Puyo Puyo Fever/Cutscenes

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Reason: This page is missing Japanese text and romanizations.

This page consists of the cutscenes from Puyo Puyo Fever.

The English script originates from an NTSC copy of the GameCube version of the game.

RunRun Course

Opening Crawl
Japanese Romanization English
Once upon a time...
In some other world...
There lived a young girl
whose dream was to become a
wonderfully clever magic user.
Her name is Amitie,
and she is at
her studies again today.
Lidelle Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Accord Hello kiddies.
It's another magical morning.
Amitie Good morning.
Accord First, let's kick off today by
reviewing the fever mode.
As I mentioned yesterday,
in fever mode, a ready-made puyo
chain will be dropped.
Popoi These puyo chains are there so
you can start using them to make
chain reactions.
Accord In order to go into fever mode, you
must offset each other.
Popoi By offsetting, the fever count
increases. When the count is full,
fever mode begins.
So making your opponent attack
and aiming for an offset strategy
is one way to play the game.
Accord And that's that.
Any questions so far?
Amitie I think I understand.
Accord Okay, then try practicing with the
person sitting next to you.
Lidelle I'm ready...
Tartar Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Accord Have you kiddies got the knack of
fever mode?
Amitie Yeah...? Teacher, what should I do
if I can't offset well?
Accord Good question... For example,
connecting three of the same
coloured puyo might work.
Popoi An offset is an offset even with
one chain you know.
Accord By making various colored groups
in threes, no matter what colored
puyo falls, you can easily offset.
Popoi Besides, nuisance puyos won't fall
on your offset turns.
This is handy even when you
aren't aiming for fever mode.
Amitie I think I've got it... Nope... I still
don't know what you mean.
Accord ...Anyway, practice makes perfect.
Let's try it with a different
partner this time.
Tartar Oh, me. Try facing off with me.
Accord Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Amitie Teacher!
I...I think I've got the hang of this.
Accord That's good to hear, young lady!
Popoi Then...
I guess it's test time.
Amitie What, a test?
Accord What would learning be without
exams? After all, applied
knowledge is acquired knowledge.
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Accord Nice job! Okay then, your next test
will be...
Amitie What? There's more?
Accord I'll be waiting at the WakuWaku Course!

