PPQ:Misc. News Archive/November 2023

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< PPQ:PuyoQuest News Archive

Availability Campaign
2023/11/29 15:00~
2023/12/13 03:59
Nice Puyo Day Login Bonus Part 2
いいぷよの日 ログインボーナス 第2弾
2023/11/29 15:00~
2023/12/12 23:59
Nice Puyo Day First Gust Seekers' Brigade
Limited Missions
いいぷよの日冬一番見つけ隊 期間限定ミッション
2023/11/22 15:00~
2023/11/29 03:59
Nice Puyo Day Login Bonus Part 1
いいぷよの日 ログインボーナス 第1弾
2023/11/22 15:00~
2023/11/28 03:59
Nice Puyo Day Limited Missions
いいぷよの日 期間限定ミッション
2023/11/08 15:00~
2023/11/22 03:59
PreCure Series Collab Special Present
プリキュアシリーズコラボ スペシャルプレゼント
2023/11/08 15:00~
2023/11/21 03:59
PreCure Series Collab Login Bonus
プリキュアシリーズコラボ ログインボーナス
2023/11/08 15:00~
2023/11/20 23:59
PreCure Series Collab Limited Missions
プリキュアシリーズコラボ 期間限定ミッション
2023/11/03 15:00~
2023/11/08 03:59
PreCure Series Collab Countdown Login Bonus
プリキュアシリーズ コラボカウントダウンログインボーナス
2023/11/01 15:00~
2023/11/08 03:59
Congrats! 10.5th Anniversary Pwurp Special League
Support Login Bonus
祝!10.5周年記念 プワープ特別リーグ おうえんログインボーナス
2023/11/01 15:00~
2023/11/07 23:59

Everybody Battles UXP 2.4×
Everybody Battles UXP 2.4×
2023/11/01 15:00~
2023/11/06 23:59
Congrats! 10.5th Anniversary Pwurp Special League
Limited Missions
祝!10.5周年記念 プワープ特別リーグ 期間限定ミッション
2023/10/18 15:00~
2023/11/08 03:59
PuyoQuest 10.5th Anniversary Special Present
ぷよクエ10.5周年記念 スペシャルプレゼント
2023/10/18 15:00~
2023/11/07 23:59

Power-up Fusion Big Success Rate 2.4×
Power-up Fusion Big Success Rate 2.4×
2023/10/18 15:00~
2023/11/07 03:59
PuyoQuest 10.5th Anniversary Login Bonus
ぷよクエ10.5周年記念 ログインボーナス
2023/10/18 15:00~
2023/11/01 03:59
Congrats! 10.5th Anniversary Party
Support Login Bonus
祝!10.5周年記念パーティー 応援ログインボーナス
2023/10/15 23:00~
2023/11/06 03:59
PuyoQuest Official Livestream
Airing Commemoration Login Bonus

(29) Nice Puyo Day Login Bonus Part 2

Overall Rewards
Stamina Herb (100)×14
Stamina Herb (100)
1 2 3 4 5
Stamina Herb (100)×2
Stamina Herb (100)×2
Stamina Herb (100)×2
Stamina Herb (100)×2
Stamina Herb (100)×2
6 7
Stamina Herb (100)×2
Stamina Herb (100)×2

(29) Nice Puyo Day First Gust Seekers' Brigade Limited Missions

  • Complete within 2023/11/29 15:00~12/11 23:59
  • Claim by 2023/12/12 23:59
In ??? 「???」で
50 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
100 Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
150 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
200 Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
250 [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
300 Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
350 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
400 Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
450 [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
500 [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) ×1 set
600 [★5] Puyo Candy (all colors) [★5] Puyo Candy (all colors) ×1 set
700 [★5] Puyo Choco (all colors) [★5] Puyo Choco (all colors) ×1 set
800 [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
900 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
1000 Red Sir Wilde (40) Red Sir Wilde (40) ×1
1100 [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) ×1 set
1200 Blue Sir Wilde (40) Blue Sir Wilde (40) ×1
1300 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
1400 [★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors) [★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors) ×1 set
1500 Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
In ??? 「???」で
Clear quests
1 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
3 Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
5 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×50 each
7 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
10 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×50 each
12 [★4] Red Book of Secrets [★4] Red Book of Secrets ×1
15 [★4] Blue Book of Secrets [★4] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
17 [★4] Green Book of Secrets [★4] Green Book of Secrets ×1
20 Purple Sir Wilde (40) Purple Sir Wilde (40) ×1
22 [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
25 Yellow Sir Wilde (40) Yellow Sir Wilde (40) ×1
27 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
30 Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
In ??? 「???」で
50 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×50 each
100 Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
150 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×2
200 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
250 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×1
300 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
350 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×2
400 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×1
450 [★5] Red Book of Secrets [★5] Red Book of Secrets ×1
500 [★5] Blue Book of Secrets [★5] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
600 [★5] Green Book of Secrets [★5] Green Book of Secrets ×1
700 Green Sir Wilde (40) Green Sir Wilde (40) ×1
800 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
900 [★5] Purple Book of Secrets [★5] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
1000 Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
In ??? 「???」で
34 Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day THB Support Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59

