Guide:PPF PC Translation

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This is a guide about Puyo Puyo Fever.

New Method

The new method was discovered by Yoshi and nmn. The new method of turning Puyo Puyo Fever to English is much easier and provides much better results. Unlike the old method, everything will be turned into English, except new graphics that were only included in the PC version. The only drawback to this method is that the characters lines in the cutscenes often get cut off too quickly.

Now, there are 3 options for this method:

Using the Save Game Editor (Recommended Method)

This one is by far the easiest, and should be used over the other two older methods. You can use the PPF Save Game Editor to change between Japanese and English text and voices.

Note that when using English text, the text in the cutscenes will get cut off too early due to changes between the Dreamcast and PC versions that were not implemented for the English text. There is a fix available for this problem at this topic.

Save File Replacement

This option is very easy, but you will have to delete your save file. All you need to do is download a pre-made save with English text and/or voices enabled, and replace it with your current save file.

Your save file is located here if you are running Windows Vista:

It's located here on Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\<YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME>\Application Data\SEGA\PuyoF

If your not sure where it is located or it is not located in one of those above folders, go to Run in the start menu and type this in the box to go to the directory it is located in:

Text may get cut off too soon. To fix it, visit this topic

Cheat Engine

This option is a bit trickier, but it allows you to keep your save file. This method currently only works with v1.12 and the new v2.0!. You need the following things:

Once you have Cheat Engine installed, do the following:

  1. Start Puyo Puyo Fever.
  2. Start Cheat Engine and press the button with the flashing border in the top left corner.
  3. Find PUYOF.EXE in the list and click OK.
  4. Press the button with the folder icon, which is next to the other button, and open up the correct Cheat Engine Table for your version of Puyo Puyo Fever.
  5. If you want english text/voices, double click the 0 in the value column and change to 1. Use this screenshot as a guide.
  6. Go into the options menu and save the game. If you can't see any text, you need to put the files ending with _e in the BIN directory (in this case, press up twice, press Enter, press down once, press Enter, and select YES in the message box that popups. YES is the option on the left.)
  7. Exit Puyo Puyo Fever, exit Cheat Engine, and that's it.

There are a few things that you will have to do different compared to the old method:

  • If you changed the Text Language to English, you will now be using the files that have a _e in them, if there is an _e version of the file. (Example: cm_03.pvz and cm_03_e.pvz. You will now be modding cm_03_e.pvz.) Note that the English version of the title screen is eu_title.pvz.
  • If you changed the Voice Language to English, you will now be using the VOICE_E folder instead of the VOICE folder.

Old Method

The old method of turning Puyo Puyo Fever requires that you replace the non _e files with the _e files. This method does not translate cutscenes or message boxes. Some graphics may get cut off or have some minor glitches. You will need to download the following file and replace your BIN folder with this. Remember to backup your original BIN folder!

If you want English voices/cutscenes, then download these files and place them in the VOICE or VOICE_E folder, depending on what the Voice Language is set to:

  1. English Character Voices
  2. English Cutscene Voices