PPQ:Misc. News Archive/December 2023

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< PPQ:PuyoQuest News Archive

Availability Campaign
2023/12/27 15:00~
2024/01/18 03:59
Puyo-out/Puyo-in Special Present
2023/12/27 15:00~
2024/01/17 23:59

Power-up Fusion Big Success Rate 2.4×
Power-up Fusion Big Success Rate 2.4×
2023/12/27 15:00~
2024/01/02 23:59

Everybody Battles UXP 2.4×
Everybody Battles UXP 2.4×
2023/12/27 15:00~
2024/01/02 23:59
Puyo-out/Puyo-in Pwurp Special League
Limited Missions
ゆくぷよくるぷよプワープ特別リーグ 期間限定ミッション
2023/12/27 15:00~
2024/01/01 03:59
Puyo-out Login Bonus
2023/12/27 11:00~
2024/02/01 10:59
Puyo-out/Puyo-in Limited Special Mix-up Summons
2023/12/26 15:00~
2024/01/18 03:59
Winter Break Login Bonus
2023/12/24 15:00~
2023/12/27 03:59
Puyo-out/Puyo-in Countdown Login Bonus
2023/12/22 15:00~
2023/12/26 23:59
PuyoQuest Christmas 2023 Limited Missions
ぷよクエクリスマス2023 期間限定ミッション
2023/12/18 15:00~
2023/12/27 03:59
PuyoQuest Christmas 2023 Login Bonus Part 2
ぷよクエクリスマス2023 ログインボーナス 第2弾
2023/12/13 15:00~
2023/12/27 03:59
PuyoQuest Christmas 2023 Special Present
ぷよクエクリスマス2023 スペシャルプレゼント
2023/12/13 15:00~
2023/12/18 03:59
PuyoQuest Christmas 2023 Login Bonus Part 1
ぷよクエクリスマス2023 ログインボーナス 第1弾
2023/12/04 15:00~
2023/12/12 23:59
PuyoQuest Christmas 2023 Countdown Login Bonus
ぷよクエクリスマス2023 カウントダウンログインボーナス
2023/12/04 15:00~
2023/12/12 23:59
Shiwasu Limited Missions
2023/11/29 15:00~
2023/12/13 03:59
Nice Puyo Day Login Bonus Part 2
いいぷよの日 ログインボーナス 第2弾
2023/11/29 15:00~
2023/12/12 23:59
Nice Puyo Day First Gust Seekers' Brigade
Limited Missions
いいぷよの日冬一番見つけ隊 期間限定ミッション

(27) Puyo-out/Puyo-in Special Present

Period Login Bonus
2023/12/27 15:00~
2024/01/18 03:59
Puyo-out/Puyo-in Free Choice ★7 Voucher×1
Puyo-out/Puyo-in Free Choice ★7 Voucher
expires 2024/01/24 23:59

(27) Puyo-out/Puyo-in Pwurp Special League Limited Missions

  • Complete within 2023/12/27 15:00~2024/01/02 23:59
  • Claim by 2024/01/03 23:59
In ??? ???で
Magic Points
30 Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×1
60 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
90 Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×1
120 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
150 Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×1
180 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
210 Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×1
270 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
330 Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×1
400 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
In ??? ???で
Play League Battle or COM Battle
1 [★6] Matazou [★6] Matazou ×1
3 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×2
5 Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/17 23:59
7 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
10 Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/17 23:59
13 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
17 Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/17 23:59
21 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
25 Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/17 23:59
30 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
In ??? ???で
500 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
1000 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×100 each
1500 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×5
2000 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×2
2500 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
3000 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
4000 [★5] Red Book of Secrets [★5] Red Book of Secrets ×1
[★6] Matazou
[WS] Matazou
[WS] Matazou ×1
6000 [★5] Blue Book of Secrets [★5] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
7000 [★5] Purple Book of Secrets [★5] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
8500 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
[★6] Matazou
[WS] Matazou
[WS] Matazou ×1
12,500 [★5] Green Book of Secrets [★5] Green Book of Secrets ×1
15,000 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×10
17,500 Blue Sir Wilde Statue Blue Sir Wilde Statue ×10
[★6] Matazou
[WS] Matazou
[WS] Matazou ×1
22,500 Purple Sir Wilde Statue Purple Sir Wilde Statue ×10
25,000 Yellow Sir Wilde Statue Yellow Sir Wilde Statue ×10
27,500 Green Sir Wilde Statue Green Sir Wilde Statue ×10
[★6] Matazou
[WS] Matazou
[WS] Matazou ×1
In ??? ???で
[★6] Matazou
[WS] Matazou
[WS] Matazou ×1

(27) Puyo-out Login Bonus

No. Login Bonus
In ??? ???で

-day Login Bonus
1 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
2 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
3 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
4 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
5 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
Magic Stone Magic Stone ×15

