PPQ:Kamen Rider OOO/★6

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Below shows the data for this card after the info change on 1970/01/01. See additional notes for the current data.
Kamen Rider OOO
★★★★★★First Int.: 2024/07/22
Sp. Keywords: Kamen Rider
Edit dataRefresh
Image Source: Specially drawn
  • normal
  • Full Power
  • normal
  • Full Power
[★6] Kamen Rider OOO
Yellow Puyo
Green Puyo
Yellow PuyoGreen Puyo
Attack Type Single Attack Material
Single Attack
Lv. 1 Lv. 99 Lv. 120
HP ??? 4300 ???
ATK ??? 2650 ???
RCV ??? 290 ???
max stats calculations unavailable
Kamen Rider
[★7] Kamen Rider OOO Super TaToBa Combo ★7-transform Board
Power Strawberry
Healing Eggplant
Endurance Asparagus
×50 each
[★6] Kamen Rider OOO
Yellow Sir Wilde (60)
any one of:
[★6] Kamen Rider OOO
Yellow Sir Wilde (60)

any 5
please update "hsto" in Template:447106
3200 CXP
+250 per level gained
10,000 coins
+1000 per level gained
no other points to note
Leader Skill
Opening Plus Puyo Transform LS, Conditional Skill Fast-forward (attacking colors) LS
Attack of all cards increases to 4.2× and HP to 3.2×, and boost Red PuyoBlue PuyoGreen PuyoYellow PuyoPurple Puyo (any 4) → Red Plus PuyoBlue Plus PuyoGreen Plus PuyoYellow Plus PuyoPurple Plus Puyo once only at quest departure. Puyo Left to Skill of all cards -5 when red, yellow and green colors are all attacking in normal attacks only 味方全体の攻撃力を4.2倍、体力を3.2倍にし、クエスト出発時1回のみフィールド上の色ぷよをランダムで4個「プラス状態」にする
Leader Skill (Special Training)
missing skill reference
Leader Skill (Special Training)
missing skill reference
Leader Skill (Special Training)
missing skill reference
TaToBa Kick
Clear Yellow Puyo40
Attack with Damage Taken Up AS, Attack with Attack Down AS
Deals mass colored attack with 100× Attack of self and damage taken by the targets increases to 5× and Attack decreases by 85% for 2 turns (Damage Taken Up2 Attack Down2). Damage taken multiplier increases by 10% if red, yellow and green colors all exist among main colors at the front 相手全体にこのカードの「こうげき」×100の属性攻撃を与え、2ターンの間、受けるダメージを5倍にし、攻撃力を85%減少させる
  • AS Damage Taken multiplier is 5.5× if red, yellow and green colors all exist among main colors at the front
Full Power Skill
TaToBa Kick
Clear Yellow Puyo55
Attack with Damage Taken Up AS, Attack with Attack Down AS
Deals mass colored attack with 100× Attack of self and damage taken by the targets increases to 5× and Attack decreases by 95% for 2 turns (Damage Taken Up2 Attack Down2). Damage taken multiplier increases by 30% if red, yellow and green colors all exist among main colors at the front 相手全体にこのカードの「こうげき」×100の属性攻撃を与え、2ターンの間、受けるダメージを5倍にし、攻撃力を95%減少させる
  • AS Damage Taken multiplier is 6.5× if red, yellow and green colors all exist among main colors at the front
Skill (Special Training)
Clear Yellow Puyo??
missing skill reference
Skill (Special Training)
Clear Yellow Puyo??
missing skill reference
Skill (Special Training)
Clear Yellow Puyo??
missing skill reference
Special Training Board [+]
***missing tokkun info***
Character Introduction
Character Voice
translation credits
editing credits
Flavor Text
お人好しな青年「火野映司」が、オーズドライバーに 3枚のコアメダルを装填して変身する仮面ライダー。 腕だけの状態で復活したグリードのアンクと共に、 世界を守り遂げた。 Eiji Hino, a kind young man, loads the OOO Driver with 3 Core Medals to transform into this Kamen Rider. Together with the Greeed Ankh, who was revived as only an arm, they managed to protect the world.
Monologue Lines
手が届くのに手を伸ばさなかったら死ぬほど 後悔する それが嫌だから手を伸ばすんだ
If I don't reach my hand out when I can, I'll regret it to the point I wish I was dead. I don't like feeling like that, so I always try to reach out.
どんなに遠くても届く俺の腕! 力! ・・・もう、叶ってた お前から買ってたんだ
I'll reach you no matter how far away you are! Strength!! ...It's already come true, thanks to you.
でも、お前の手を掴んだのも 絶対間違いじゃなかった・・・絶対
It wasn't a mistake to reach out my hand to you... I'm certain about that.
Kamen Rider OOO
[★6] Kamen Rider OOO [★7] Kamen Rider OOO Super TaToBa Combo