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This page contains the transcripts and translations for Accord's chants as they appear throughout the series.

Puyo Puyo Fever

Player Chain (Popoi Type)
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 ラルゴ Rarugo Largo (Long)
Chain 2 アンダンテ Andante (Walking)
Chain 3 アレグロ Areguro Allegro (Quickly)
Chain 4 プレスト Puresuto Presto (Quickly)
Chain 5 ダ・カーポ Da Kaapo Da Capo (Restart)
Repeater フェルマータ Ferumaata Fermata (Stop)
Spell 1 ソアーヴェ Soaave Soave (Beautiful)
Spell 2 ジョコーゾ Jokoozo Giocoso (Pleasant)
Spell 3 ランボワ Ranbowa Renvoi Rondo
Spell 4 グラチオーゾ Gurachioozo Grazioso (Another word of "Beautiful" in italian)
Spell 5 フェローチェ Ferooche Feroce (Fierce)
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light あら~ Ara... Oh... Oh, my!
Heavy いや~ん… Iyaan... No... Oh, dear!
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered うふふ♪ Ufufu! *giggles* Mmm-hmm!
Success うふ♪ Ufu! *giggles* Very well!
Failed あら… Ara... Oh... Horrible!
Character Select/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select よろしいかしら? Yoroshii kashira? Are we ready?
Win ごめんなさいね Gomen nasai ne! So sorry!
Lose あらららら… Arararara. Oh, oh, oh... Oh well.
Post-Match Dialogue (DS only)
Victory Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Hmmmm... A little more, next time.
My, my, my... Someone needs some extra tutoring!
Come on, now! Don't hold back on me!
Teeheehee! Sorry!

Puyo Puyo Fever 2

Player Chain (Raffina Type)
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain 1 ラルゴ Rarugo Largo
Chain 2 アンダンテ Andante
Chain 3 アレグロ Areguro Allegro
Chain 4 プレスト Puresuto Presto
Chain 5 ダ・カーポ Da Kaapo Da Capo
Repeater フェルマータ Ferumaata Fermata
Spell 1 エレーブ Ereebu Élève (Student)
Spell 2 アレ・クロア Are Kuroa Aller Couloir
Spell 3 クレ・ランス Kure Ransu Craie Lance (Chalk Spear)
Spell 4 ポポイ・ランス Popoi Ransu Popoi Lance (Popoi Spear)
Spell 5 ドゥヴォワール Duvowaaru Devoir (Duty)
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Light あら~ Ara... Oh...
Heavy いや~ん… Iyaan... No...
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Entered うふふ♪ Ufufu! *giggles*
Success うふ♪ Ufu! *giggles*
Failed あら… Ara... Oh...
Character Select/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Character Select よろしいかしら? Yoroshii kashira? Are we ready?
Win ごめんなさいね Gomen nasai ne! So sorry!
Lose あらららら… Arararara. Oh, oh, oh...

Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain 1 ラルゴ Rarugo Largo
Chain 2 アンダンテ Andante
Chain 3 アレグロ Areguro Allegro
Chain 4 プレスト Puresuto Presto
Repeater フェルマータ Ferumaata Fermata
Counter パルティシオン Parutishion Partition (Musical Score)
Spell 1 エチュード Echyuudo Étude (Study)
Spell 2 アレ・クロア Are Kuroa Aller Couloir
Spell 3 クレ・ランス Kure Ransu Craie Lance
Spell 4 ポポイ・ランス Popoi Ransu Popoi Lance
Spell 5 ファンデチュード Fan Dechyuudo Fin d'Études (Graduation)
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Light あら~ Ara... Oh...
Heavy いや~ん… Iyaan... No...
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Entered うふふ♪ Ufufu! *giggles*
Success うふ♪ Ufu! *giggles*
Failed あら… Ara... Oh...
Character Select/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Character Select/Continue よろしいかしら? Yoroshii kashira? Are we ready?
Win ごめんなさいね Gomen nasai ne! So sorry!
Lose あらららら… Arararara. Oh, oh, oh...
Unused (15th)
Japanese Romanization Translation
ルプリーズ Rupurīzu Repris (Reprise)

Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, Puyo Puyo Chronicle, & Puyo Puyo Tetris 2

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 レント Rento Lento
Chain 2 アンダンテ Andante
Chain 3 モデラート Moderaato Moderato
Chain 4 プレスト Puresuto Presto
Repeater ビーボ Biibo Vivo
Counter パルティシオン Parutishion Partition
Spell 1 クラーッス Kuraasu Classe (Class)
Spell 2 ソルフェージュ Sorufeeju Solfège
Spell 3 クレ・ランス Kure Ransu Craie Lance
Spell 4 ポポイ・ランス Popoi Ransu Popoi Lance
Spell 5 ファンデテュード Fan Detyuudo Fin d'Études
Tetris Line Clear テトリスですね Tetorisu desu ne? Tetris!
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light きゃ! Kya! Ah!
Heavy いや~ん Iya~n! No!
Character Select/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select 始めますよ Hajimemasu yo. Shall we begin?
Win 楽しかったわ Tanoshikatta wa. That was exciting.
Lose 負けちゃったわね Makechatta wa ne. It seems I've lost.
Fever Mode/Big Bang
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered よろしいですか? Yoroshii desu ka? Are you ready? Do you mind?
Succeed うふふ Ufufu! *giggles* *laughter*
Failed あら… Ara... Oh?
Big Bang テストを始めます Tesuto-o hajimemasu! Let's start the test! Pop quiz!
Light Attack えいっ! Ei! Hah!
Severe Attack いきますよ! Ikimasu yo! Here I go!
Win ごめんなさいね Gomen nasai ne! Sorry about that!
Light Damage あらら Arara! Oh, my!
Severe Damage あらあらあら Ara ara ara... Oh my, oh my, oh my!
Lose これは行けませんね Kore wa ikemasen ne. This won't do at all.
Transformation/Pair Puyo Puyo
Chain/Result Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain A うふふ Ufufu! *giggles*
Chain B うふふふふ! Ufufufufu! *extended giggles*
Pair Attack A デュエットで Dyuetto de, Duet...
Pair Attack B ペアアタック! Pea Attakku! Pair Attack!
Pair Life Lost まだ大丈夫 Mada daijoubu. I'm still alright.
Pair Life Gone だめみたい Dame mitai... It seems bad...
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Match start ぷよぷよですよ
Puyo Puyo desu yo.
Tetorisu desu yo.
Puyo Puyo.
Time for Puyo Puyo.
Time for Tetris.
Swap 入れ替えましょうか Irekaemashou ka. Shall we swap it? Shall we Switch?
Swap while in disadvantage 危機一髪 Kiki ippatsu. Close call. Hanging by a thread.
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Power-up item 効果的面! Kouka tekimen! It works immediately! Works like a charm!
Offensive item さあ、どうぞ Saa, douzo. Here you are. Something for the whole class.
Getting multiple items at once. いっちゃいましょうか Itchaimashou ka. Let's go, shall we? Shall we do this?
Topped out もう少しだけ Mou sukoshi dake. Just a little more. If I can just hang on.
Win よくできました Yoku dekimashita. Nice job. An A+ performance!
Be a runner-up こんなところでしょうか Konna tokoro deshou ka. I guess this about does it. Satisfactory I suppose.
Lose あら、面目ない... Ara, menboku nai... Oh, I'm ashamed of myself. Oh, what a shame.
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Mix Chain ミックス連鎖よ Mikkusu Rensa yo! Mix Chain! Here's a Mix Chain!
Tetris Plus テトリスプラスね Tetorisu Purasu ne! Tetris Plus! Tetris Plus, was it?
Chaining by a Tetrimino crushing Puyo いいですね! Ii desu ne! Good! Wonderful!
Skill Battle
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Skill activation 頑張って! Ganbatte! Hang in there! Good luck!
うふふっ、それ! Ufufu, sore! *giggle* Here! *giggle* Here it is!
まだやれるはず Mada yareru hazu! You can still do it! This should work!
力になります Chikara-ni narimasu! I'll help you. I'll assist you.
System Startup
Result Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Boot Up 1 セガ!* Sega!
Boot Up 2 テトリス! Tetorisu! Tetris!
Title Screen ぷよぷよテトリス2! Puyo Puyo Tetorisu Chuu! Puyo Puyo Tetris 2!

