PPQ:Misc. News Archive/January 2024

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< PPQ:PuyoQuest News Archive

Availability Campaign
2024/01/29 23:00~
2024/03/05 03:59
PuyoQuest Official Livestream
Airing Commemoration Login Bonus
2024/01/27 15:00~
2024/02/01 03:59
Puyo Day 2024 Commemoration Countdown Login Bonus
2024/01/27 15:00~
2024/01/31 23:59
Puyo Day 2024 Commemoration Countdown Missions
2024/01/18 15:00~
2024/02/01 03:59
Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Special Present
カードキャプターさくらコラボ スペシャルプレゼント
2024/01/18 15:00~
2024/01/31 23:59
Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Limited Missions
カードキャプターさくらコラボ 期間限定ミッション
2024/01/18 15:00~
2024/01/31 03:59
Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Login Bonus
カードキャプターさくらコラボ ログインボーナス
2024/01/18 15:00~
2024/01/30 23:59
Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Mission Bingo
カードキャプターさくらコラボ ミッションビンゴ
2024/01/11 15:00~
2024/01/18 03:59
Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Countdown Login Bonus
カードキャプターさくら コラボカウントダウンログインボーナス
2024/01/09 15:00~
2024/01/17 23:59
Growth Support Limited Missions
2024/01/06 15:00~
2024/01/13 03:59
Puyo-in Login Bonus Part 2
くるぷよログインボーナス 第2弾
2024/01/01 15:00~
2024/01/22 03:59
Otoshidama Special Present
2024/01/01 15:00~
2024/01/11 23:59
Puyo-in! Sup-bream Hunt
Limited Missions
くるぷよ!おめでたいハント 期間限定ミッション
2024/01/01 15:00~
2024/01/04 03:59
Puyo-in Login Bonus Part 1
くるぷよログインボーナス 第1弾
2023/12/27 15:00~
2024/01/18 03:59
Puyo-out/Puyo-in Special Present
2023/12/27 15:00~
2024/01/17 23:59

Power-up Fusion Big Success Rate 2.4×
Power-up Fusion Big Success Rate 2.4×
2023/12/27 15:00~
2024/01/02 23:59

Everybody Battles UXP 2.4×
Everybody Battles UXP 2.4×
2023/12/27 15:00~
2024/01/02 23:59
Puyo-out/Puyo-in Pwurp Special League
Limited Missions
ゆくぷよくるぷよプワープ特別リーグ 期間限定ミッション
2023/12/27 15:00~
2024/01/01 03:59
Puyo-out Login Bonus
2023/12/27 11:00~
2024/02/01 10:59
Puyo-out/Puyo-in Limited Special Mix-up Summons
2023/12/26 15:00~
2024/01/18 03:59
Winter Break Login Bonus

(29) PuyoQuest Official Livestream Airing Commemoration Login Bonus

Special Present
Puyo Day Commemoration Dual Shift Ticket Puyo Day Commemoration Dual Shift Ticket ×24
expires 2024/03/05 23:59
Power Strawberry Power Strawberry ×240
Healing Eggplant Healing Eggplant ×240
Endurance Asparagus Endurance Asparagus ×240

(27) Puyo Day 2024 Commemoration Countdown Login Bonus

No. Login Bonus
In ??? ???で

-day Login Bonus
1 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×2
2 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×2
3 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×2
4 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×2
5 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×2
Magic Stone Magic Stone ×10

(27) Puyo Day 2024 Commemoration Countdown Missions

  • Claim by 2024/02/01 23:59
In ??? ???で
Clear quests
1 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
3 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
5 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
7 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
10 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
12 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
14 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
16 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
18 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
20 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
In ??? ???で
50 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×2
100 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
150 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×100 each
200 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
250 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×5
300 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
350 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×2
400 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
450 [★5] Red Book of Secrets [★5] Red Book of Secrets ×1
500 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
600 [★5] Blue Book of Secrets [★5] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
700 [★5] Purple Book of Secrets [★5] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
800 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
900 [★5] Green Book of Secrets [★5] Green Book of Secrets ×1
1000 Red Sir Wilde (40) Red Sir Wilde (40) ×1
1100 Blue Sir Wilde (40) Blue Sir Wilde (40) ×1
1200 Purple Sir Wilde (40) Purple Sir Wilde (40) ×1
1300 Yellow Sir Wilde (40) Yellow Sir Wilde (40) ×1
1400 Green Sir Wilde (40) Green Sir Wilde (40) ×1
1500 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×2
In ??? ???で
20 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3

