Conditions (状態) are status effects applied to cards and enemies within quests and battles in Puyo Puyo!! Quest. Conditions may be applied to either player cards or enemies, with the use of skills or by stage effects.
Infliction of conditions can largely come in two methods:
Directly inflicted, through skills, leader skills and stage effects; or,
Inflicted as aftermath of an attack
Note that if a condition-inflicting attack is modified by another existing condition, how the conditions are inflicted may also be affected. See the relevant sections for details.
Cards that are inflicted with conditions will have icons overlaid on them. Conditions that are temporary also have the remaining number of turns/effective times on the icons. The icons can appear on the top-right, bottom-left or bottom-right corners dependent on their types. If a card is inflicted with multiple conditions that appears on the same spot, those icons will cycle one-by-one every few seconds.
Besides checking the icons, players can also tap and hold on an enemy card to show the Enemy Conditions (あいての状態) dialogue box, which shows all conditions currently effective on that enemy, along with their leader skill. This can be especially useful in Technical Maps and Guild Rush events, where enemies may have over 10 conditions including permanent color resistances and Ailment resistances.
Effects of multiple inflictions of the same condition are not stackable. Different conditions have different rules in dealing with duplicated inflictions. See the relevant sections for details.
Ailments (状態異常) are abnormal conditions inflicted on cards. Icons for Ailments are put on the top-right corner of the inflicted cards.
Skill Seal
Fury (怒り) causes the attacks dealt by the inflicted card to miss at a 50% chance, and doubles the damage taken. For mass attacks and consecutive attacks, whether each hit will miss is independent from each other.
Before ver. 3.5.0, the chance of missing was not specified, and there was no damage taken increase effect.
See section below for additional points to note about damage taken increase effect from Ailments.
Fear (怯え) halves the attack power and doubles the damage taken of the inflicted card.
See section below for additional points to note about damage taken increase effect from Ailments.
Confusion (混乱) causes all attacks dealt by the inflicted card to land on the same side. If the attack is condition-inflicting, the condition is also inflicted to that same-side target. If inflicted on player cards, skill activation from the inflicted card is also disabled.
The effect of Confusion inflicted on enemy cards is not counted by the number of turns, but by the number of times effective. For special attack modes:
Normal attacks of side-color cards: two times
Mass attacks (both skill-based or normal): one time for all attacks
Skill-based consecutive attacks: one time for all attacks
Before ver. 3.5.0, the Confusion effect was only effective at a chance (unspecified), and was counted by number of turns on enemy cards as well.
An example of Confusion. Notice the duration counting down as the Caballoons are attacking, as opposed to counting down at the end of their turn
Paralysis (麻痺) stops the inflicted card from attacking, but the manner varies with depending on which side is inflicted:
if inflicted on enemy cards, the turn countdown will stop
if inflicted on player cards, all attacks and skill activation from the inflicted card are disabled
Other than expiring after a designated number of turns, Paralysis is also removed when the inflicted card suffers any damage. The hit that removes Paralysis will land 3× damage (not applicable for Poison or Parasite).
Before ver. 3.5.0, there was no damage taken increase effect.
See section below for additional points to note about damage taken increase effect from Ailments.
Cards inflicted with Poison (毒) will suffer purple damage proportional to the respective cards' maximum HP at the end of their turn.
Poison inflicted from player cards cause 5% damage per turn. Enemy skills on the other hand may inflict Poison of other damage rates between 1% through 50% depending on the quest/event.
The damage increase effect in Fury, Fear, Paralysis and Fatigue is not applicable to the damage from Poison, but the damage cut effect in Purple Shield is applicable.
Poison and Parasite are both effective when inflicted at the same time, in which case the Poison damage is dealt first then the Parasite damage/heal.
An example of Poison
Seal (封印) disables all attacks and skill activation from the inflicted card. While unable to attack, Puyos cleared will still be counted to the inflicted card's Puyo Left to Skill as normal. The inflicted card can still recover HP through clearing Heart Boxes, achieving All Clears or benefiting from other cards' skills.
Previously, there existed a different Seal Ailment with a blue cross icon instead of the red cross icon, known unofficially as Complete Seal (完全封印). When inflicted on a leader or supporter card, this Ailment also disables the card's leader skill, in addition to all attacks and skill activation. This Ailment is only used in the Endless Quest 1 event, and is never used in game ever again afterwards.