WakuWaku Course

Opening Crawl
Japanese Romanization English
Hello! The name's Amitie!!
I'm hitting the books hard to
become a wonderful magic user.
But today isn't
the day to be studying.
Professor Accord seems to have
"misplaced" or should I say
LOST her flying cane.
She said she'd give a reward
to the person who finds it
so everyone is psyched.
And of course,
that goes for little old me too!
Raffina Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Raffina Good day to you, Miss Amitie.
Amitie Oh hi, Raffine. Are you going
to look for Accord's cane, too?
Raffina Yes, most definitely.
Amitie Would you like to go together?
Raffina What ever is your lowly unrefined mind thinking?
Amitie Un...re...fined?
Raffina Everybody knows the fewer rivals the better, right?
So you can just take a little nap
for me!
Dapper Bones Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Dapper Bones Wazzup?!
Amitie Whaaaa!
You scared the living heck
out of me.
Dapper Bones Hey you there in the deathly
uncool clothes!
Amitie Get real!
Who are you calling uncool!
Dapper Bones On the contrary, just who are you
calling uncool? I just can't figure
out why you're so uncool.
Amitie Get really real!
Now you've ticked me off!!
Dapper Bones Oh-ho-ho! If you're so mortified
then we'll have to Puyo POP to
separate the cool from the uncool.
Lidelle Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Amitie Oh, hi.If[sic] it isn't Rider.
Lidelle M-miss A-Amitie...
Amitie No way? You're looking, too?
Lidelle I-I'm sorry...
I, I just...
Amitie You don't need to apologize...
Lidelle W-w-well...G-go easy on me will
Amitie Y-you too... (Now she's got me
Donguri Gaeru Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Donguri Gaeru Ribit-ribit!
Amitie How icky!
Donguri Gaeru Ribit-ribiiiit!
Amitie What was that?
Donguri Gaeru Ribit!
Amitie Are you all right?
Donguri Gaeru Ribit-ribit!
Amitie What... Are you angry?
Klug Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Klug Salutations Amitie.
You out cane searching too?
Amitie You betcha, Klug.
But I haven't got a clue where that
darn cane has gotten itself off to.
Klug Wha-ha-ha... Well Amitie, I
shouldn't tell you this, but...
With me being always first in the
class at magic I have already
located its whereabouts.
Amitie Get real! Really?
Klug And all I have to do is go pick it
up... Hmm.. Would you like for me to
tell you its hiding place too?
Amitie Would I!
Klug Well only if you can outdo me at
Puyo POP, that is!
Frankensteins Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Frank F-FriEND!!
Amitie Whaaaa!
You scared the living heck
out of me.
Frank F-f-friEND!!
Amitie Come again? What's that?
Stein Daddy says...
"End! We won't let you pass."
Amitie Now why's that?
Frank F-FriEND!! End!! End!!
Stein Daddy says... "If you want to pass,
you'll have to clobber us at Puyo
Amitie Now does he?
Well then, you're on!
Frank F-FriEND!! End!! End!!
Stein Daddy says...
"Two on one is only fair and
Amitie The only thing "square" here are
your heads!
Arle Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Arle Howdy-do!
I'm Arle! Nice to meet you.
Amitie The name's Amitie!! Nice meeting
Arle Sorry but I want to ask you
Amitie What is it?
Arle Just where am I?
Amitie Huh?
Arle I was playing Puyo POP like I
always do and the next thing I
know, I'm here.
And just where is here... Maybe
my magic failed and sent me way
off the map.
Amitie Hmmm... Why dont[sic] you try to do it
again? Maybe you'll go back!
Arle Good idea!! In the meantime, let's
get in a game of Puyo POP first.
Amitie Sure thing... Somehow I knew you
were going to say that.
Popoi Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Popoi So you made it this far, Amitie...
Amitie And so have you...
Pretty climactic if you ask me!
Popoi Is this golden axe what you have
been seeking? Or possibly this
silver axe?
Amitie Huh?
Get real. Accord's flying cane is
what I've been looking for...
Popoi Be still my wicked heart! I'll give
you both of these axes for being so
Amitie Thanks but... I told you, what I
want is the flying cane!
Popoi Ha-ha-ha. Okay then missy. Here's
your flying cane! But you can't
have it for nothing.
Amitie Prepare to Puyo POP for it!
  I[sic] was dying to play anyway!!
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Amitie Yes! I've got the flying cane!
Accord Congratulations Miss Amitie!
Amitie Oh, Ms. Accord!
Here's your flying cane back.
Accord Thank you... I guess I should give
you that reward for your help.
Amitie No, not really.You[sic] don't have to.
Popoi I don't? Well if you insist. Then no
reward it is.
Accord Really? I thought that's what you
wanted? I guess I was wrong about
Amitie Huh? Well... Yeah... Uh-huh...
But I...
Accord Come on, everyone's waiting!
It's about time we got back to more
important things like school.
Amitie Get really real...

