PPQ:Manzai Demo Theater/Steam City Schezo

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< PPQ:Taster Quest

Source of the Ambition and the Fresh Wind


Opening Scene


Screen Shake

Rattle rattle rattle...

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ

くっ… また実験失敗か…

Steam City Schezo
Dammit… The experiment failed again...

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
途中まで いい反応だったのに
なにが いけなかったんだ…?

Steam City Schezo
The reaction was going well, where could I have gone wrong...?

[★6] Steam City Witch 蒸気都市のウィッチ

ちょっと シェゾさん!?

Steam City Witch
Hey, Mr. Schezo?!

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ

Steam City Schezo
Tch, that noisy busybody again...

[★6] Steam City Witch 蒸気都市のウィッチ
なんですの さっきの音は!
下の階まで 揺れましたわよ!

Steam City Witch
Just what was all that racket?! It even rattled the floor below!

[★6] Steam City Witch 蒸気都市のウィッチ
ごほっ…ごほっ… それに
窓をあけて換気しないと 煙が

Steam City Witch
Cough... cough... And you should open the window and let some air in, this room’s filled with smoke.

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ

フン… いらん世話だ

Steam City Schezo
Hmph... None of your business.

[★6] Steam City Witch 蒸気都市のウィッチ
別に あなたの世話を焼くつもりは
みじんも ありませんけど…

Steam City Witch
I have no intention in the slightest to stick my nose where it doesn’t belong...

[★6] Steam City Witch 蒸気都市のウィッチ
研究を これ以上

Steam City Witch
I just don’t want any further distractions from my sublime research.

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
なに? …つまりオレの実験が
おまえの ガラクタ遊びに

Steam City Schezo
What? ...So you mean to say my experiments are inferior to your scrap fiddlings?

[★6] Steam City Witch 蒸気都市のウィッチ
そっちこそ 得体のしれない液体を
使って なにを企んでいるのやら…

Steam City Witch
It ain’t scrap! You’re one to talk, one can only imagine you’re up to with that nondescript fluid...

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ

フッ… 安心しろ

Steam City Schezo
Heh... Relax.

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
オレの実験が おまえのような
一般人に 理解できなくとも
それは 仕方のないことだ

Steam City Schezo
It’s expected for a layman such as yourself to be unable to understand my experiments.

[★6] Steam City Witch 蒸気都市のウィッチ


Steam City Witch
What is that supposed to mean?!


Gurgle gurgle gurgle...

[★6] Steam City Witch 蒸気都市のウィッチ

ちょ… ちょっとシェゾさん?

Steam City Witch
H-Hey... Mr. Schezo?

[★6] Steam City Witch 蒸気都市のウィッチ
その… 例の液体から
なにか 生き物のようなものが

Steam City Witch
Um… Something that looks alive has emerged from the fluid...

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
なに!? やはり

Steam City Schezo
What?! So the experiment was a success after all...!!

[★4] Mecha Purple Umiushi ???
知らない場所で 液体まみれ…

To find myself covered with liquid in a strange place...

[★4] Mecha Blue Umiushi ???

ナゾすぎて 泣きそう

It’s so bizarre that I could cry.

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
なんだ おまえたちは?

Steam City Schezo
.........Just what are you?

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
よくも このオレを

Steam City Schezo
How dare you let me rejoice for nothing!

[★4] Mecha Purple Umiushi ???
しかも なんだか
言いがかりまで つけられた

And now I’m being randomly accused, what to do… Oh bother.


Opening Scene
[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
とんだ 災難だったぜ

Steam City Schezo
Thank goodness... That was such a disaster.

[★6] Steam City Witch 蒸気都市のウィッチ
やれやれ と言いたいのは

Steam City Witch
Thank goodness is my line.

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
なんだ ウィッチ
まだ いたのか

Steam City Schezo
Oh, Witch. You're still here?

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
早く 自分の部屋に

Steam City Schezo
Why don’t you go on back to your room?

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
おまえの だいじなホウキが
泣きながら 帰りを

Steam City Schezo
Your beloved broomstick might be crying and waiting for you to come back.

[★6] Steam City Witch 蒸気都市のウィッチ
それじゃあ わたくしは

Steam City Witch
...That may be so. Then, if you’ll excuse me.

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ

ん? やけに素直だな…

Steam City Schezo
Hmm? She’s being oddly compliant...

[★6] Steam City Witch 蒸気都市のウィッチ
ああ そうだ

Steam City Witch
Oh, one more thing, Mr. Schezo.

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ

まだ なにかあるのか

Steam City Schezo
What else do you want?

[★6] Steam City Witch 蒸気都市のウィッチ
早めの 床のおそうじを

Steam City Witch
Just a word of advice... I suggest you clean the floor of this room quickly.

[★6] Steam City Witch 蒸気都市のウィッチ
でないと わたくしのホウキが
天井からの 水もれで
本当に 泣いてしまいますから

Steam City Witch
Otherwise, my broomstick will really cry with the water leaking through the ceiling.

ガチャッ バタン…

Click, slam...

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
それは どういう意味…

Steam City Schezo
Hey, what’s that supposed to mean...

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ


Steam City Schezo

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
さっきまで 煙のせいで

Steam City Schezo
There was so much smoke obscuring my vision...

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
気づけば 部屋中

Steam City Schezo
that before I knew it, my whole room’s been flooded with fluid...!

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
だいじな資料を 片付けて…

Steam City Schezo
F-first of all, I have to take care of the important documents...

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
…いや それより先に
床をふかないと 今度こそ

Steam City Schezo
...No, I have to wipe the floor before that, or the landlord will really kick me out this time...!

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
近い将来 偉大な錬金術師になる

Steam City Schezo
Damn it! Why do I, a future great alchemist...

[★6] Steam City Schezo 蒸気都市のシェゾ
なぜ 部屋のそうじごときに

Steam City Schezo
have to fuss over cleaning a room?!