User:Luna/Endless Tower Guide
Color Requirements
First and foremost, you're gonna need to use monocolor teams. Rainbow teams won't cut it past floor 20 because enemies shield all but two colors. The colors you can use are:
Red Tower: Red, Blue
Blue Tower: Blue, Green
Green Tower: Green, Red
Yellow Tower: Yellow, Purple
Purple Tower: Yellow, Purple
Bold = Highly encouraged, almost mandatory. Using the other color will make you take double damage.
Italics = Encouraged for nearly all floors. You do less damage, but also take less damage. You may want to use the opposite colors in cases where you have to do a lot of damage very quickly, such as x9F (Caballoons).
In the guide, unless otherwise specified, I will be assuming that you use the recommended colors (bold/italic).
Card Restrictions

You can't use two or more of the same card when making your team. This means no duplicates and no equivalent cards. Equivalent cards include most alts, including collabs, with a few exceptions. Exceptions include PuyoFests and the Coffee Shop Girls Series. Exceptions are also exceptions of each other, so you can bring as many as you want provided there are no exact duplicates.
Examples of allowed teams:
- Team including one Red Amitie, one Coffee Shop Amitie, one Popping Amitie, and one Amitie
- Team including one Prince Salde (human) and one Ocean Prince (fish)
Examples of disallowed teams:
- Team including one ★6 Rulue and one ★7 Rulue
- Team including one Arle and one Gugugugu Arle
- Team including one Coffee Shop Amitie and two Red Amities
About Guide
In this guide, enemies are divided into four roles. Main boss refers to the boss present on every stage in a floor, support refers to a secondary boss present on stages 2 and 3, fodders refer to the two minor enemies on every stage of most floors, and last stage support refers to a tertiary boss present only on stage 3. Floors x0F, x5F, and x9F have some exceptions which will be detailed in their corresponding guides.
Fisher: A card with a skill that turns Next Puyo into a desired color for a certain number of turns. The word comes from the Fisherboys Series. Other cards with this skill include Hiding Hamsters Series, Amitie ver. P4, Sandra, and MEIKO. Derivations are Gagakushi Series and Spirited Devil Series, which also spawn Chance Puyo, and Yokai Series and Cleaner Boys Series, which also reset the board.
Monocolor lead: A leader card whose boost applies only to cards of one color. Some cards, such as Great Hero Ragnus and ★7 Alt-world Travel Series have leader skill boosts that apply to cards of two colors.
Preemptive: An enemy's attack that occurs before you have a chance to attack.
Painter: A card with a skill that allows you to touch up to a certain number of Puyo to turn them into the desired color within a 10-second time limit. The most famous is the Stellar Mage Series, with others being Assistant Series and Puyo Puyo!! Touch Series. Monster Series is a variation that has no time limit, but you cannot lift your finger while tracing to transform Puyo.
PTS / Puyo to skill: The number of color puyo you need to pop before you can use a card's active skill.

Rainbow lead: A leader card whose boost applies to all cards and vary depending on how many colors you have in your team, maxing out if you have all five colors (side colors count). Generally not recommended unless the team's main color is one color while the other four colors are covered by side colors.
Skyfall: Puyo that fall after your initial chain visible on the board has concluded. Depending on your skyfall puyo RNG, your 3 chain can potentially turn into an 6 chain (or even more).
Toughness: A condition in which HP stops at 1 when drained to 0 (one time only, for all applicable enemies in endless towers).
Universal lead: A leader card whose boost unconditionally applies to all cards.
General recommendations
Generally recommended leaders:
- Awakened Power Series - 3x ATK and HP, and turns next puyo to their color at the start of the quest. They are good for getting a head start popping puyo to charge skills quickly.
- Cards that create chance puyo at the start (ex. Radiant Wynn, Street Maguro, Shizunagi, Shinichi Kudo) are also good for charging skills quickly.
- Auto-healing leaders (ex. Coffee Shop Girls Series)
- Leaders that heal upon chaining (ex. Arle & Carbuncle, Popping Amitie, Dazzling Satan, Hatsune Miku, Sakura Shinguji, Uncanny Yue)
- Budget option is Angel Series but they don't raise ATK so be prepared to spend at least a hundred turns on high floors.
