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A Guild (ギルド) is an association of Puyo Puyo!! Quest players. The main objectives to joining a guild is to collaborate in building Guild Towers and participating in Guild Events. It also gives access to various features and advantages.

Guild Basics

Playstyle Settings

Guilds may set their desired playstyle in order for like-minded hopefuls to more easily search out.

Occasional Join
In for a while
All-out Conquer
Fair Contribution
Aiming for Top
Silent also OK
Occasional Chat
Rank Recruited
Newbies Welcome
Wanna be Stronger
Veterans Wanted

Guild Roles

The leader of the guild is the Guildmaster (ギルドマスター, also shortened as girumasu (ギルマス)), who can appoint two Submasters (サブマスター) who have most Guildmaster features intact. Other members are known as Guild Members (ギルドメンバー, also shortened as girumen (ギルメン)). The Guildmaster and Submasters are given administrative rights to the guild, including:

  • Change guild settings, including guild name, guild intro, playstyle, etc.
  • Kick out members (with exception e.g. during guild events) (Guildmaster only)
  • Approve member applications (if guild is set to accept by approval) (Guildmaster only)

The current Guildmaster cannot leave from the guild unless first passing the role off to another member.

In the case of the current Guildmaster not logging in for 14 days, the role will be passed to the member with the highest TP contribution at the next 04:00 JST.

A guild cannot be deleted unless the only member is its Guildmaster.

Guild Tower

Each guild maintains five Guild Towers (ギルドタワー) of various colors. Guild members contribute Tower Points (TP) to help build floors of the tower.

Tower Boss (deprecated)

Main article: PPQ:Tower Boss

Guild Tower Floor Quest (deprecated)

Main article: PPQ:Guild Tower Floor Quest

Tower Bonus

Tower Bonus (タワーボーナス) is a boost to all stats given to all cards for each floor successfully built on the Guild Tower of the same color. Tower Bonus is only applicable to normal quests such as Story Quests and Special Quests. It is not applied in Everybody Quest, Everybody Battles, and Technical Quests, as well as other events as specified. Effects of Tower Bonus are not visible on the card details screen, but are in actuality accounted for during applicable quests.

Floors Increment per floor built Sub-total
1F ~ 100F +0.5% +50%
101F ~ 200F +0.4% +90%
201F ~ 300F +0.3% +120%
301F ~ 400F +0.2% +140%
401F ~ 1000F +0.1% +200%

Guild Level and Class

As the Guild Towers are built, the guild can level-up in its Guild Level (ギルドレベル) based on the total TP contributed. Reaching certain Guild Levels and the guild will also progress into the next Guild Class (ギルドクラス). The Guild Level and Class that a guild is currently in determines the highest number of members it can house, and the number of times each member can send yells and help out in My Farm.

When a guild levels up, the number of yells and Farm Helper duties available for the day will reset. It is usually recommended to save up potential level-ups for Magic Point-based events like Guild Rushes, and have all members use up yells before the level-up and reset.

List of Guild Classes
Class Resp. Levels Yell Cap Helper Cap
Snugly Guild
Lv. 1~9 3 9
At-home Guild
Lv. 10~19 6 18
For-all Guild
Lv. 20~29 9 27
Lively Guild
Lv. 30~39 12 36
Rumored Guild
Lv. 40~49 15 45
Famous Guild
Lv. 50~59 18 54
Renowned Guild
Lv. 60~69 21 63
Leading Guild
Lv. 70~79 24 72
Top-notch Guild
Lv. 80~89 27 82
Legendary Guild
Lv. 90+ 30 90
List of Guild Levels
Level Class Required TP TP to Next Yell Cap Helper Cap
1 0 2500 3 6
2 2500 3 6
3 5530 3 6
4 9100 3 6
5 13420 3 6
6 18610 3 6
7 24830 3 6
8 32290 3 6
9 41250 3 6
10 52000 6 12
11 64900 6 12
12 80380 6 12
13 98960 6 12
14 121250 6 12
15 147990 6 12
16 180090 6 12
17 218610 6 12
18 264830 6 12
19 320300 6 12
20 386850 9 18
21 460064 9 18
22 540600 9 18
23 629190 9 18
24 726640 9 18
25 833830 9 18
26 951750 9 18
27 1081450 9 18
28 1224120 9 18
29 1381060 9 18
30 1553730 12 24
31 1743600 12 24
32 1952490 12 24
33 2182260 12 24
34 2435020 12 24
35 2713046 12 24
36 3018880 12 24
37 3355300 12 24
38 3725355 12 24
39 4132420 12 24
40 4580191 15 30
41 5072740 15 30
42 5614543 15 30
43 6210529 15 30
44 6866108 15 30
45 7587248 15 30
46 8380502 15 30
47 9253081 15 30
48 10212919 15 30
49 11268740 15 30
50 12430143 18 36
51 13614774 18 36

My Farm

Main article: PPQ:My Farm

Guild Event

Certain types of events require players in a guild as a whole to participate together, such as Guild Rush (ギルドイベント) events. These events commonly give rewards by both a player's own performance as well as the performance of the guild as a whole.

