Not working on anything rn
If Varby's "もちろん、気の抜け具合もいつもどおり?" line ever changes to "もちろん、気の抜けない具合もいつもどおり?" let me know. The line honestly doesn't make sense. It starts out with calling Arle energetic and then says that "気の抜け" is normal for them when it's a very strong word to imply listlessness? It would make more sense with "ない" there, especially since the previous rarity of the card plays a similar joke on calling into question whether they're actually going to do anything with their new powers or just laze around. If the intent of "気の抜け" was to be lazy it's kind of extreme but that's just what we're working with for now, I guess.
Not going to translate the Varby manzai on account of the fact that it's literally all a dream. Nothing happens in this manzai. But if you were curious Arle & Carbuncle had an adventurous dream on account of some magic item Momomo has. It's a lot of nothing.