PPQ:Puyo-out/Puyo-in Pwurp Special League

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Puyo-out/Puyo-in Pwurp Special League
Opening Banner
Event Period (UTC+9)2023/12/27 15:00~2024/01/02 23:59
Event TypeBattle Event

Event Details

League Point Breakdown

  • Red text = changed from previous
  • Listed LP applies to 10 MP used. LP proportionally increases with higher MP usage.
Item Win Loss
50 LP 25 LP
Special Effect Total
(number of SE cards) ×8 LP (number of SE cards) ×4 LP
Group Defeat Bonus
0 groups 0 LP 0 LP
1 group 15 LP 15 LP
2 groups 45 LP 45 LP
3 groups 90 LP --
Win Streak Bonus
(at every 3rd consecutive win)
1/3× LP from Win item of the previous 3 battles


By Battle Chest

  • Battle Chest reset time reduced from 6 hours to 1 hour during event
  • Material Puyo and Sir Wilde Statue are granted in random color (same color for the same symbol A/B)
League Possible Chest Rewards Possible Chest Rewards Possible Chest Rewards
C [★6] Crown Puyo [★6] Crown Puyo (all colors) (A)×1 ??? ???
[★5] Moon Puyo [★5] Moon Puyo (all colors) (B)×1
Event-exclusive Character Ticket Event-exclusive Character Ticket ×1
Magic Point Potion (30) Magic Point Potion (30) ×1
B [★6] Comet Puyo [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) (A)×1 ??? ???
[★6] Crown Puyo [★6] Crown Puyo (all colors) (B)×1
Event-exclusive Character Ticket Event-exclusive Character Ticket ×1
Magic Point Potion (20) Magic Point Potion (20) ×1
A [★6] Comet Puyo [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) (A)×1 [★6] Comet Puyo [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) (A)×1 ??? ???
[★6] Crown Puyo [★6] Crown Puyo (all colors) (B)×1 [★6] Crown Puyo [★6] Crown Puyo (all colors) (B)×1
[★3] Everything Pusler [★3] Everything Pusler ×1 [★3] Everything Pusler [★3] Everything Pusler ×1
Sir Wilde Statue Sir Wilde Statue (A)×1
S [★6] Comet Puyo [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) (A)×1 [★6] Comet Puyo [★6] Comet Puyo (all colors) (A)×1 [★5] Attack Pusler [★5] Attack Pusler ×1
[★6] Crown Puyo [★6] Crown Puyo (all colors) (B)×1 [★6] Crown Puyo [★6] Crown Puyo (all colors) (B)×1 [★5] Recovery Pusler [★5] Recovery Pusler ×1
[★4] Everything Pusler [★4] Everything Pusler ×1 [★4] Everything Pusler [★4] Everything Pusler ×1 [★5] HP Pusler [★5] HP Pusler ×1
Sir Wilde Statue Sir Wilde Statue (A)×1 Colorful Sir Wilde Statue Colorful Sir Wilde Statue ×1

By Rankings

Individual Rankings: S League
Ranking Rewards
25,000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×15 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×15 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
20,000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×20 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×18 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
10,000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×25 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×20 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×2 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×2
3000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×30 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×25 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×2 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×2
1000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×35 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×30 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×3 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×3
300 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×50 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×35 [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets [★5] Yellow Book of Secrets ×3 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×3
Individual Rankings: A League
Ranking Rewards
100,000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×5 Summons Point 1000 Summons Points
50,000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×5 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×8 [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1 [★3] Purple Book of Secrets [★3] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
30,000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×7 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×9 [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1 [★3] Purple Book of Secrets [★3] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
10,000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×8 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×10 [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×2 [★3] Purple Book of Secrets [★3] Purple Book of Secrets ×2
3000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×10 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×12 [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×2 [★3] Purple Book of Secrets [★3] Purple Book of Secrets ×2
1000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×15 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×15 [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×3 [★3] Purple Book of Secrets [★3] Purple Book of Secrets ×3
300 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×20 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×18 [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets [★4] Yellow Book of Secrets ×3 [★3] Purple Book of Secrets [★3] Purple Book of Secrets ×3
Individual Rankings: B League
Ranking Rewards
100,000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×2 Summons Point 1000 Summons Points
50,000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×3 Silver Ticket Silver Ticket ×1
30,000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×4 Silver Ticket Silver Ticket ×2
10,000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×5 Silver Ticket Silver Ticket ×3
3000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×6 Gold Ticket Gold Ticket ×1
1000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×7 Gold Ticket Gold Ticket ×2 [★3] Everything Pusler [★3] Everything Pusler ×1
300 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×5 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×8 Gold Ticket Gold Ticket ×2 [★3] Yellow Book of Secrets [★3] Yellow Book of Secrets ×1
Individual Rankings: C League
Ranking Rewards
100,000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×1 Summons Point 1000 Summons Points
50,000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×1 Coin 30,000 Coins
30,000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×2 Silver Ticket Silver Ticket ×1
10,000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×2 Silver Ticket Silver Ticket ×2
3000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×3 Silver Ticket Silver Ticket ×3
1000 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×2 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×4 Gold Ticket Gold Ticket ×1
300 Magic Stone Magic Stone ×3 Red Sir Wilde Statue Red Sir Wilde Statue ×5 Gold Ticket Gold Ticket ×1 [★3] Everything Pusler [★3] Everything Pusler ×1
Guild Rankings
Ranking Rewards
50,000 Colorful Sir Wilde Statue Colorful Sir Wilde Statue ×2
10,000 Colorful Sir Wilde Statue Colorful Sir Wilde Statue ×3
300 Colorful Sir Wilde Statue Colorful Sir Wilde Statue ×4

Support Special Effects

Characters Special Effect Level
First Frost Nanao First Frost Nanao ★6~7
Majestic Queen Witch Majestic Queen Witch ★6~7
Matazou Matazou ★6~7
Toranosuke Toranosuke ★6~7
Santa Claws Popoi Santa Claws Popoi ★6~7