Skill Seal
Skill Seal (スキル封印) renders the inflicted card unable to activate skills, and stops the card's Puyo Left to Skill from counting down. The inflicted card can still engage in normal attacks, or participate in skills activated by other cards (including field transform and rally attacks).
Skill Seal can only be inflicted on player cards. Although it is inflicted by enemy skills in most cases, some player cards (see category) has skills that inflict Skill Seal on themselves or allies as recoil.
Cards inflicted with Parasite (やどり木) will suffer colorless damage at the end of their turn to recover HP of all opponents. Both the damage and the HP recovered is proportional to the respective cards' maximum HP. The damage increase effect in Fury, Fear, Paralysis and Fatigue is not applicable to the damage from Parasite.
Parasite has a 0.1% damage rate and 10% recovery rate.
Parasite and Poison are both effective when inflicted at the same time, in which case the Poison damage is dealt first then the Parasite damage/heal.
Fatigue (脱力) increases the damage taken by the inflicted card to 2.5×. After Fatigue expires, the inflicted card regains its strength and gains 1 turn of Attack Up (1.5×).
See section below for additional points to note about damage taken increase effect from Ailments.
Feigned (まやかし) causes the attacks dealt by the inflicted card to miss at a chance (not officially specified). Even if landed, the attacks will not be able to inflict additional effects.
Special effects prevented by Feigned
Attack with Ailment
Attack with Attack Down
Attack with Turn Plus (on enemies)
Attack with Skill Rewind (on player-side)
Not special effects to Feigned
Toughness-penetrating attacks
Explosive attacks
Critical attacks
Frozen (凍結) stops the inflicted card from attacking, but the manner varies with depending on which side is inflicted:
if inflicted on enemy cards, the turn countdown will stop
if inflicted on player cards, all attacks and skill activation from the inflicted card are disabled
After Frozen expires, the inflicted card suffers a further 2 turns of Attack Down (-50%).
Unlike Paralysis, Frozen cannot be removed by being hit.
Damage Up Effect in Ailments
The damage taken increase effect in Fury, Fear, Paralysis and Fatigue do not stack, and only the highest multiplier is applicable. See table below for the exact combined effect.
Combined damage taken increase effect
any combination with
any combination with but not
The damage taken increase effect is not applicable to:
fixed attacks
percentage attacks
absorption skills
damage from Poison or Parasite
Stat/Damage Modifiers
Resultant Effect
2 (5×)
3 (4.5×)
3 (5×)
2 (5×)
1 (4.5×)
Stat Modifiers (collective name not official) changes the stats of the inflicted card. Icons for Stat Modifiers are put on the bottom-left corner of the inflicted cards.
Some Stat Modifiers have their strengths dependent on certain factors (e.g. number of colors among cards at the front, number of specific field pieces) instead of a fixed value. The strength of the effect is determined at infliction, and will not change even if the factors change afterwards.
Note that these conditions have different effects on player cards when under Attack/Recovery Switch leader skills or stage effects.
When there are multiple inflictions of the same conditions, only the infliction with the highest effective rate is effective, while the turn number on the condition icon will show that with the longest remaining duration. See table on the right for an illustration.
Stat Modifiers
Attack Up
Attack Down
Conditional Attack Up
Recovery Up
Recovery Down
Damage Taken Up
Damage Dealt Up
Color Damage Taken Up
Attack Up
Attack Up (攻撃力アップ) increases the Attack stat of the inflicted card. In player card skills, the increase rate is usually denoted by a multiple.
Under Attack/Recovery Switch leader skills or stage effects, the Recovery stat is increased instead when inflicted on player cards.
Attack Down
Attack Down (攻撃力ダウン) decreases the Attack stat of the inflicted card. In player card skills, the decrease rate is usually denoted by a percentage.
Under Attack/Recovery Switch leader skills or stage effects, the Recovery stat is decreased instead when inflicted on player cards.
Conditional Attack Up
Instead of the Attack stat of the card, Conditional Attack Up (条件付き攻撃力アップ) increases the power of the attack when the attack satisfies a designated condition. Thus, attacks that references HP or Recovery stats (e.g. certain direct attack skills and inflictions of Attack Mode modifiers) can also fully receive the benefit.
The icon for Conditional Attack Up is normally grey (right); when the condition is satisfied and the increment activated the icon will turn red.