- Trace up leader (ex. Artisan Series, Satan & Carbuncle, Flash Attack Rulue, P3 Hero, P3 Heroine)
- ★7 Original Puyo Puyo Series with SP leader skill (not as powerful, but the boosted recovery can greatly help survivability)
- Pretty much any monocolor or universal PuyoFest works well tbh.
- Other cards work too; at least x2.5 HP and x3 ATK is recommended.
Helpful for ALL floors:
- Gagakushi Series or Fisherboys Series or other fisher skill
- Attack up skill (ex. Suzuran et al. Series, Astrology Girls Series, Zenon, Swordfighter Klug) and/or Conditional attack up skill (ex. Rozatte, Ryatafu, Shizunagi, Popping Amitie, P4 Hero)
Potentially helpful for many floors:
- Trace up skill (ex. Fairy Tale Series, Angelic Feli, Sparking Klug, Toru Amuro)
- Board Transform / Burst skill (skills that turn all/many puyo to one color or many colors + prisms) (ex. Original Puyo Puyo Series, Alt-world Travel Series, Beverage Fairy Series, Rafisol, Valkyrie Arle, Valkyrie Dark Arle, Radiant Wynn, many others)
- Recovery skills (ex. Fever Recover Series, Flower Nobility Series, Kigurumi Series, Swordfighter Lidelle)
- Painter skills (ex. Stellar Mage Series)
Others to consider: (if you have spare room)
- Prism-making skills (ex. Sage Series, Xiannu Series, Todomatsu)
- Chance puyo-making skills (ex. Fish Series, Yo~n Series, Xiannu Series again, Sweet Amitie)
- Prism condition skills (ex. Heavenly Knight Series, Djinn Series, Legamünt, Kaito Kid, P5 Hero)
- Mass attack skills (ex. Mythical Series, Order of the Costumeheads Series, Kaworu)
- Consecution skills (ex. Holy Beast Fighter Series, Swordfighter Sig, Swordfighter Amitie, Martial Staff Raffina)
Required for specific floors:
For floors x0 and x5, starting from floor 35:
- Revive (Angel Series, Teddie) [Note: Revive is NOT needed if using a 3-turn mirror such as a Trapcrafter or ★7 RBG Dragon Person.]
One of:
- Undertake (ex. Scorched Desert Journey Series, Heavy Infantry Series, Guardian Series)
- Shield (ex. Tidal-roar Knight Series (Note that YP shields the wrong color unless they are ★7 with AS+))
- Mirrors (ex. Trapcrafter Series, Dragon Person Series (Only RBG; YP reflects the wrong color), Wonderland Series (Only RBG; YP reflects the wrong color), Spirit Summoner Series)
- Attack down (90-99%) (ex. ★7 RBG SUN Series)
Floor Guide
General notes/tips
- Until floor 20, supports that do skill down only reduce puyo to skill of two cards by 4; afterwards, they reduce puyo to skill of all cards by 10
- After floor 30, puyo to skill of all cards is multiplied by 1.5
- After floor 40, puyo to skill of all cards is multiplied by 2
- If you kill all but one card on a stage, depending on the enemy remaining, its attack may change to a heavy-hitting mass damage every turn or every other turn. Thus, it is recommended that you knock them out before knocking out all fodders, because fodders' attacks never change. Enemies whose attacks change:
- All supports & almost all Last stage supports—Dragon Person, Thief Dogs, Yokai, Xiannu, Warlock, etc. (Exception: Angel)
- On stage 4 of x0F and x5F, any enemy except Swordfighter/Original Puyo Puyo and Dark Angel. (?)
- Stellar Mage (x3F main boss)
- Nursery Tale (x4F main boss)
x1F: Boss!?