(18) Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Special Present

Special Present
[★6] Kero-chan [★6] Kero-chan ×1
[★6] Suppie [★6] Suppie ×1

(18) Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Limited Missions

  • Claim by 2024/02/01 23:59
In ??? ???で
50 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
100 [★6] Comet Puyo [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
150 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
[★6] Kero-chan
[WS] Kero-chan
[WS] Kero-chan ×1
250 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
300 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
350 [★6] Comet Puyo [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
400 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
[★6] Kero-chan
[WS] Kero-chan
[WS] Kero-chan ×1
500 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
550 [★6] Saturn Puyo [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
[★6] Kero-chan
[WS] Kero-chan
[WS] Kero-chan ×1
650 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
700 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
750 [★5] Puyo Choco [★5] Puyo Choco (all colors) ×1 set
[★6] Kero-chan
[WS] Kero-chan
[WS] Kero-chan ×1
850 [★6] Saturn Puyo [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
900 [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) ×1 set
950 [★5] Puyo Candy (all colors) [★5] Puyo Candy (all colors) ×1 set
[★6] Kero-chan
[WS] Kero-chan
[WS] Kero-chan ×1
1100 [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) ×1 set
1200 [★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors) [★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors) ×1 set
1300 Red Sir Wilde (40) Red Sir Wilde (40) ×1
1400 Blue Sir Wilde (40) Blue Sir Wilde (40) ×1
1500 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
In ??? ???で
Clear Sakura Photo Festival
1 Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Winter Puyo Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Winter Puyo ×1
expires 2024/04/30 23:59
2 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×50 each
3 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
4 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
5 Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Winter Puyo Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Winter Puyo ×1
expires 2024/04/30 23:59
6 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×50 each
7 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
[★6] Suppie
[WS] Suppie
[WS] Suppie ×1
9 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×2
10 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×1
11 Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Winter Puyo Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Winter Puyo ×1
expires 2024/04/30 23:59
12 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
13 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×50 each
14 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×2
15 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×1
[★6] Suppie
[WS] Suppie
[WS] Suppie ×1
18 [★4] Red Book of Secrets [★4] Red Book of Secrets ×1
20 [★4] Blue Book of Secrets [★4] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
22 [★4] Green Book of Secrets [★4] Green Book of Secrets ×1
[★6] Suppie
[WS] Suppie
[WS] Suppie ×1
26 [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
28 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
30 Green Sir Wilde (40) Green Sir Wilde (40) ×1
[★6] Suppie
[WS] Suppie
[WS] Suppie ×1
35 Yellow Sir Wilde (40) Yellow Sir Wilde (40) ×1
37 Purple Sir Wilde (40) Purple Sir Wilde (40) ×1
[★6] Suppie
[WS] Suppie
[WS] Suppie ×1
43 [★5] Red Book of Secrets [★5] Red Book of Secrets ×1
47 [★5] Blue Book of Secrets [★5] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
50 [★5] Green Book of Secrets [★5] Green Book of Secrets ×1
53 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
56 [★5] Purple Book of Secrets [★5] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
60 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
In ??? ???で
34 Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Winter Puyo Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Winter Puyo ×1
expires 2024/04/30 23:59

(18) Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Login Bonus

No. Login Bonus
In ??? ???で

-day Login Bonus
1 Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
2 Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
3 Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
4 Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
5 Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
6 Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
7 Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
8 Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
9 Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
10 Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
11 Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
12 Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon ×12
expires 2024/01/31 23:59

(18) Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Mission Bingo

  • Claim by 2024/01/31 03:59
  • Rewards for the latter Bingo Sheet can only be claimed after completing the first sheet, and mission completion status is counted only to the currently active sheet.

Bingo Sheet 1/3

Cell Mission Rewards
Pop 24 Puyos
[★6] Comet Puyo×1
[★6] Comet Puyo (all colors)
Pop 50 Puyos
[★6] Saturn Puyo×1
[★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors)
Spend 24 Stamina
Red Sir Wilde (30)×1
Red Sir Wilde (30)
Spend 40 Stamina
Green Sir Wilde (30)×1
Green Sir Wilde (30)
Clear Quests 1 Time
Magic Stone×1
Magic Stone
Perform Power-up Fusion 1 Time
Stamina Herb (100)×1
Stamina Herb (100)
Pop 3+ Colors of Puyos at the Same Time
Power Strawberry

Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus
×50 ea.
★1 PuyoVeggies
Achieve 2+ Chain
Power Strawberry

Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus
×50 ea.
★1 PuyoVeggies
Clear Quests 2 Times
Farm Rental Ticket (7-day)×1
Farm Rental Ticket (7-day)
Bingo Rewards (stackable)
1 [★3] Puyo Ice (all colors) [★3] Puyo Ice (all colors) ×8 sets
2 Summons Point 1000 Summons Points
3 [★3] Puyo Jelly (all colors) [★3] Puyo Jelly (all colors) ×8 sets
4 Summons Point 2000 Summons Points
5 [★3] Puyo Candy (all colors) [★3] Puyo Candy (all colors) ×8 sets
6 Summons Point 2000 Summons Points
7 [★3] Puyo Choco [★3] Puyo Choco (all colors) ×8 sets
8 Summons Point 2000 Summons Points
Completion Reward
Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon×1
Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon
expires 2024/01/31 23:59