Under Attack/Recovery Switch leader skills or stage effects, the recover amount from heart box clears and/or All Clear is increased instead of the damage dealt when the condition is satisfied. This means Conditional Attack Up is generally useless for direct attack skills.
Common conditions for activation include:
Number of colors attacking at the same time
Chain achieved
Number of puyos popped at the same time
Whether a certain color is attacking
When All Clear is achieved in Large Chain Chance
Recovery Up
Recovery Up (回復力アップ) increases the Recovery stat of the inflicted card. In player card skills, the increase rate is usually denoted by a multiple.
Under Attack/Recovery Switch leader skills or stage effects, the Attack stat is increased instead when inflicted on cards.
Recovery Down
Recovery Down (回復力ダウン) decreases the Recovery stat of the inflicted card. It is currently unable to be inflicted by player card skills.
Under Attack/Recovery Switch leader skills or stage effects, the Attack stat is decreased instead when inflicted on cards.
Damage Taken Up
Damage Taken Up (受けるダメージアップ) increases the damage taken by the inflicted card. The effect is not applicable to:
Attack Mode Modifiers (攻擊変化) changes how a card deals its normal attack. The effect is not applicable to skill-induced attacks. Certain inflictions can also include an attack increase effect that is likewise only effective in normal attacks.
All Attack Mode Modifiers can only be inflicted on player cards. Icons for Attack Mode Modifiers are put on the bottom-right corner of the inflicted cards.
Effects of Attack Mode Modifiers are not stackable, even of different kinds. Only the latest infliction will be effective.
Attack Mode Modifiers
Toughness Penetration
Color Change
Cards inflicted with Massification (全体攻撃化) deal mass attacks for only normal attacks.
Cards inflicted with Consecution (連続攻撃化) deal multiple (at least 2) consecutive attacks for only normal attacks.
Cards inflicted with Detonation (爆裂攻撃化) deal explosive attacks for only normal attacks. In addition to damaging the target as usual, explosive attacks also lands collateral damage to cards adjacent to the target at 50% original power.
An example of Detonation, used by Primp Town Strange Klug
Toughness Penetration
Toughness Penetration (タフネス貫通化) lets normal attacks from the inflicted card bypass the effects of the Toughness leader skill (HP stops at 1 when drained to 0) of the target.
Color Change
Color Change (属性変化) changes the color of normal attacks of the inflicted cards. Note that the Color Change effect will not alter the auto-targeting of the cards even when set to target by color.
While Color Change can change whether certain colors are attacking and/or the number of attacking colors, conditional effects (Leader Skills, Conditional Attack Up) with such criteria will be active when the condition is satisfied both immediately before or after the Color Change.
Modes (モード) grant additional effects to affected cards. Icons for Modes are put on the bottom-right corner of the inflicted cards.
Only one Mode can be active on a card at any time.
When inflicting the same Mode as the currently active one, the old infliction is overridden only if the duration of the new infliction is longer.
When inflicting a different Mode than the currently active one, the new infliction will replace the current one.
Ringo Groove Mode
Heart-pounding Luwa Mode
Atari Tanabota Mode
All-out Shizunagi Mode
Raphael Mode
Ringo Groove Mode
Cards in Ringo Groove Mode (りんごノリノリモード) have damage dealt increased to 2× and damage taken reduced by 50%.
The damage dealt up effect is not applicable to:
fixed attacks
percentage attacks
absorption skills
damage from Ailments like Poison or Parasite
Heart-pounding Luwa Mode
Cards in Heart-pounding Luwa Mode (ルーワどきどきモード) gain attacking values in the side color at equal rate as the main color (i.e. 3×). They also cannot be inflicted with Attack Down or Recovery Down.
Atari Tanabota Mode
Puyo Left to Skill of cards in Atari Tanabota Mode (あたりたなぼたモード) reduces by 4 at the end of own turn. Their Puyo Left to Skill also cannot be increased by enemies.
All-out Shizunagi Mode
All-out Shizunagi Mode (シズナギビシバシモード) transforms two random puyos on the field into chance puyos with normal attacks only. Cards in this mode also have HP increased to 1.5×.
Raphael Mode
The card in Raphael Mode (智慧の王(ラファエル)モード) has attack increased to 5×. Attack and Recovery of all cards that are not inflicted with a mode is increased to 2×.
