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Professor Rozatte hasn't covered this material quite yet.
This page contains incomplete translations and untranslated content. Please refer to content on mainspace pages for finished translations.

Wacht Alt

  • 恐怖の槍を装備したため「眠くなると耳元で虫の音がする呪い」にかかってしまった騎士。護衛にも全力で挑んでいる。いつでも王のそばに仕えているため、国民の信頼は厚いとか。
  • A knight who, as a consequence of wielding the Javelin of Terror, suffers the 'Curse of Insect Noises Ringing in the Ears Whenever Sleepiness Approaches'. Since he is ever-present at the side of his king, he's earned the heavy trust of the kingdom's citizens.



FTML Workshop

1PD Workshop

How to Read Once-Per-Day Quests
[★5] Eldur
[★5] Eldur
........Dialogue labeled "Pre-boss" plays before the quest has begun.
TL: Martin
........and English translations will be listed below, if available.
In-quest Dialogue
[★5] Hilda
Pfft... And lines with the In-Quest Dialogue happen after the quest has begun!
TL: Martin
One right after the other! Ahahaha!
[★5] Mappela
That's right, Dame Hilda! I'm up next... Oh no! My hammer is...!
TL: Martin
Sir Friede, watch out! Ah...
[★5] Wacht
Ugh... So sleepy... Can we get accursed thing over with?
TL: Martin
Oh, looks like we're almost to the end... yay...
[★7] Crowlas
Did someone say... curse!? Ah, false alarm.
TL: Martin
By the way, Friede, I found a new potion that may prove fruitful. Would you mind...?
[★5] Friede
Ah, would you look at that? Pyon★
TL: Martin
It looks like the once-per-day quest has ended! Pyon★ (Narrowly avoided a serious disaster...)

Manzai Workshop

Resound! The Harmony of Autumn

Adultly Warlock