Bingo Sheet 2/3

Cell Mission Rewards
Clear Quests 1 Time
[★3] Red Book of Secrets×1
[★3] Red Book of Secrets
Clear Quests 2 Times
[★3] Blue Book of Secrets×1
[★3] Blue Book of Secrets
Clear Quests 3 Times
[★3] Green Book of Secrets×1
[★3] Green Book of Secrets
Spend 50 Stamina
Magic Stone×1
Magic Stone
Perform Power-up Fusion 2 Times
Blue Sir Wilde (30)×1
Blue Sir Wilde (30)
Play League Battle or COM Battle 1 Time
Stamina Herb (100)×1
Stamina Herb (100)
Spend 20 Magic Points
Power Strawberry

Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus
×50 ea.
★1 PuyoVeggies
Pop 3+ Colors of Puyos at the Same Time
Farm Rental Ticket (7-day)×1
Farm Rental Ticket (7-day)
Achieve 3+ Chain
Farm Rental Ticket (7-day)×1
Farm Rental Ticket (7-day)
Bingo Rewards (stackable)
1 [★4] Puyo Ice (all colors) [★4] Puyo Ice (all colors) ×6 sets
2 [★4] Puyo Jelly (all colors) [★4] Puyo Jelly (all colors) ×6 sets
3 [★4] Puyo Candy (all colors) [★4] Puyo Candy (all colors) ×6 sets
4 [★4] Puyo Choco [★4] Puyo Choco (all colors) ×6 sets
5 [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) ×4 sets
6 [★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors) [★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors) ×4 sets
7 [★5] Puyo Candy (all colors) [★5] Puyo Candy (all colors) ×4 sets
8 [★5] Puyo Choco [★5] Puyo Choco (all colors) ×4 sets
Completion Reward
Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon×1
Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon
expires 2024/01/31 23:59

Bingo Sheet 3/3

Cell Mission Rewards
Train 1 Special Training Tier
Stamina Herb (100)×1
Stamina Herb (100)
Train 2 Special Training Tiers
Yellow Sir Wilde (30)×1
Yellow Sir Wilde (30)
Train 3 Special Training Tiers
Purple Sir Wilde (30)×1
Purple Sir Wilde (30)
Pop 100 Puyos
Power Strawberry

Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus
×50 ea.
★1 PuyoVeggies
Clear Quests 3 Times
Magic Stone×1
Magic Stone
Achieve 3+ Chain
[★6] Saturn Puyo×1 set
[★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors)
Pop 3+ Colors of Puyos at the Same Time
Stamina Herb (100)×1
Stamina Herb (100)
Spend 40 Magic Points
Farm Rental Ticket (7-day)×1
Farm Rental Ticket (7-day)
Play League Battle or COM Battle 2 Times
Farm Rental Ticket (7-day)×1
Farm Rental Ticket (7-day)
Bingo Rewards (stackable)
1 [★6] Puyo Ice (all colors) [★6] Puyo Ice (all colors) ×1 set
2 [★6] Puyo Jelly (all colors) [★6] Puyo Jelly (all colors) ×1 set
3 [★6] Puyo Candy (all colors) [★6] Puyo Candy (all colors) ×1 set
4 [★6] Puyo Choco [★6] Puyo Choco (all colors) ×1 set
5 [★6] Puyo Ice (all colors) [★6] Puyo Ice (all colors) ×2 sets
6 [★6] Puyo Jelly (all colors) [★6] Puyo Jelly (all colors) ×2 sets
7 [★6] Puyo Candy (all colors) [★6] Puyo Candy (all colors) ×2 sets
8 [★6] Puyo Choco [★6] Puyo Choco (all colors) ×2 sets
Completion Reward
Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon×1
Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Gacha Coupon
expires 2024/01/31 23:59

(11) Cardcaptor Sakura Collab Countdown Login Bonus

No. Login Bonus
In ??? ???で

-day Login Bonus
1 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
2 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
3 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
4 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
5 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
6 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
7 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
Magic Stone Magic Stone ×7

