PPQ:Mega Thief Intrusion

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Mega Thief (メガどろぼう) is a special occurrence in Puyo Puyo!! Quest that is the only source for Extra Training Stones.

How to Play

List of Difficulties

  • Rewarded Extra Training Stones can be either Critical Stone or Skill Stone
  • Rewarded Extra Training Stones are of the same color as the Mega Thief except those with ★
Difficulty Lives Rewards
Interim (中間報酬) Defeat (撃破報酬)
Mega Thief (Purple) Mild
×1 (50M) (any one)
Lv. 1 Extra Training Stone
Lv. 2 Extra Training Stone
Mega Thief (Purple) Medium
×2 (150M each) ×1
Lv. 1 Extra Training Stone
(any one)
Lv. 1 Extra Training Stone
Mega Thief (Purple) Hot
×3 (750M each) ×2
Lv. 2 Extra Training Stone
(any one)
Lv. 2 Extra Training Stone
Lv. 3 Extra Training Stone
Lv. 4 Extra Training Stone
Mega Thief (Purple) Spicy
×4 (5B each) ×2
Lv. 3 Extra Training Stone
(any one)
Lv. 3 Extra Training Stone
Lv. 4 Extra Training Stone
Lv. 5 Extra Training Stone
Lv. 6 Extra Training Stone
Lv. 7 Extra Training Stone
Mega Thief (Purple) Super Spicy
×5 (50B each) ×2
Lv. 5 Extra Training Stone
×4 (any one)
Lv. 5 Extra Training Stone
Lv. 6 Extra Training Stone
(any one)
Lv. 7 Extra Training Stone
Lv. 8 Extra Training Stone
Lv. 9 Extra Training Stone
Lv. 10 Extra Training Stone
Mega Thief (Purple) Extreme
×3 (10B each)
Red ShieldBlue ShieldGreen ShieldYellow ShieldPurple Shield (-99%)
Poison Resistance
×2 (any one)
Lv. 6 Extra Training Stone
Lv. 7 Extra Training Stone
(any one)
Lv. 9 Extra Training Stone
Lv. 10 Extra Training Stone

Extra Training Stone

Extra Training Stones (とくもりストーン) are items used in Extra Training Board. Extra Training Stones come in two varieties: the yellow Critical Stone (クリティカルストーン) and the blue Skill Stone (スキルストーン).

Each Extra Training Stone specifies a color that only cards of the same main color can use. Each also has a level between 1 and 10 to signify its power.