Other Conditions
Icons for such conditions are put on the bottom-right corner of the inflicted cards.
Color Shield
Color Shield Weaken
Ailment Resistance
Turn Plus Resistance
Ailment Cutdown
Turn Plus Cutdown
Attack Source Expansion
Skill Fast-forward
Skill Fast-forward
Recovery Block
Cleanse Block
Inversion Shield
Color Shield
Color Shield (属性盾) reduces the same-color damage taken by the inflicted card.
The effect of Color Shields is usually denoted by a percentage. Color Shields may be inflicted by player card skills or be granted to player cards through Special Training Board at various rates. Most Color Shields held by enemy cards reduces damage taken by 99%.
Color Shield icons
Color Shield Weaken
Color Shield Weaken (属性盾弱体化) temporarily reduces the effectiveness of existing Color Shield(s) (not completely nullifying it/them). The effect is achieved by increasing the damage that was cut by same-color shield(s) by a multiple, but the final damage dealt will be capped by the original damage before being cut by the shield(s).
Color Shield Weaken icons
A summary of common Color Shield Weaken rates and their resultant effect is displayed below.
Original Shield Effect
Weakened Shield Effect
Ailment Resistance
Ailment Resistance (状態異常耐性) stops the inflicted card from being inflicted with designated form(s) of Ailments as indicated on the icon. Ailment Resistances may be granted to player cards through Special Training Board.
When against Ailment-inflicting attacks, Ailment Resistance only resists the infliction of the Ailment but does not affect the attack.
Fury Resistance (怒り耐性): resists from being inflicted with Fury
Fear Resistance (怯え耐性): resists from being inflicted with Fear
Confusion Resistance (混乱耐性): resists from being inflicted with Confusion
Paralysis Resistance (麻痺耐性): resists from being inflicted with Paralysis
Poison Resistance (毒耐性): resists from being inflicted with Poison
Seal Resistance (封印耐性): resists from being inflicted with Seal
Frozen Resistance (凍結耐性): resists from being inflicted with Frozen
Ailment Resistance icons
Turn Plus Resistance
Turn Plus Resistance (ターンプラス耐性) stops the turn number of the inflicted card from being increased by player card skills. Turn Plus Resistance can only be inflicted to enemy cards.
When against turn-adding attacks, Turn Plus Resistance only resists the turn increase but does not affect the attack.
Ailment Cutdown
Ailment Cutdown(name not official) reduces the effective duration of all Ailments (or number of times active for Confusion) inflicted onto the inflicted card.
The Cutdown effect is signified by the number of down-arrows on the icon (in number of turns or times active). If the Ailment duration/count is equal or less than the Cutdown effect, the Ailment will not be inflicted. Ailment Cutdown can only be inflicted to enemy cards.
When against Ailment-inflicting attacks, Ailment Cutdown only reduces the duration of the Ailment but does not affect the attack.
Ailment Cutdown icons
Less 1 turn/count
Less 2 turns/counts
Turn Plus Cutdown
Turn Plus Cutdown(name not official) reduces the increment of Turn Plus effects applied on the inflicted card from player card skills.
The Cutdown effect is signified by the number of down-arrows on the icon (in number of turns). If the Turn Plus effect being applied is equal or less than the Cutdown effect, the turn number will not be added. Turn Plus Cutdown can only be inflicted to enemy cards.
When against turn-adding attacks, Turn Plus Cutdown only reduces the turn increment but does not affect the attack.
Turn Plus Cutdown icons
Less 1 turns
Less 2 turns
Attack Source Expansion
Cards inflicted with Attack Source Expansion (どの色ぷよでも攻撃化, lit. To become able to attack any-color puyos) can attack when puyos of any color are popped in normal attacks, instead of just their main color and/or side color. Certain inflictions come with a numerical attack power increase from popping puyos which is likewise effective in normal attacks only.
Attack Source Expansion does not stack with Amplification. Only the later infliction will be effective.
Amplification (色ぷよを消した時に発生する数値アップ, lit. Number occuring from popping color puyos up) increases the numerical attack power occuring from popping certain color puyos in normal attacks. A card can only be inflicted with Amplification of either its main color or side color.
Amplification does not stack with Attack Source Expansion. Only the later infliction will be effective.