(09) Growth Support Limited Missions

  • Complete within 2024/01/09 15:00~2024/01/17 23:59
  • Claim by 2024/01/18 23:59
In ??? ???で
200 [★6] Comet Puyo [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
300 [★6] Saturn Puyo [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
400 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
500 [★6] Saturn Puyo [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
600 Blue Sir Wilde (40) Blue Sir Wilde (40) ×1
700 [★6] Saturn Puyo [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
800 [★3] Yellow Book of Secrets [★3] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
900 [★3] Purple Book of Secrets [★3] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
1000 Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×2
1200 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×1
1500 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
In ??? ???で
Clear quests
3 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
6 [★6] Comet Puyo [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
9 [★6] Saturn Puyo [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
12 [★3] Red Book of Secrets [★3] Red Book of Secrets ×1
15 [★3] Blue Book of Secrets [★3] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
18 [★3] Green Book of Secrets [★3] Green Book of Secrets ×1
21 [★4] Red Book of Secrets [★4] Red Book of Secrets ×1
24 [★4] Blue Book of Secrets [★4] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
27 [★4] Green Book of Secrets [★4] Green Book of Secrets ×1
30 [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
35 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
40 Green Sir Wilde (40) Green Sir Wilde (40) ×1
45 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×2
50 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
In ??? ???で
Special Training tiers
1 Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×2
2 [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) ×1 set
4 [★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors) [★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors) ×1 set
6 [★5] Puyo Candy (all colors) [★5] Puyo Candy (all colors) ×1 set
8 [★5] Puyo Choco [★5] Puyo Choco (all colors) ×1 set
10 Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×2
12 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
14 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×250 each
16 [★4] Red Book of Secrets [★4] Red Book of Secrets ×1
18 [★4] Blue Book of Secrets [★4] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
20 [★4] Green Book of Secrets [★4] Green Book of Secrets ×1
23 [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
26 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
29 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×2
32 Red Sir Wilde (40) Red Sir Wilde (40) ×1
35 Purple Sir Wilde (40) Purple Sir Wilde (40) ×1
38 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×2
40 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
In ??? ???で
Increase Level Cap
1 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×2
2 [★5] Red Book of Secrets [★5] Red Book of Secrets ×1
3 [★5] Blue Book of Secrets [★5] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
4 [★5] Green Book of Secrets [★5] Green Book of Secrets ×1
5 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
6 [★5] Purple Book of Secrets [★5] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
7 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
In ??? ???で
Be Farm Helper
10 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
20 Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×2
30 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×250 each
40 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×3
50 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×1
75 Yellow Sir Wilde (40) Yellow Sir Wilde (40) ×1
100 [★5] Red Grimoire [★5] Red Grimoire ×1
125 [★5] Blue Grimoire [★5] Blue Grimoire ×1
150 [★5] Green Grimoire [★5] Green Grimoire ×1
175 [★5] Purple Grimoire [★5] Purple Grimoire ×1
200 [★5] Yellow Grimoire [★5] Yellow Grimoire ×1
250 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
In ??? ???で
50 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
100 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×2
150 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
250 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×3
350 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×2
400 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
450 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×1
500 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
550 Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×2
600 [★6] Red Grimoire [★6] Red Grimoire ×1
650 [★6] Blue Grimoire [★6] Blue Grimoire ×1
700 [★6] Green Grimoire [★6] Green Grimoire ×1
750 [★6] Purple Grimoire [★6] Purple Grimoire ×1
800 [★6] Yellow Grimoire [★6] Yellow Grimoire ×1
In ??? ???で
55 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×4

(06) Puyo-in Login Bonus Part 2

No. Login Bonus
In ??? ???で

-day Login Bonus
1 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
2 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×2
3 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
4 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×4
5 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×5
6 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×5
7 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×5
Magic Stone Magic Stone ×25

(01) Otoshidama Special Present

Special Present
Magic Stone Magic Stone ×100
Full House! Lucky Bag Gacha Coupon Full House! Lucky Bag Gacha Coupon ×15
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
Coin 2024 PuyoPoints
[★6] Saturn Puyo [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×24 sets

(01) Puyo-in! Sup-bream Hunt Limited Missions

  • Complete within 2024/01/01 15:00~2024/01/11 23:59
  • Claim by 2024/01/12 23:59
In ??? ???で
Clear quests
1 Magic Stone Magic Stone×1
3 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100)×1
5 Magic Stone Magic Stone×1
7 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100)×1
10 Magic Stone Magic Stone×1
12 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100)×1
14 Magic Stone Magic Stone×1
16 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100)×1
18 Magic Stone Magic Stone×1
20 Full House! Lucky Bag Gacha Coupon Full House! Lucky Bag Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
In ??? ???で
50 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×2
100 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×100 each
150 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×5
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In ??? ???で
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expires 2024/01/31 23:59

(01) Puyo-in Login Bonus Part 1

No. Login Bonus
In ??? ???で

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1 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
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3 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3
Magic Stone Magic Stone ×9