PPQ:Transfer Student Unusual Ecolo/★6

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Below shows the data for this card after the info change on 1970/01/01. See additional notes for the current data.
For this character's general appearance in the whole series, see Unusual Ecolo.
Transfer Student Unusual Ecolo
★★★★★★First Int.: 2024/09/18 Edit dataRefresh
Image Source:
Specially drawn
[★6] Transfer Student Unusual Ecolo
Purple Puyo
Red Puyo
Purple PuyoRed Puyo
COST ???
HP Type Single Attack Material
Single Attack
Lv. 1 Lv. ??? Lv. ???
HP ??? ??? ???
ATK ??? ??? ???
RCV ??? ??? ???
max stats calculations unavailable
[★7] Transfer Student Unusual Ecolo ★7-transform Board
Power Strawberry
Healing Eggplant
Endurance Asparagus
×50 each
[★6] Transfer Student Unusual Ecolo
any one of:
[★6] Transfer Student Unusual Ecolo

any 5
please update "hsto" in Template:522606
3200 CXP
+250 per level gained
10,000 coins
+1000 per level gained
no other points to note
Leader Skill
Reckless Transfer Student Lv. 1
破天荒転校生 Lv.1
Conditional Skill Fast-forward (color) LS
Attack of all cards increases to 3.5× and HP to 3×, and Puyo Left to Skill of all cards reduces by (no. of main colors at the front) when Purple Puyo is popped in normal attacks only 味方全体の攻撃力を3.5倍、体力を3倍にし、通常攻撃時のみむらさきぷよを消した場合、味方全体のスキル発動ぷよ数をスタメンの主属性数分減らす
Leader Skill (Special Training)
missing skill reference
Leader Skill (Special Training)
missing skill reference
Leader Skill (Special Training)
missing skill reference
Infiltrate! Into the Middle School
Clear Purple Puyo40
Damage Dealt Up AS, Plus Puyo Repaint AS
Damage dealt by all cards increases to 4× for 2 turns (Damage Dealt Up2). Repaint Red PuyoBlue PuyoGreen PuyoYellow PuyoPurple Puyo (at most 6) → Red Plus PuyoBlue Plus PuyoGreen Plus PuyoYellow Plus PuyoPurple Plus Puyo in the field 2ターンの間、味方全体の相手に与えるダメージを4倍にする
Full Power Skill
Infiltrate! Into the Middle School
Clear Purple Puyo??
Damage Dealt Up AS, Plus Puyo Repaint AS
Skill (Special Training)
Clear Purple Puyo??
missing skill reference
Skill (Special Training)
Clear Purple Puyo??
missing skill reference
Skill (Special Training)
Clear Purple Puyo??
missing skill reference
Special Training Board [+]
***missing tokkun info***
Character Introduction [+]
Character Voice
Akira Ishida (石田彰)
Flavor Text
missing translation
Monologue Lines
missing translation
missing translation
missing translation
Update History [+]
Transfer Student Unusual Ecolo
[★6] Transfer Student Unusual Ecolo [★7] Transfer Student Unusual Ecolo
Exception Characters of
Unusual Ecolo あやしいクルーク
Unusual Ecolo
Transfer Student Unusual Ecoloexc.
See also: Ecolo