Other Guild Features


When choosing the supporter (サポーター) for a quest, players who are in a guild may choose to use supporter cards put out by fellow guild members. Benefits of choosing supporters from the guild includes:

  • In Collection events, the drop-increase effect in the supporter's Special Skill is halved when using outsider supporters
  • You can communicate with guild members beforehand to coordinate specific supporters be put out; outsider supporters are pulled at random and there is no guarantee on what supporter cards are available

Guild-member supporters can be used once every 3 hours, counted from when the quest/boss battle is completed. Failing or forfeiting a quest does not count the supporter as used, but failing or forfeiting a boss battle does. Outside of the time limit, the usage limit is also reset when:

  • 10 guild-member supporters have been used
    (or if the guild has less than 10 members, when all guild-member supporters have been used)
  • Refilling Stamina or Magic Points with Magic Stones
  • The player ranks up


Players can send Yells (エール) to other members of the same guild, giving both players 5 Magic Points. The number of yells a player can give each day is limited, with respect to the guild's class. A player can only send 1 yell to the same guild-mate per day. The above limits resets at 04:00 daily or when the guild levels up.

Title (deprecated)

Titles (称号) are given to guild member(s) who performed the best in certain aspects of the game. Title assignments are done every second Monday at 04:00 JPT. Each guild member can be assigned one title only each period, but a same title may go to multiple members of the same guild.

Title Measuring Aspect
Idol (アイドル) Supporter activity
Adventurer King (冒険王) Quest clear
Builder King (建設王) Guild Tower contribution
Cheering Squad Captain (応援団長) Yells delivered
Battle King (バトル王) PvP Battle activity
Fairy Warlock (妖精使い) Fairies obtained
Summoner (召喚士) Gacha rolls
Foster-home Owner (育て屋さん) Fusion activity
Training Guru (修行者) UXP gained
Millionaire (大富豪) Coins held
Harvest Master (収穫名人) Farm Harvest activity

Bulletin Board

Guilds are equipped with two Bulletin Boards (揭示板) for discussions and socializing. The Member Bulletin Board (メンバー揭示板) is only for guild members to view and post, and the Guest Bulletin Board (ゲスト揭示板) is available to all visitors.

Moderation Rights
Role Member Bulletin Board Guest Bulletin Board
View Post Delete View Post Delete
Guild Master Yes Yes All Yes Yes All
Guild Member Yes Yes Self Yes Yes Self and Guest
Guest No No No Yes Yes Self

Weekly Guild Rankings

Guild Rankings (ギルドランキング) are maintained between all guilds across each week, beginning at 00:00 on Wednesdays and ends on the following Tuesdays (tallied until 23:59 on Tuesday). Rewards are awarded to guilds whose members contributed the highest TP totals in the week.

Guild Ranking Rewards
Ranking Rewards
[★6] Comet Puyo×3 sets
[★6] Comet Puyo (all colors)
[★6] Comet Puyo×2 sets
[★6] Comet Puyo (all colors)
[★6] Comet Puyo×1 set
[★6] Comet Puyo (all colors)
[★6] Crown Puyo×4 sets
[★6] Crown Puyo (all colors)
[★6] Crown Puyo×3 sets
[★6] Crown Puyo (all colors)
[★6] Crown Puyo×2 set
[★6] Crown Puyo (all colors)
[★6] Crown Puyo×1 set
[★6] Crown Puyo (all colors)
50,001+ None
[★6] Crown Puyo×5 sets
[★6] Crown Puyo (all colors)
[★6] Crown Puyo×3 sets
[★6] Crown Puyo (all colors)
[★6] Crown Puyo×1 set
[★6] Crown Puyo (all colors)
[★5] Moon Puyo×3 sets
[★5] Moon Puyo (all colors)
[★5] Moon Puyo×2 sets
[★5] Moon Puyo (all colors)
[★5] Moon Puyo×1 set
[★5] Moon Puyo (all colors)
[★4] Star Puyo×1 set
[★4] Star Puyo (all colors)
50,001+ None