(1F, 11F, 21F, 31F, 41F)
Enemy skills
Enemy role | Card | Skills/attacks |
Main boss | Boss!? Series |
Support | Dragon Person Series |
* Note: Only one turn until floor 21 |
Fodder | Kobbit x2 |
Last stage support | Angel Series |
* Note: Only 50% health until floor 11 |

The most troublesome feature of x1F is the mirrors, making using powerful dual color cards such as Fests a big inconvenience. As long as you go mono, you don't have to worry about them. If you want to go dual (as I often do with Gagakushi despite the risks), I'd recommend only using one additional color. Be careful not to pop the side colors, but skyfall puyo often ruin things anyway. You may want to bring some recovery skills to counteract this.
Enemies hit very hard on higher floors, but they will never heal, so you'll want to bring cards that can sustainably last (high HP and decent recovery). If you find your recovery is too low to keep your cards alive, you can bring an autoheal lead (Coffee Shop Girls are amazing mono leads for towers) or a card with a recovery skill.
Specific leader recs:
- High HP boost (3x or more).
- Preferably not dual color. If using dual colors, autoheal leaders can help in a pinch.
Specific sub recs:
- Monocolor card with fisher skill recommended over Gagakushi.
Recommended kill order (on high floors):
- If mono color: Angel > Fodder > Boss!? > Dragon Person > Fodder
- If using duals: Angel > Dragon Person > Fodder > Boss!? > Fodder
x2F: Western Monster
(2F, 12F, 22F, 32F, 42F)
Enemy skills
Additional condition: Starting from 12F, no heart boxes will spawn.
Enemy role | Card | Skills/attacks |
Main boss | Western Monster Series |
Support | Thief Dogs Series | |
Fodder | Koro-pok-guru Series x2 |
Last stage support | Xiannu Series |

From 22F onward, there will be no naturally spawning heart boxes. This can be counteracted by bringing cards with recovery skills or ones that spawn heart boxes or chance puyo, preferably an auto-healing leader or cards whose skills have a low PTS and can be spammed. If going the active skill route, definitely use a Gagakushi or Fisher to charge these skills even faster, and make sure your team has decent recovery stats. Either the leader or one designated sub should be enough to suffice and bringing more than one is redundant.
Every 3 turns, Western Monster Boys alternately do percentage mass damage (25% of your cards' remaining HP) and fixed mass damage (this damage increases as you climb higher; on 42F it does around 3000 if I remember correctly). If you have sufficient healing, it shouldn't really be a problem.
Finally, the Fury condition is VERY DANGEROUS in endless towers, as it doubles damage to cards that have the condition and the floors that utilize it are some of the most heavy-hitting. Because of this I recommend taking out the Thief Dogs as soon as possible, and if any of your cards can gain a Fury Shield through its Special Training Board, train it.
Specific leader recs:
- Leaders with auto-heal or leaders that heal upon chaining, or
- Leader that boosts recovery (to aid healing subs)
Specific sub recs:
- A card with a recovery skill, or
- A card that spawns chance puyo, or
- A card that spawns heart boxes, such as Messenger of Love Series
Recommended kill order (on high floors):
- Thief Dog > Xiannu > Western Monster > Fodder > Fodder
x3F: Stellar Mage
(3F, 13F, 23F, 33F, 43F) Enemy skills
Enemy role | Card | Skills/attacks |
Main boss | Stellar Mage Series |
Support | Yokai Series |
Fodder | Kobbit x2 |
Last stage support | Flower Nobility Series |
* Note: Only 1 turn until floor 23 |

The main thing to watch out for on these floors is the nuisance puyo. If you let the number get to 10 or above, the Stellar Mage will inflict a Nuisance penalty that will wipe out your team on the higher floors. Once there are a few on the board, they can get very difficult to clear since you can't trace through them. To make matters worse, Yokai reduce your trace capacity, which can make it even harder to clear nuisance puyo in time. From 23F onward, the Flower Nobility on the last stage will give all enemies 99% shields, forcing you to clear the 4 garbage per turn before being able to wipe them out with your skills.
To aid in getting rid of the garbage, +5-7 trace up makes it easier to trace around the blockage, or a board reset skill can be used in a pinch if the garbage buildup is too much. If you're skilled, a trace up leader is probably enough. You can also always bring board transform/burst skills that will clear the garbage for you. Painter skills (such as your own Stellar Mages) can clear it as well if you paint the Puyos right next to the garbage. If your team is frail, you may want to bring a healing leader or sub, since the damage from Kobbits on high floors can actually rack up pretty quickly. Other than that, just bring some cards that will quickly take out the Stellar Mage so you won't have to deal with garbage for too long.
