Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary/Trivia
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This is a list of the trivia obtainable from Popoi in Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary from the game's Shop for 10 points. Along with trivia, other prizes such as game modes and alternate costumes are available at random from purchasing trivia. It is also possible to get repeat trivia.

Japanese | English |
「ばよえ〜ん」のじゅもんは あいてをかんどうのうずに まきこむニャ |
Arle and Amitie's "Bayoen~" spell
moves their opponent fur-vidly, meow. |
「彗星(すいせい)の 魔導師(まどうし)」という ふたつなをもっている てんさいなのニャ でも だれにでも おかしを くばろうとするせいで あやしまれてるニャ… |
Lemres is a genius known
as the "Comet Warlock", meow. Beclaws he tries to hand out candy to everyone, others find him sus-hiss-cious, meow... |
ひたいのほうせきから ビームをうてるニャ でも じっさいに みたことはないニャ |
Carbuncle can fire a paw-werful
beam from the gem on its forehead, meow. However, I have never seen this myself, meow. |
ほんとうのすがたは キュートでヤングな にんげんのプリンスらしいニャ 大連鎖をだすと いっしゅんもとのすがたに もどってしまうニャ |
Ocean Prince's true form
is apparently that of a purr-ty, young human, meow. When he sets off a huge chain, his form reverts for a meow-ment. |
生前(せいぜん) まぎゃくの せいかくを していたというウワサニャ しんじられにゃいニャ |
I've heard tails that say when
Yu and Rei were alive, their purrsonalities were polar op-paw-sites, meow. Absolutely incompurrhensible, right, meow? |
ユウレイになったショックで なにかだいじなことを わすれてしまったようニャ おもいだせなくて いつもあんにゃに むくちなのかニャ? |
It seems that the shock of
becoming a ghost made Rei furget about something important, meow. Could it be that he's always silent like that beclaws he can't remember, meow? |
まどうがっこうの ウラの ナーエの森に たくさんすんでるニャ どんぐりガエルは オタマジャクシを つれてることもあるニャ |
Many acorn frogs and onion pixies
appear in the Nahe Forest behind the magic school, meow. Mew can see acorn frogs accompanied by tadpoles. |
はんにんまえニャ いちにんまえになったら じぶんだけのなまえが もらえるらしいニャ |
Witch is still only
half-grown, meow. It appears that she will be able to receive her own name after she is fully-fledged, meow. |
カレーがだいすきだニャ プリンプにはカレーがないので みんな きょうみしんしんニャ |
Arle and Carbuncle love
curry, meow. There is no curry in Primp, so everyone is very curious about it, meow. |
スポーツぜんぱんで マイブームは けんだま シュミはゲームハードあつめ…だそうニャ ゲームハードってなんにゃり? |
Maguro's specialty is all sports,
his current obsession is kendama, and his hobby is collecting video games... So I hear, meow. What in the world are video games, meow? |
とおいところにある 魔導学校の校長(こうちょう)で ぷよ地獄をつくった 闇の魔王らしいんニャが… とても スゴいヤツには みえにゃいニャ |
Satan is the purr-incipal of
a magic school in a far off land, and is the Dark Prince who created Puyo Hell, so it seems, meow... Doesn't really look like he's all that impurr-essive. |
サカナのくせに ダンスがだいすきニャ しなくていいのに ちのにじむようなとっくんをして ゴーゴー、ブレイクダンス、 ムーンウォークをしゅうとくしたニャ |
Despite being a fish,
Suketoudara loves to dance, meow. It's purr-plexing, but he has undertaken fur-raising training to learn go-go dancing, break dancing, and moonwalking, meow. |
リデルは カンがするどくて
あしたのてんきをあてたり モノをみつけるのが とくいニャ でも はずかしがりやで めだちたがらないから あまりいわないニャ |
Lidelle has acute purrception.
