PPQ:Transformation Fusion

Transformation Fusion (へんしん合成) lets players raise the rarity of a card by using designated material cards, which in general gives the card better skills and potential for higher stats. The materials will be destroyed in the fusion.
Normal Transformation
The normal Transformation (へんしん) function can only raise the rarity one step at a time. The conditions required to complete the Transformation are:
- The base card must be at maximum Card Level (through Power-up Fusion or other means);
- The player owns the required transformation materials; and,
- The increased card cost after Transformation will not cause any deck to exceed the Cost Cap

The Transformation screen will show the types and quantity of necessary transformation materials, as well as the quantity currently held in the inventory. Players can tap the Means to Obtain (入手方法) to open a pop-up that gives recommendations on where to gather more of that type of materials; shortcuts to the relevant quest(s) are available from the pop-up for certain types of materials.

When all conditions are met, the fusion can be completed by tapping the Transformation Fusion! (へんしん合成!) button at the bottom.
One-go Transformation
One-go Transformation (いっきにへんしん) is a function that lets players raise multiple rarity steps at once, added on 2022/07/06 with the Version 10.4.0 update. The conditions required to complete the Transformation are:
- Unlike normal Transformation, the base card does not need to be at maximum Card Level, but the player should own enough Material Puyos to raise the Card Level to maximum before each step;
- The player owns the required transformation materials for all steps; and,
- The increased card cost does not cause any deck to exceed
The player will first need to pick the Transform Target, i.e. which rarity to transform into. Tap Select (えらぶ) to enter the "Transform Target Select" (へんしん先選択) screen, tap to check the card icon of the desired rarity, then tap the Confirm (確定) button.