Amplification icons
Skill Fast-forward
Cards inflicted with Skill Fast-forward (スキル発動ぷよ数減少, lit. Skill Activation Puyo reduction) can have their Puyo Left to Skill Activation numbers reduced at the end of their turn. The effect of some inflictions of this condition is dependent on the number of colors at the front of the deck.
Note that when a card is already inflicted with Skill Fast-forward, inflicting the conditions again will replace the original infliction, even when the remaining effect is longer than the new infliction.
Skill Source Expansion
Cards inflicted with Skill Source Expansion (どの色ぷよを消してもスキル発動ぷよ数減少, lit. Skill Activation Puyo reduction with any color puyos popped) can have their Puyo Left to Skill Activation numbers reduced when puyos of any color are popped in normal attacks, instead of just their main color.
Cards inflicted with Reflection (反射) reflect same-color attacks back to the attacker at a rate proportional to the incoming attack power. No damage will be taken by the inflicted card. Reflected condition-inflicting attacks will also inflict the condition back onto the attacker instead. For special attacks:
Condition-inflicting attack: the condition is also reflected back to the attacker
Percentage attacks: damage dealt is calculated with the maximum HP of the target (not the attacker)
If the attack target is inflicted with both Reflection and Fury or Feigned, the reflected attacks will have a chance to miss.
Cards inflicted with Undertake (かばい/肩がわり) will step forward to take incoming attacks from enemies in place for other cards.
Undertake also comes with a damage taken reduction effect (75% on player cards and 50-99% on enemy cards), except for fixed attacks and percentage attacks.
If multiple cards are inflicted with Undertake at the same time, the leftmost card will have the priority to take incoming attacks.
Barrier (バリア) reduces any damage taken by the inflicted card. The effect of Barrier is usually denoted by a percentage.
The strength of some inflictions of Barrier is dependent on certain factors (e.g. number of specific field pieces) instead of a fixed value. Unlike Stat Modifiers, the strength of the Barrier effect is determined at the point when the damage is dealt. Notably, when facing enemy attacks that is accompanied with a field reset, the strength of field piece-dependent Barrier effect is determined by the field after reset.
The damage taken reduction effect in Barrier is stackable with Color Shield.
Cards inflicted with Counter (カウンター) will deal a counter-attack back to the attacker for every incoming attack taken, unless it is knocked out by the attack(s).
Cards inflicted with Self-destruction (自爆) will knock themselves out (HP depleted to 0) as the countdown reaches 0, while at the same time deal mass damage with respect to the maximum HP of the cards. The icon for Self-destruction is normally dark blue; when the Self-destruction count is down to 1 the icon will turn red (right).
Currently, the condition is only inflicted by enemy cards onto itself; self-destruction effect from player card skills happens immediately and no condition is inflicted.
When inflicted with Self-destruction, the inflicted card will lose the turn number (which could affect auto-targeting by least turn number). All Ailments will be removed from the inflicted card and no new Ailments can be inflicted on that card anymore.
Auto-recovery (自動回復) recovers HP to the inflicted card at the end of their turn. The HP recovery can be either a fixed amount or proportional to the maximum HP of the inflicted card.
Previously, the icon for Auto-recovery featured a red cross, before being changed to a pink heart in 2015.
Auto-cleanse (自動状態異常解除, lit. automatic Ailment removal) removes all Ailments from the inflicted card at the end of their turn.
For Ailments that inflict additional conditions at expiry ( Fatigue and Frozen), the additional condition begins counting at the removal of the original Ailment. For instance when on the player side, one turn of the additional condition is spent from the end of player-side action to the end of enemy action.
Recovery Block
Recovery Block (回復不能) disables any HP recovery on the inflicted card. It is currently unable to be inflicted by player card skills.
Cleanse Block
Cleanse Block (状態異常解除不能, lit. Ailment removal disabled) renders all currently inflicted Ailments unable to be removed by player skills, Field Effects or Auto-cleanse. It is currently unable to be inflicted by player card skills.
Inversion Shield
Inversion Shield (属性攻撃を受けると回復する盾, lit. Shield that recovers HP when taking colored attacks) nullifies same-color damage taken by the inflicted card, and recovers HP at a rate proportional to the incoming attack power. Currently the condition is only seen inflicted to enemy cards.
When going against attacks that inflict secondary effects, the attack will be nullified but the secondary effect will still be inflicted.