(27) Puyo-out/Puyo-in Limited Special Mix-up Summons

  • ★7 Special Mix-up Summons (★7特別まぜまぜ召喚)
    • up to 5 times per player
    • Input: ★7 Card Back five★7 cost 34~59 cards

      Output: ★6 Card Back one ★6 Puyo Fest card
  • Even More Awesome Mix-up Summons SP (もっとすごいまぜまぜ召喚 SP)
    • replaces Even More Awesome Mix-up Summons for limited time
    • Input: ★6 Card Back three ★6 cost 52~56 cards

      Output: ★6 Card Back one ★6 cost 52~56 card
  • Limited discount on input requirements for fixture Mix-up Summons
    • ★6 Mix-up Summons: five cards → four cards
    • ★5 Mix-up Summons: ten cards → eight cards
    • ★4 Mix-up Summons: ten cards → eight cards

(26) Winter Break Login Bonus

No. Login Bonus
In ??? ???で

-day Login Bonus
1 [★5] Arle ver. Winter Break [★5] Arle ver. Winter Break ×1
2 [★6] Arle's Cape [★6] Arle's Cape ×1
3 [★6] Arle's Cape [★6] Arle's Cape ×1
4 [★6] Arle's Cape [★6] Arle's Cape ×1
5 [★6] Arle's Cape [★6] Arle's Cape ×1
6 [★6] Arle's Cape [★6] Arle's Cape ×1
[★6] Arle ver. Winter Break
[WS] Arle ver. Winter Break
[WS] Arle ver. Winter Break ×1
[★6] Arle ver. Winter Break
[WS] Arle ver. Winter Break
[WS] Arle ver. Winter Break ×1
[★6] Arle ver. Winter Break
[WS] Arle ver. Winter Break
[WS] Arle ver. Winter Break ×1
[★6] Arle ver. Winter Break
[WS] Arle ver. Winter Break
[WS] Arle ver. Winter Break ×2

(24) Puyo-out/Puyo-in Countdown Login Bonus

No. Login Bonus
In ??? ???で

-day Login Bonus
1 Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon ×2
expires 2024/01/17 23:59
2 Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon ×2
expires 2024/01/17 23:59
3 Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon ×2
expires 2024/01/17 23:59
Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon Popularity Vote Full Power Gacha ver. Witch Coupon ×6
expires 2024/01/17 23:59

(22) PuyoQuest Christmas 2023 Limited Missions

  • Complete within 2023/12/22 15:00~12/26 23:59
  • Claim by 2023/12/27 23:59
In ??? ???で
50 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×2
100 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
150 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×2
200 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
250 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×2
300 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
350 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×2
400 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
450 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×2
500 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×2
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
600 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
700 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×2
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
800 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×2
900 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×2
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
1000 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×250 each
1100 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×2
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
1200 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×5
1300 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×2
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
1400 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×5
1500 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×2
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
1600 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×2
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
1700 [★6] Comet Puyo [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
1800 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×2
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
1900 [★6] Saturn Puyo [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
2000 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×2
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
In ??? ???で
Magic Points
30 [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) ×3 sets
60 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×2
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
90 [★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors) [★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors) ×3 sets
120 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×2
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
150 [★5] Puyo Candy (all colors) [★5] Puyo Candy (all colors) ×3 sets
180 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×2
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
210 [★5] Puyo Choco [★5] Puyo Choco (all colors) ×3 sets
240 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×2
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
270 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×5
300 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×2
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
330 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×250 each
360 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×2
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
390 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×2
420 [★4] Red Book of Secrets [★4] Red Book of Secrets ×1
450 [★4] Blue Book of Secrets [★4] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
480 [★4] Green Book of Secrets [★4] Green Book of Secrets ×1
510 [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
540 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
570 [★5] Red Book of Secrets [★5] Red Book of Secrets ×1
600 [★5] Blue Book of Secrets [★5] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
650 [★5] Purple Book of Secrets [★5] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
700 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
750 [★5] Green Book of Secrets [★5] Green Book of Secrets ×1
In ??? ???で
35 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×10
expires 2023/12/31 14:59

(18) PuyoQuest Christmas 2023 Login Bonus Part 2

No. Login Bonus
In ??? ???で

-day Login Bonus
1 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×1
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
2 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×1
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
3 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×1
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
4 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×1
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
5 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×1
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
6 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×1
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
7 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×1
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
8 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×1
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×8
expires 2023/12/31 14:59

(13) PuyoQuest Christmas 2023 Special Present

Period Login Bonus
2023/12/13 15:00~
2023/12/27 03:59
Christmas Present Ticket×10
Christmas Present Ticket
expires 2023/12/31 14:59