HaraHara Course

Opening Crawl
Japanese Romanization English
Now that was in poor taste...
Letting that irritating
Amitie go on ahead...
But we proper ladies
never lose our composure
Calmly, coolly,
always a step ahead of the game!
Look out Amitie!
I, Raffine will bring
sorrow to your tearful face.
Oh la-ti-da!
Onion Pixie Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Raffina But, I still haven't got the
foggiest idea of where to start
Onion Pixie Boing!
Raffina What? Who said that?
Onion Pixie ... ...
Raffina Ahhhh! And just who do you think
you are...poking at a lady's behind?
Onion Pixie Boing-boing!
Raffina Look you turnip or whatever
vegetable you are! I am not in the
You're just going to have to join
me in a recreational round of Puyo
Klug Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Klug Salutations Raffine.
You out cane searching too?
Raffina Oh Klug[sic]
(Damn! If it isn't Mr. Goody Two Shoes.)
Klug Wha-ha-ha... Well Raffine, I
wouldn't tell anyone this, but...
With me being always first in the
class at magic I have already
located its whereabouts.
Raffina Oh...have you now?
Klug I just have to go pick it up... Well
... It looks like I'm first again!
Shall I tell you its hiding place?
Only if you sit up and beg! A-ha, a-
ha, a-ha-ha!!
Raffina Give me a break!
Like I would
really bow down to you!
Whether you want to or not, you're
going to tell me! Let's settle this
in the game of Puyo POP!
Ocean Prince Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Ocean Prince Hey, you there.
Raffina What?
Ocean Prince Come hither you peasant.
Raffina You've got a haughty attitude for a
Ocean Prince How dare you insult me!
I'm the prince of the sea!!
Raffina Looks like for every prince
charming there's a not so charming
Ocean Prince You and your frequent insults are
You will be punished!!
Raffina How dare you address me like
that! I'm gonna give you a Puyo
POP punishment!!
Tartar Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Raffina Huh...this is weird.How[sic] did I
get back here?
Tartar What happened to you?
Raffina Oh? Are you watching the school
by yourself?
Tartar Pretty much so.
Being alone is so boring.
Raffina Is it now... Well, I'd never know.
Tartar Just for that, I'm gonna make you
stay here with me!
Raffina Never! Hey! Knock it off!
Tartar I won't let you get away!
Yu Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Raffina What a waste of time! I'd better
get going.
Yu You rang?
Raffina No, I didn't.
Yu Do you really want to leave?
You're not a tree, hee hee.
Raffina What do you want?
Yu So now... Yu will dance for you.
Pay attention to my elegant dance
Raffina Good luck dancing without any
Hoho Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Hoho Ah-ha! You've got some pluck
barging into our neck of the woods.
Raffina Who are you? Where are you?
Hoho Right here! Ah-ha.
Raffina Ahhh!!
Hoho Dodging our peck attacks like that
... Now that takes skill, hmmm...
But I haven't lost just yet! Time to
take your place in the pecking
Raffina ...Hey! Which way are you looking!
I'll bet you don't even know why
you crossed the road!
Accord Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Accord Well, well, well... Miss Raffine,
now that was quick.
Raffina Ms. Accord... What are you doing
Accord Oh fiddlesticks... He is not ready yet.
Raffina What ever are you talking about?
Accord There's nothing we can do. Well, I
guess I'll keep you company until
he's ready.
Raffina Keep me company? ...Hold on
now... What are you doing holding
your flying cane?
Come on! Are you the one behind
this whole missing cane matter?
Accord That's enough out of you! Now
let's get started.
Popoi Intro
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Raffina Ms. Accord, you made a swift
escape. Who would have ever
I see. It's written all over your
Popoi So you made it this far, Raffine.
Raffina I just knew it!
So Popoi...you're the final battler
after all!
Popoi Right you are!
The name's the Prince of
Darkness...not Popoi.
Raffina Teacher!
Are you hiding somewhere?
Everybody knows that Popoi is a
plain old puppet that you make
speak with magic!
Popoi How dare you!
That's not true! I never knew that!
Raffina Well if you insist... Go ahead and
say what you like.Time[sic] to Puyo
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization English
Raffina I did it!
Sweet victory is mine! All mine!!
So teacher! I made it this far so
where's my reward?
Accord I guess I have to...
Okay then, close your eyes.
Raffina Huh... Like this?
S-s-sure... W-w-whatever you say...
Accord Oh la-ti-da yourself Raffine!
I want to keep Popoi a secret from
the kiddie so forget what you saw
Amitie ... ... Hey! Raffine!!
Raffina ...Amitie? Huh? Now just what
was I up to? I'm sure I was looking
for that flying cane...
Amitie I heard you found it, Raffine!
Teacher said so. Way to go Raffine!
You're amazing!
Raffina Amazing? Well of course I am!
(So that's what happened? I don't
remember a thing...)
Accord Thank you Miss Raffine! You
certainly were a big, big help!
Raffina Huh? Oh la-ti-da! Whatever I set
my mind to is a cinch!
Accord Well kiddies, we found the cane so
it's about time we got back to more
important things like school.
Amitie Okay!!
Raffina (Hmm... I feel like something
reall important has slipped my
mind...) Oh la-ti-da!