(22) Nice Puyo Day Login Bonus Part 1

Overall Rewards
Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon×12
Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
1 2 3 4
Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon
Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon
Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon
Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon

(22) Nice Puyo Day Limited Missions

  • Complete within 2023/11/22 15:00~11/28 23:59
  • Claim by 2023/11/29 23:59
In ??? 「???」で
Clear quests
1 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
3 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
5 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
7 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
10 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
12 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
14 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
16 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
18 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
20 Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
In ??? 「???」で
50 Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
100 Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
150 Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
200 Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
250 Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/12/12 23:59
300 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
350 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×50 each
400 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×3
450 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×3
500 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
600 [★5] Red Book of Secrets [★5] Red Book of Secrets ×1
700 [★5] Blue Book of Secrets [★5] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
800 [★5] Purple Book of Secrets [★5] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
900 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
1000 [★5] Green Book of Secrets [★5] Green Book of Secrets ×1
1100 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×10
1200 Blue Sir Wilde Statue Blue Sir Wilde Statue ×10
1300 Purple Sir Wilde Statue Purple Sir Wilde Statue ×10
1400 Yellow Sir Wilde Statue Yellow Sir Wilde Statue ×10
1500 Green Sir Wilde Statue Green Sir Wilde Statue ×10
In ??? 「???」で
20 Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon Nice Puyo Day Dual Shift Gacha Coupon ×2
expires 2023/12/12 23:59

(08) PreCure Series Collab Special Present

Period Login Bonus
2023/11/08 15:00~
2023/11/22 03:59
[★6] Saki Hyuga×1
[★6] Saki Hyuga
[★6] Mai Mishou×1
[★6] Mai Mishou

(08) PreCure Series Collab Login Bonus

Overall Rewards
PreCure Series Collab Gacha Coupon×12
PreCure Series Collab Gacha Coupon
expires 2023/11/21 23:59
1 2 3 4 5
PreCure Series Collab Gacha Coupon
PreCure Series Collab Gacha Coupon
PreCure Series Collab Gacha Coupon
PreCure Series Collab Gacha Coupon
PreCure Series Collab Gacha Coupon
6 7 8 9 10
PreCure Series Collab Gacha Coupon
PreCure Series Collab Gacha Coupon
PreCure Series Collab Gacha Coupon
PreCure Series Collab Gacha Coupon
PreCure Series Collab Gacha Coupon
11 12
PreCure Series Collab Gacha Coupon
PreCure Series Collab Gacha Coupon

