS Create Red Chance Puyo4
Pop Purple Puyo12
[★4] Green Paprisu or [★5] Treasurerisu (Green)
Pop Green Puyo4

Clear Garbage Puyo4
[★6] Explorer Ringo
[★5] Kashi of the Fire Gate AS Create Garbage Puyo4
[★6] Romance Hunter Rulue Spicy (激辛)
  • Stage Effects: Skills Disabled (スキルが使用できないよ)
  • Deck Rules: Must have 2+ colors (デッキの属性が2属性以上でチャレンジできるよ)
  • Puzzle Shield Goals/Enemy Profile:
Stage Puzzle Shield Enemy Special
Pop Blue Puyo16
[★5] Velena
Pop Yellow Puyo8

Pop Purple Puyo8
[★5] Schlüssel
Pop Red Puyo10

Pop Green Puyo10
[★4] Red Paprisu or [★5] Treasurerisu (Red)
10+ same-time clear

2+ color same-time attack
[★5] Horpus
[★5] Yoki of the Darkness Gate AS Trace Capacity -1 for 2 turns
3+ chain

Clear Garbage Puyo6
[★6] Romance Hunter Rulue
[★5] Koru of the Holy Gate AS Create Garbage Puyo6


By Rewards Exchange

  • Available until 2022/05/23 23:59
Rewards Cost Limit
Gold Treasurecoin Silver Treasurecoin
Romance Hunter Rulue
[★5] Romance Hunter Rulue×1
[★5] Romance Hunter Rulue 10 30 Once only
[★6] Romanticist's Hat×5
[★6] Romanticist's Hat 50 150 Once only
[★6] Romance Hunter Rulue×1
[★6] Romance Hunter Rulue 200 500 5 times
Sir Wilde
Yellow Sir Wilde (50)×1
Yellow Sir Wilde (50) 700 1500 Once only
Yellow Sir Wilde (50)×1
Yellow Sir Wilde (50) 1200 3500 Once only
[WS] Gorgeous Rulue
[WS] Gorgeous Rulue 1000 2000 Once only
[WS] Valkyrie Arle
[WS] Valkyrie Arle 1000 2000 Once only
[WS] Yellow Satan
[WS] Yellow Satan 1000 2000 Once only
Colorful Sir Wilde (40)×1
Colorful Sir Wilde (40) 2000 -- Once only
Sir Wilde (40)×1
Sir Wilde (40) (all colors) 600 1500 Once per color
Sir Wilde (30)×1
Sir Wilde (30) (all colors) 250 700 Once per color
Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Spring Puyo×1
Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Spring Puyo
expires 2022/07/31 23:59
-- 2000 Once only
Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Spring Puyo×1
Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Spring Puyo
expires 2022/07/31 23:59
500 -- Once only
Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Spring Puyo×1
Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Spring Puyo
expires 2022/07/31 23:59
1000 2000 Once only
Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Spring Puyo×1
Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Spring Puyo
expires 2022/07/31 23:59
100 100 Once only
Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Spring Puyo×1
Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Spring Puyo
expires 2022/07/31 23:59
100 500 5 times
Power Strawberry×10
Power Strawberry -- 100 30 times
Healing Eggplant×10
Healing Eggplant -- 100 30 times
Endurance Asparagus×10
Endurance Asparagus -- 100 30 times
Thief's Banana×1
Thief's Banana 10 50 15 times
Master's Truffle×1
Master's Truffle 50 -- 10 times
Stamina Herbs
Stamina Herb (50)×1
Stamina Herb (50)
expires 2022/05/23 23:59
-- 100 10 times
Books of Secrets
[★5] Purple Book of Secrets×1
[★5] Purple Book of Secrets 300 -- 3 times
[★5] Yellow Book of Secrets×1
[★5] Yellow Book of Secrets 200 -- 3 times
[★5] Red Book of Secrets×1
[★5] Red Book of Secrets 100 100 3 times
[★5] Blue Book of Secrets×1
[★5] Blue Book of Secrets 100 100 3 times
[★5] Green Book of Secrets×1
[★5] Green Book of Secrets 100 100 3 times
Growth Materials
[★6] Saturn Puyo×1
[★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) 125 -- 10 times per color
[★6] Comet Puyo×1
[★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) 25 -- 20 times per color
[★6] Crown Puyo×1
[★6] Crown Puyo (all colors) -- 250 30 times per color
[★5] Moon Puyo (all colors)×1
[★5] Moon Puyo (all colors) -- 50 50 times per color

Support Special Effects

Support Special Effect
Lv. 3 Lv. 2 Lv. 1
Map Search Quest (Silver only)
10 Stam. +3 +2 +1
30 Stam. +9 +6 +3
80 Stam. +24 +16 +8
Puzzle Shield Quest (Gold and Silver)
Mild 10 +3 +2 +1
30 +9 +6 +3
50 +15 +10 +5
Hot 20 +6 +4 +2
60 +18 +12 +6
100 +30 +20 +10
Spicy 30 +10 +6 +3
150 +50 +30 +15
300 +100 +60 +30
  • Gold Treasurecoin Special Effect (おたから金貨特効): Receives more Gold Treasurecoins from clearing Puzzle Shield Quests in Rerun 1st Treasure Hunters' Brigade
  • Silver Treasurecoin Special Effect (おたから銀貨特効): Receives more Silver Treasurecoins from clearing Map Search Quests and Puzzle Shield Quests in Rerun 1st Treasure Hunters' Brigade
    • Effect increases with Stamina or number of Maps used
    • Effective no matter in front line, back line or even knocked out
    • Drop effect ×1/2 for non-guild-mate supporters
Characters Special Effect Level
Gold Silver
Lv.3 Lv.2 Lv.1 Lv.3 Lv.2 Lv.1
Masked Satan Masked Satan ★6~7
Gorgeous Rulue Gorgeous Rulue ★7 ★6
Sparkling Rulue Sparkling Rulue ★7 ★6
Flash Attack Rulue Flash Attack Rulue ★7 ★6
Series Lv.3 Lv.2 Lv.1 Lv.3 Lv.2 Lv.1
Schezo Original Puyo Puyo Series ★7 ★6 ★3~5
Dark Arle Boss!? Series ★7 ★6 ★4~5