*The pitch of "Sega" is singing straight lower 3rd pitch instead of speaking.

Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop

Player Chain & Damage
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 ラルゴ Rarugo Largo Lento
Chain 2 レジェロ Rejero Leggiero (Lightly) Andante
Chain 3 アマービレ Amabile (Gentle) Moderato
Chain 4 コン・ブリオ Con Brio (With Vigor) Presto
Repeater フェローチェ Feroce Vivo
Chain 20-24 それ! Sore! Take that!
Chain 25+ 楽しいわ Tanoshī wa This is fun!
Counter パルティシオン Parutishion Partition
Spell 1 クラーッス Kuraasu Classe (Class)
Spell 2 ソルフェージュ Sorufeeju Solfège
Spell 3 クレ・ランス Kure Ransu Craie Lance
Spell 4 ポポイ・ランス Popoi Ransu Popoi Lance
Spell 5 ファンデテュード Fan Detyuudo Fin d'Études
All Clear ここからですよ Koko kara desu yo From here on out! How refreshing.
Light Damage あらら Arara! Oh, my!
Heavy Damage いや~ん Iya~n! No! Oh my, oh my, oh my!
Adventure Mode Map Dialogue
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Story introduction アコールです。この子はポポイ。 Akōru desu. Kono-ko wa popoi. My name is Ms. Accord, and this here is Popoi!
Beginning an episode
or Challenge Dungeon
授業の時間です Jugyō no jikandesu It's class time. Shall we begin?
Entering a stage それでは、行くきましょうか Sore de wa, iku kimashou ka. Well then, shall we go? What's next for today?
Finding an item 1 まあ! Mā! Ooh!
Finding an item 2 これはいいものです Kore wa ī monodesu This is good. This is quite the discovery.
Completing a stage 1つ解決ね 1Tsu kaiketsu ne. That solves one problem.
Failing a stage 困ったわ Komatta wa This won't do.
Completing all stages あとは、頼みました Ato wa, tanomimashita. I leave the rest to you.
Special Dialogue
Event Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character's birthday お祝いですか? 嬉しいわ! Oiwaidesu ka? Ureshī wa! Are you celebrating? I'm so happy! A gift? For me? How thoughtful!
Clearing a Secret Mission うふふ、よくできました Ufufu, yoku dekimashita *giggle* Well done! Top marks!
Player's birthday
Puyo Day
Character Select & Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select 授業の時間です Jugyō no jikandesu It's class time. Shall we begin?
Win 授業はおしまいです Jugyō wa oshimaidesu The lesson is over. This concludes today's lesson!
Lose 先生なのに Sensei nanoni But I'm the teacher!
Fever Mode & Big Bang
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered 始めましょう Hajimemashou Let's start. I'll show you how it's done!
Clear Success お見せしますね O mise shimasu ne. There, did that help?
Clear Failed 見ちゃだめ Micha dame Don't look. No cheating!
Big Bang 大丈夫ですか? Daijōbu desu ka? Are you OK? Pop quiz!
Light Attack それ! Sore! Take that! Hah!
Heavy Attack 大きいですよ Ōkīdesu yo. That's a big one. Here I go!
Win あらら、つい Arara, tsui. I think not!
Light Damage いや! Iya! No!
Heavy Damage どうしましょうか? Dō shimashou ka? What should I do?
Lose やられちゃったわ Yarare chatta wa I've been bested. A rude interruption!
Online Greetings
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Let's start.
Ready to go?
Let's begin the test.
Settle down, class...
Time to study!

Puyo Puyo!! Quest

Main article: PPQ:Voice_Transcript/Ms._Accord