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This gameplay article is now up-to-date with the Super PuyoQuest Project major update!

Puyo Puyo!! Quest has two features that grant rewards to players for completing certain goals: Missions (ミッション) and Mission Bingo (ミッションビンゴ). Both features can be accessed through buttons on the Home menu.


The Missions (ミッション) section is the portal for normal Missions. The section is divided into four tabs: Daily (デイリー), Weekly (ウィークリー), Normal (ノーマル) and Limited (期間限定), each with different specifications and availability.

Tabs of the Mission section

For missions in progress, players can tap the blue top-right corner of the panel to show its Mission Details (ミッション詳細) pop-up. The pop-up contains a complete list of Completion Rewards (達成報酬), and a detailed How to Play (遊び方) explaining the requirements. Some (but not all) missions also have a Move (移動する) button on the pop-up that brings the player to where the mission can be completed.

With the exception of Daily Missions, players need to return to the Missions section after completing the missions to claim the rewards. Completed missions will have a blue panel background and a red Claimable (受け取り可) ribbon at the top-right corner of the panel. Players can either tap on each mission to claim the rewards individually, or use the Batch Claim (まとめて受け取る) button to claim rewards from completed missions in all tabs. Received cards will be sent to the Present Box, while other items will be directly credited.

Daily Missions

Daily Missions (デイリーミッション) are a set of six (6) missions that reset every day at 04:00 (UTC+9). Active subscribers of the PuyoQuest Pass has access to six (6) additional missions and more rewards in this category every day.

Unlike other types of missions, rewards from the Daily Missions are automatically delivered to the Present Box as soon as they are cleared, and do not require players to manually claim them from the Missions section. Completed Daily Missions will be greyed out and have a Completed (達成) stamp over the reward icon.

Updated 2024/10/14 04:00
Mission Rewards
Roll Gacha 1 Time
Clear Quests 1 Time
Summons Point300
Summons Point
Perform Power-up Fusion 1 Time
[★6] Crown Puyo×1 set
[★6] Crown Puyo (all colors)
Play Battle 1 Time
Be Farm Helper 3 Times
Thief's Banana×1
Thief's Banana
Complete 4 Missions
Magic Stone×1
Magic Stone
[PuyoQuest Pass Exclusive] Roll Gacha 1 Time
[ぷよクエパス限定] ガチャを1回引こう
[PuyoQuest Pass Exclusive] Clear Quests 1 Time
[ぷよクエパス限定] クエストを1回クリアしよう
Summons Point1000
Summons Point
[PuyoQuest Pass Exclusive] Perform Power-up Fusion 1 Time
[ぷよクエパス限定] パワーアップ合成を1回しよう
[★6] Comet Puyo×3 sets
[★6] Comet Puyo (all colors)
[PuyoQuest Pass Exclusive] Play Battle 1 Time
[ぷよクエパス限定] バトルを1回プレイしよう
[PuyoQuest Pass Exclusive] Play Battle 2 Times
[ぷよクエパス限定] バトルを2回プレイしよう
Thief's Banana×3
Thief's Banana
[PuyoQuest Pass Exclusive] Complete 8 Missions
[ぷよクエパス限定] ミッションを8つクリアしよう
Magic Stone×2
Magic Stone

Weekly Missions

Weekly Missions (ウィークリーミッション) are a set of eight (8) missions that reset every Monday at 04:00 (UTC+9).

Updated 2024/10/14 04:00
Mission Rewards
Roll Gacha 5 Times
[★6] Comet Puyo×3 sets
[★6] Comet Puyo (all colors)
Clear Quests 10 Times
Master's Truffle×3
Master's Truffle
Clear Quests 30 Times
[★4] Everything Pusler×3
[★4] Everything Pusler
Play Battle 10 Times
Harvest 150 PuyoVeggies
Stamina Herb (100)×3
Stamina Herb (100)
Be Farm Helper 10 Times
Platinum Ticket×1
Platinum Ticket
Train 5 Special Training Tiers
Magic Point Potion (30)×3
Magic Point Potion (30)
Complete 6 Missions
Magic Stone×5
Magic Stone

Normal Missions

Normal Missions (ノーマルミッション) are fixture achievement missions that are available at all times and do not expire.

Normal Missions are further divided into four difficulties of Beginner (初心者), Simple (かんたん), Moderate (ふつう) and Difficult (むずかしい), plus the Others (そのた) category.

Some Normal Missions share the same nature with increasing goals. These missions are chained in series: players are only given access to the first mission of the series at the start, and subsequent missions are unlocked after the previous one is cleared.

See PPQ:Mission/List of Normal Missions for the full list of Normal Missions.

Limited Missions

Limited Missions (期間限定ミッション) are special sets of missions held in association with certain campaigns and events. Missions in this tab have set deadlines to complete and claim rewards.

See PPQ:PuyoQuest News Archive for the schedule and full lists of Limited Missions.

Mission Bingo

Mission Bingo

Mission Bingo (ミッションビンゴ) is a special form of Mission. Mission Bingo are usually available for a limited time during special campaigns, with the only exception being the beginner-focused Welcome Mission Bingo (no time limit) available to all players once.

Players are given a Bingo Sheet (ビンゴシート) consisting of nine (9) missions arranged in a three-by-three grid. Like normal missions, players can tap each mission panel to show its Mission Details (ミッション詳細) pop-up with detailed requirements. Note that the panel only show the icon for one item of the reward, while more items may be included in actuality.

Rewards for completed missions on the Bingo Sheet is claimed when the player returns to the Home screen, automatically starting a sequence of stamping a "Completed!" (達成!) stamp over each completed panel. Aside from the rewards for completing each mission, players also get up to eight Bingo Rewards (ビンゴ報酬) when completed mission panels make a full horizontal, vertical or diagonal line in the grid. Completing the whole Bingo Sheet also grants the player the Completion Reward (コンプリート報酬). All rewards are sent to the Present Box automatically.

Certain Mission Bingo campaigns may have more than one Bingo Sheet. Bingo Sheets other than the first will be locked until the previous sheet is fully completed. Missions on locked Bingo Sheets will not track completion until the sheet is unlocked.