Specific leader recs:
- Trace up (such as ★7 Artisan Series)
Specific sub recs:
- A trace up skill, and/or
- A burst skill, or
- A painter skill, or
- A card that resets the board (Yokai Series (ironically), Cleaner Boys Series, or Constellation Series (B))
Recommended kill order (on high floors):
- Flower Nobility > Stellar Mage > Fodder > Yokai > Fodder
x4F: Nursery Tale
(4F, 14F, 24F, 34F, 44F) Enemy skills
Additional condition: Starting from 14F, attacks negated unless 2+ colors are popped simultaneously.
Enemy role | Card | Skills/attacks |
Main boss | Nursery Tale Series |
*Only (1 x number of nuisance puyo) until floor 24 |
Support | Snow Kingdom Series | |
Fodder | Goblin Series x2 |
Last stage support | Herbal Oil Series |
x5F: Magic Swordfighter
(5F, 15F, 25F, 35F, 45F)
Enemy skills
Enemy role | Card | Skills/attacks (25F and below) | Skills/attacks (35F and above) |
(Stage 1-3) Main boss |
Stage 1: Boss!? Series |
| |
(Stage 1-3) Support |
Stage 1: Dragon Person Series |
| |
(Stage 1 and 3) Fodder | Kobbit x2 |
| |
(Stage 2) Fodder | Koro-pok-guru Series x2 |
| |
(Stage 4) Main boss | Magic Swordfighter Series |
Last stage support | Hell Prince Series | ||
Last stage support | Kunoichi Series |
| |
Last stage support | Dark Angel Series | ||
Last stage support | Heavy Infantry Series | ||
Last stage support | Warlock Series |
*Note: Only -1 until floor 25 |
x6F: Pathfinder
(6F, 16F, 26F, 36F, 46F)
Enemy skills
Additional condition: Starting from 26F, heart boxes inflict damage instead of healing the player's cards.
Enemy role | Card | Skills/attacks |
Main boss | Pathfinder Series |
Support | Heavy Infantry Series | |
Fodder | Kobbit x2 |
Last stage support | Xiannu Series |
x7F: Pirate King
(7F, 17F, 27F, 37F, 47F)
x8F: Micron
(8F, 18F, 28F, 38F, 48F)
Enemy skills
Additional condition: Starting from 18F, every 3 turns, inflict Poison (3 turns) on all cards.
Enemy role | Card | Skills/attacks |
(Stage 1 and 2) Main boss | Micron Series |
Stage 1: Row 6 to prism balls
(Stage 3) Main boss | Micron Series |
Stage 3: Rows 4 & 5 to nuisance puyo, Row 6 to prism balls*
*Only Row 5 to nuisance puyo, row 6 to prism balls until floor 28 |
Support | Warlock Series |
*Note: Only 2 turns until floor 28 (?) |
Fodder | Kobbit x2 |
Last stage support | Angel Series |
x9F: Caballoon
(9F, 19F, 29F, 39F, 49F)
x0F: Original Puyo Puyo
(10F, 20F, 30F, 40F, 50F)
Enemy skills
Additional condition: Starting from 20F, attacks negated unless player makes 2+ chain; Starting from 30F, attacks negated unless player makes 3+ chain.
Enemy role | Card | Skills/attacks (25F and below) | Skills/attacks (35F and above) |
(Stage 1-3) Main boss |
Stage 1: Pathfinder Series |
| |
(Stage 1-3) Support |
Stage 1: Heavy Infantry Series |
| |
(Stage 1 and 3) Fodder | Kobbit x2 | ||
(Stage 2) Fodder | Koro-pok-guru Series x2 |
| |
(Stage 4) Main boss | Original Puyo Puyo Series |
Last stage support | Hell Prince Series | ||
Last stage support | Kunoichi Series |
| |
Last stage support | Dark Angel Series | ||
Last stage support | Heavy Infantry Series | ||
Last stage support | Warlock Series |
*Note: Only -1 until floor 25 |