Puyo Puyo Tsu/Memory Structures

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Memory structures are the definition of how data is packed and stored by the game engine, along with the meanings of the various fields. This page also lists conventions, definitions or default values.

Board representation

The board is an array of bytes, two of which depict a single position, since the game stores every sprite ID twice at the same spot.

Puyo representation

The game picks puyos according to color codes, which are converted into sprite numbers to be displayed on the screen. Thus, in structures handling the board, the display of the few upcoming pairs, the currently falling piece, the codes are sprite identifiers, stored on 1 byte as such:

  • 0x80: red
  • 0x90: yellow
  • 0xA0: green 1
  • 0xB0: green 2
  • 0xC0: purple
  • 0xD0: blue
  • 0xE0: ojama
  • 0xF0: block

Each sprite code has variations: the first digit stands for the color, while the second digit is the sprite variation (where they look at, how they are linked to their neighbors...).

While picking pairs, in the memory areas containing the randomized pair pool and the next three pairs, the game handles color codes according to this list:

  • 0x00: red
  • 0x01: yellow
  • 0x02: green 1
  • 0x03: green 2
  • 0x04: purple
  • 0x05: blue
  • 0x06: ojama
  • 0x07: block

Note: there are 2 colors codes acting as green, but they are not compatible. The game does not link those puyos together, and treats them as different colors.

Player status structure

This structure is related to the player status in the current battle, and keeps the state of the current player: score, turn, groups to be cleared, nuisance to be received, current checkpoint in the game algorithm (main logic callback, i.e. "pair is falling", "resolving chain", "summing score"...).

Field offset Field size Description
0x00 2 bytes pool tag, 0xF7C0 (player status)
0x02 4 bytes ROM pointer value (callback pointer)
0x06 3 bytes yet unknown
0x09 1 byte current chain length
0x0A 4 bytes score
0x0E 4 bytes score for current chaining step
0x12 2 bytes score multiplier for current chaining step (10 * puyos cleared * variable factor, capped to 65535)
0x14 2 bytes pending ojama count after opponent is done chaining (to fall on the structure's player)
0x16 8 bytes yet unknown
0x1E 2 bytes score multiplier for current chaining step (chain power + color bonus + group bonus, capped to 999)
0x20 4 bytes yet unknown
0x24 2 bytes callback pass counter (countdown: 0=call only once before advancing)
0x26 2 bytes number of puyo groups to be cleared (for group bonus)
0x28 2 bytes yet unknown
0x2A 1 byte player ID (0: P1, 1: P2)
0x2B 3 bytes yet unknown
0x2E 4 bytes pointer to next player status structure
0x32 4 bytes pointer to the upcoming pair pool buffer
0x36 2 bytes yet unknown
0x38 2 bytes pending ojama count while opponent is chaining (to fall on the structure's player)
0x3A 6 bytes yet unknown

Falling Puyo structure

This structure is related to the Falling Pair Spawning Process

Field offset Field size Description
0x00 2 bytes pool tag, 0xF7C0 (player status) or 0xF780 (falling puyo)
0x02 4 bytes ROM pointer value (apparently a function callback pointer)
0x06 1 byte yet unknown
0x07 1 byte bitfield of the current status:

bit #0: blocked under the main puyo
bit #1: blocked under the slave puyo
bit #2: pair is locked
bit #3: skip bit for pair falling routine

0x08 1 byte puyo color
0x09 1 byte counter before next RNG iteration: initial value made hard to memorize (64 hardcoded values + randomized values), and various hardcoded steps
0x0A 2 bytes absolute-pixel reference x coordinate (beam-x)
0x0C 2 bytes unconfirmed, supposed to be: beam-x coordinate 32-bit extension
0x0E 2 bytes absolute-pixel reference y coordinate (beam-y)
0x10 2 bytes beam-y coordinate 32-bit extension, value extended for calculation of gravity acceleration
0x12 4 bytes yet unknown
0x16 4 bytes current fall height due to gravity (terminal velocity capped at 0x80000, 8 pixels/tick, half a cell)
0x1A 2 bytes puyo x-pos (col)
0x1C 2 bytes puyo y-pos (row)
0x1E 2 bytes during fall: x-axis pixel shift to reflect D-pad action on the next frame

after pair lockout: gravity acceleration (defaults to 0x3000/tick2)

0x20 2 bytes offset comparable to a video frame counter, which defines how far a puyo has fallen through the cell it's currently on
0x22 1 byte yet unknown
0x23 1 byte rotation counter (for double tap)
0x24 2 bytes callback pass counter (countdown: 0=call only once before advancing)
0x26 2 bytes counter of mid-height crossings, to prevent the pair from being pushed "upwards" more than 8 times
0x28 2 bytes grace period counter while blocked, before control lockout (defaults to 32)
0x2A 1 byte player id (0: P1, 1: P2)
0x2B 1 byte rotation id (0: top, 1: right, 2: bottom, 3: left)
0x2C 2 bytes yet unknown
0x2E 4 bytes pointer to parent structure

"main" puyo only: pointer to player status
"slave" puyo only: pointer to "main" puyo

0x32 4 bytes ROM pointer value (apparently sprite buffer pointer)
0x36 4 bytes "main" puyo only: pointer to next structure in linked list
0x36 1 byte "slave" puyo only: current rotation offset (used for animation steps)
0x37 1 byte "slave" puyo only: target rotation offset
0x38 2 bytes "slave" puyo only: rotation animation step (defaults to 8)
0x3A 6 bytes yet unknown

Here's a screenshot showing the game's memory location involved with those structures:

RE-Status memory structure.png

Gamepad Status

Gamepad status is stored at 0xFFF070 for pad 1 and 0xFFF076 for pad 2:

Field offset Field size Description
0x00 1 byte Pad key status: bitfield representing gamepad state for the current frame. Bits are affected as follows: SACBRLDU.
0x01 1 byte Pad new keys: bitfield (SACBRLDU) of buttons newly pressed on the current frame only. If any button was being held down by the player from a previous frame, they don't show up here.
0x02 1 byte Pad active keys: bitfield (SACBRLDU) of buttons the game considers active for the current frame, accounting for the input repeat mechanism.
0x03 1 byte Initial button input timer. Default values:
  • during battle: 0x8 (8)
  • during menu: 0x10 (16)
  • during settings: 0x10 (16)
  • during solo menu: 0x20 (32)
0x04 1 byte Subsequent button input timer. Default values:
  • during battle: 0x2
  • during menu: 0x3
  • during settings: 0x5
  • during solo menu: 0x8
0x05 1 byte Yet unknown

This structure is discussed on the following page: Puyo Puyo Tsu/Gamepad Input