(13) PuyoQuest Christmas 2023 Login Bonus Part 1

No. Login Bonus
In ??? ???で

-day Login Bonus
1 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×3
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
2 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×3
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
3 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×3
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
4 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×3
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
5 Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×3
expires 2023/12/31 14:59
Christmas Present Ticket Christmas Present Ticket ×15
expires 2023/12/31 14:59

(08) PuyoQuest Christmas 2023 Countdown Login Bonus

No. Login Bonus
In ??? ???で

-day Login Bonus
1 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
2 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
3 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
4 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
5 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
Magic Stone Magic Stone ×5

(04) Shiwasu Limited Missions

  • Complete within 2023/12/04 15:00~12/12 23:59
  • Claim by 2023/12/13 23:59
In ??? ???で
200 [★6] Comet Puyo [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
300 [★6] Saturn Puyo [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
400 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
500 [★6] Saturn Puyo [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
600 Blue Sir Wilde (40) Blue Sir Wilde (40) ×1
700 [★6] Saturn Puyo [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
800 [★3] Yellow Book of Secrets [★3] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
900 [★3] Purple Book of Secrets [★3] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
1000 Blue Sir Wilde Statue Blue Sir Wilde Statue ×1
1200 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×1
1500 Blue Sir Wilde Statue Blue Sir Wilde Statue ×1
In ??? ???で
Magic Points
40 [★5] Red Grimoire [★5] Red Grimoire ×1
80 [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) ×1 set
120 [★5] Blue Grimoire [★5] Blue Grimoire ×1
160 [★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors) [★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors) ×1 set
200 [★5] Green Grimoire [★5] Green Grimoire ×1
240 [★5] Puyo Candy (all colors) [★5] Puyo Candy (all colors) ×1 set
280 [★5] Purple Grimoire [★5] Purple Grimoire ×1
320 [★5] Puyo Choco [★5] Puyo Choco (all colors) ×1 set
360 Yellow Sir Wilde (40) Yellow Sir Wilde (40) ×1
400 [★5] Yellow Grimoire [★5] Yellow Grimoire ×1
500 Blue Sir Wilde Statue Blue Sir Wilde Statue ×1
In ??? ???で
Clear quests
3 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
6 [★6] Comet Puyo [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
9 [★6] Saturn Puyo [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
12 [★4] Red Book of Secrets [★4] Red Book of Secrets ×1
15 [★4] Blue Book of Secrets [★4] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
18 [★4] Green Book of Secrets [★4] Green Book of Secrets ×1
21 [★3] Purple Book of Secrets [★3] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
24 [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
27 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
30 Green Sir Wilde (40) Green Sir Wilde (40) ×1
35 Blue Sir Wilde Statue Blue Sir Wilde Statue ×1
40 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
45 [★5] Purple Book of Secrets [★5] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
50 Blue Sir Wilde Statue Blue Sir Wilde Statue ×1
In ??? ???で
Special Training tiers
3 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
6 [★4] Red Book of Secrets [★4] Red Book of Secrets ×1
9 [★4] Blue Book of Secrets [★4] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
12 [★4] Green Book of Secrets [★4] Green Book of Secrets ×1
15 [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
18 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
21 Blue Sir Wilde Statue Blue Sir Wilde Statue ×1
24 Red Sir Wilde (40) Red Sir Wilde (40) ×1
27 [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
30 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
35 Blue Sir Wilde Statue Blue Sir Wilde Statue ×1
In ??? ???で
Increase Level Cap
1 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
2 [★5] Red Book of Secrets [★5] Red Book of Secrets ×1
3 [★5] Blue Book of Secrets [★5] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
4 [★5] Green Book of Secrets [★5] Green Book of Secrets ×1
5 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
6 [★5] Purple Book of Secrets [★5] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
7 Blue Sir Wilde Statue Blue Sir Wilde Statue ×1
In ??? ???で
Be Farm Helper
25 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
50 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×200 each
100 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×300 each
150 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×5
200 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×1
In ??? ???で
50 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
100 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×2
150 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
250 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×2
350 Blue Sir Wilde Statue Blue Sir Wilde Statue ×1
400 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
450 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×1
In ??? ???で
Play League Battle or COM Battle
2 [★6] Red Grimoire [★6] Red Grimoire ×1
4 [★6] Blue Grimoire [★6] Blue Grimoire ×1
6 [★6] Green Grimoire [★6] Green Grimoire ×1
8 [★6] Yellow Grimoire [★6] Yellow Grimoire ×1
10 Purple Sir Wilde (40) Purple Sir Wilde (40) ×1
12 [★6] Purple Grimoire [★6] Purple Grimoire ×1
14 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×1
16 [★6] Yellow Grimoire [★6] Yellow Grimoire ×1
18 [★6] Purple Grimoire [★6] Purple Grimoire ×1
20 Blue Sir Wilde Statue Blue Sir Wilde Statue ×1
In ??? ???で
55 Blue Sir Wilde Statue Blue Sir Wilde Statue ×5