(08) PreCure Series Collab Limited Missions

  • Complete within 2023/11/08 15:00~11/20 23:59
  • Claim by 2023/11/21 23:59
In ??? 「???」で
50 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
100 [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) ×1
150 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
200 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
250 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
300 [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) ×1
350 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
400 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
450 [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1
500 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
600 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
700 [★5] Puyo Choco (all colors) [★5] Puyo Choco (all colors) ×1
800 [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) [★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors) ×1
900 [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) ×1
1000 [★5] Puyo Candy (all colors) [★5] Puyo Candy (all colors) ×1
1100 [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) [★5] Puyo Ice (all colors) ×1
1200 [★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors) [★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors) ×1
1300 Red Sir Wilde (40) Red Sir Wilde (40) ×1
1400 Blue Sir Wilde (40) Blue Sir Wilde (40) ×1
1500 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
In ??? 「???」で
Clear Skybloom Festival
1 Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Autumn Puyo Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Autumn Puyo ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
2 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×50 each
3 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
4 Stamina Herb (100) Stamina Herb (100) ×1
5 Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Autumn Puyo Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Autumn Puyo ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
6 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×50 each
7 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
8 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×2
9 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×1
10 Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Autumn Puyo Puyo Fest 10% Ticket: Autumn Puyo ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59
12 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
14 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×50 each
16 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×2
18 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×1
20 [★4] Red Book of Secrets [★4] Red Book of Secrets ×1
23 [★4] Blue Book of Secrets [★4] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
26 [★4] Green Book of Secrets [★4] Green Book of Secrets ×1
29 [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
32 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
35 Green Sir Wilde (40) Green Sir Wilde (40) ×1
38 Yellow Sir Wilde (40) Yellow Sir Wilde (40) ×1
41 Purple Sir Wilde (40) Purple Sir Wilde (40) ×1
44 [★5] Red Book of Secrets [★5] Red Book of Secrets ×1
47 [★5] Blue Book of Secrets [★5] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
50 [★5] Green Book of Secrets [★5] Green Book of Secrets ×1
53 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
56 [★5] Purple Book of Secrets [★5] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
60 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
In ??? 「???」で
28 Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Autumn Puyo Puyo Fest Guaranteed Ticket: Autumn Puyo ×1
expires 2024/01/31 23:59

(03) PreCure Series Collab Countdown Login Bonus

Overall Rewards
Magic Stone×5
Magic Stone
1 2 3 4 5
Magic Stone
Magic Stone
Magic Stone
Magic Stone
Magic Stone

(01) Congrats! 10.5th Anniversary Pwurp Special League Support Login Bonus

Overall Rewards
Magic Point Potion (30)×12
Magic Point Potion (30)
1 2 3 4 5
Magic Point Potion (30)×2
Magic Point Potion (30)×2
Magic Point Potion (30)×2
Magic Point Potion (30)×2
Magic Point Potion (30)×2
Magic Point Potion (30)×2

(01) Congrats! 10.5th Anniversary Pwurp Special League Limited Missions

  • Complete within 2023/11/01 15:00~11/06 23:59
  • Claim by 2023/11/07 23:59
In ??? 「???」で
Magic Points
30 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×5
60 Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×1
90 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×5
120 Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×1
150 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×5
180 Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×1
210 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×5
270 Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×1
330 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×5
[WS] Toranosuke
[WS] Toranosuke ×1
In ??? 「???」で
Play League Battle or COM Battle
1 [★6] Toranosuke [★6] Toranosuke ×1
3 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/11/07 23:59
5 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/11/07 23:59
7 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/11/07 23:59
10 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/11/07 23:59
13 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/11/07 23:59
17 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/11/07 23:59
21 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/11/07 23:59
25 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/11/07 23:59
[WS] Toranosuke
[WS] Toranosuke ×1
In ??? 「???」で
500 Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) Farm Rental Ticket (7-day) ×1
1000 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/11/07 23:59
1500 Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×1
2000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×5
2500 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon 10.5th Anniversary Full Power Gacha Coupon ×1
expires 2023/11/07 23:59
3000 Power Strawberry Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus ★1 PuyoVeggies ×50 each
4000 Thief's Banana Thief's Banana ×3
5000 Master's Truffle Master's Truffle ×3
6000 [★5] Red Book of Secrets [★5] Red Book of Secrets ×1
7000 [★5] Blue Book of Secrets [★5] Blue Book of Secrets ×1
8000 [★5] Purple Book of Secrets [★5] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
9000 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
10,000 [★5] Green Book of Secrets [★5] Green Book of Secrets ×1
11,500 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×10
13,000 Blue Sir Wilde Statue Blue Sir Wilde Statue ×10
14,500 Purple Sir Wilde Statue Purple Sir Wilde Statue ×10
[WS] Toranosuke
[WS] Toranosuke ×1
16,500 Yellow Sir Wilde Statue Yellow Sir Wilde Statue ×10
18,000 Green Sir Wilde Statue Green Sir Wilde Statue ×10
[WS] Toranosuke
[WS] Toranosuke ×1
In ??? 「???」で
[WS] Toranosuke
[WS] Toranosuke ×1