Her specialties are forecasting the weather and locating lost items, meow. However, she is very shy and afraid of standing out, so she doesn't talk about it often, meow. |
ルルーは まえから
ずーっとサタンにぞっこんニャ ふだんは たかびしゃなのに サタンのまえだと たいどがちがうニャ… |
Rulue has been madly in love with
Satan for a long time, meow. She is typically domineering, but around Satan, her cat-titude changes completely, meow... |
りんごの おばあちゃんが くれたものらしいニャ りんごはいがいと おばあちゃんっこニャ? |
It appears that Ringo's hairclip
was given to her by her granny, meow. Ringo's apparently a granny's girl, meow? |
プリンプの 魔導学校の
校章(こうしょう)は ハネのかたちをしているニャ おおきくはばたいてほしいという イミがこめられているらしいニャ よくみると せいとたちは ハネの校章をつけてたりするニャ |
The emblem of Primp magic school
is in the shape of a wing, meow. It appears it symbolizes the wish that its students will spread their wings wide and far, meow. If mew look closely, the students all wear the school's emblem. |
となりまちの がっこうの 校章(こうしょう)は ホシのかたちをしているニャ ホシのように かがやいてほしいという イミがこめられてるらしいニャ よくみるとレムレスとフェーリは ホシの校章を つけてるニャ |
The emblem of the school Lemres
and Feli attend in the nearby town is in the shape of a star. It appears to symbolize the wish that its students will shine as bright as the stars, meow. If mew look closer, Lemres and Feli are both wearing their school's emblem. |
みんニャのうごきを ゆっくりみられないニャ? 「がっこう」モードのなかにある 「れんしゅうノート」では キャラクターと連鎖数を じゆうにせっていして みることができるニャ |
Do mew find that mew can't
take the time to watch everyone's spells in Puyo battle? In "Practice Notes" under the "School" mode, mew can set the character and chain number as mew please. |
連鎖のパスワードを ともだちにおしえれば はなれたあいてとでも オリジナル連鎖の みせあいっこができるニャ ぷよをたいりょうに 同時消しできる連鎖とか おもしろい連鎖を作るのに チャレンジしてはどうかニャ? |
If mew share the chain password
mew made in Practice Notes with a friend, the two of mew can share your original chains, no matter the distance. Why not try making some interesting challenges between mew two, such as popping a chain si-mewl-taneously? |
うみと やまと もりと さばくにかこまれていて ほかのまちとの いききは あまりさかんじゃにゃいのにゃ でも しげんがとってもゆたかだから みんなへいわにくらしてるのニャ |
Primp Town is surrounded by
the ocean, mountains, forests, and deserts, so residents don't visit other towns often, meow. However, Primp has abundant resources, so everyone lives in peace, meow. |
「アクセル」や アルルのつかう 「ダイアキュート」には つぎにつかう じゅもんの いりょくを たかめる こうかがあるニャ |
The spells Amitie and Arle use,
"Accelerate" and "Diacute" respectively, strengthen the power of the next spell, meow. |
このまえ りすくまが
じっけんでつかう ぷよを たくさんあつめてたんニャが… いつも なんのじっけんを してるんニャ? |
Recently, Risukuma has
collected many Puyo to use in his expurriments, but... just what kind of expurriment is he constantly running, meow? |
カウンターで おくりかえしたとき みんな トクベツな はんげきワザを つかうんだニャ |
Everyone has a special counterattack
technique for returning the nuisance Puyo their opponent has sent, meow. Mew can see it when they counter. |
このまえ アミティが
ツヤのいいぷよをみつけて あたまにのせて もってかえってたニャ …きにいったのかニャ? |
Recently, Amitie found a shiny Puyo.
She put it on her head and returned home like that, meow. ...Was she amewsed by it, meow? |
赤いタマシイがでて シグのことをものほしそうに みてたきがするニャ… きっとなにかの みまちがいニャ |
I have a feeling that the red spirit that
dwells in the book in Klug's possession longs for Sig, meow... Paw-don me. I'm sure I must've made a mistake, meow. |
このまえ ケーキやさんから
「ぷよ勝負で勝ったら オマケしていただきますわ!」 というこえがしたニャ あのこえは まさか ラフィー… にゃ にゃんでもにゃいニャ |
Recently at the cake store, I heard,
"If I win this Puyo battle, I shall be taking one free of charge!", meow. That voice was...don't tell me, Raffi-... ...Fur-get it, meow. |
たしかにおいしいニャ… でも どれもこれも とにかくあま~いニャ! |
The sweets Lemres makes
are certainly delicious, meow... But in the end, each and every one are claw-fully sugar~y, meow! |
ほんとうによくあたる …らしいんニャが フェーリのはなしのイミが ほとんどわからにゃいから あんまりやくにたたないニャ |
Truthfully, Feli's fortunes
are furquently correct... it seems, meowever, most of what she says is cryptic, so they aren't very useful. |
ときどきへんじがにゃいニャ? …めをあけたままねるのは シグのとくぎなんだニャ |
When talking to Sig, sometimes
he doesn't respond, mew say? ...Taking catnaps with his eyes open is Sig's specialty, meow. |
アコールが ふくわじゅつで うごかしてる ただの ぬいぐるみ…ニャ な~んにも あやしいところなんて ないんだニャ~ |
Popoi is a regular stuffed animal
that Accord moves through ventriloquism...meow.