Amitie and the Girl of Love/A Mysterious Entry!
← Characters | Amitie and the Girl of Love Translated by: Precise Museum |
Ally, the Girl of Love → |
Hiya~! I’m Amitie! I go to Primp Magic School, a school in a peaceful place called “Primp Town”! My dream is to be a fantastic mage♪ I’m not really good at studying, and might be a bit of a klutz, but if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s being the life of the room! Nice to meet’cha!
Right now, I’m out playing at the park in the middle of Primp, together with Arle, Carbuncle, and Ringo.
Oh, those three are my friends. Have you met them already? If not, here’s the rundown!
The adventurer-looking girl in the striking blue cloak and armor is Arle. She’s a bit of a tomboy and super straightforward. She used to travel to all kinds of places, and that’s how she ended up here in Primp Town. Arle always has this mysterious, round and yellow creature called Carbuncle with her. Carbuncle can’t say anything but “Gu,” though it looks like they somehow understand each other anyway. Carbuncle’s usually just being cute, hanging around and doing its own thing, but Arle always says it's super reliable... I kinda wonder what she means by that.
Then there’s Ringo. You can spot her a mile away with those red pigtails of hers — they just go round and round. She talks politely, has great manners, and is super smart... But, she can be kinda weird. Sometimes, when she gets super curious about things, she'll start singing and chattering and getting all worked up. By the way, Ringo also doesn’t actually live here in Primp Town. She came from somewhere else, and now we’re friends!
Word-chain games, tag, hide-and-seek. We've been playing the afternoon away again. I wonder what we’re gonna try next?
- “Hey hey, let’s do that thing now!” I said, looking at Arle and Ringo one after another.
Playing with everyone is just the best either way! ...But there's one game we haven't tried today: our favoritest one!
Arle and Ringo already knew what I meant.
- “Oh, yeah, that thing! Alright, let’s go for it, Carby!”
- “Guguguu!”
Arle and Carbuncle nodded at each other.
- “Hehehe, that thing it is! Hope you guys are ready to lose!” Ringo agreed happily, winking at us.
Awesome! Alright, then let’s get to it! ...Ah, oh right. I haven’t explained to you guys what “that thing” is yet. Well, you see…
It happened really quickly. The scenery around us that had been brightly lit by the sparkling sun just a second ago went, suddenly and without warning, completely dark.
- “Huh?!”
- “Gugu!”
- “What’s happening...?”
The others’ voices joined mine in confusion.
Nighttime, already? No way the sun could’ve gone down that quickly. Right as I was thinking that, I took a glance up at the sky. Just in time to get another shock, too.
- “Hey, wh-what’s that?!”
Arle and Ringo looked where I was pointing. I heard them gasp.
Up there were two giant doors! They looked heavy and solid, like they were made of white stone, and were just there, floating in the dark sky!
It wasn’t even like there was a wall, let alone a house they were attached to — they were just doors standing in mid-air. Like, get real, how’s that even possible?! I couldn’t believe my own eyes. There was just no other way to describe what I saw!
The surprises didn’t end there. Before our eyes, the doors slammed open with a bang! And from inside — BOOM! — a single girl burst out.
A girl with deep orange hair in green clothes. It was almost like she’d been thrown out forcefully. Screaming loudly, she came down falling our way!
- “AHHHHH—!”
- “O-oh no! Waaaah!!” I immediately ran to help her. But there was no way I’d make it in time!!
- “Carby!” I heard Arle yell.
- Carbuncle answered her call, “Guguuuu!”

Whoa, Carbuncle fired a beam from the red gem on its forehead, just like that! The beam hit — SMACK! — at a tree branch close to where the girl was falling. The dense, leafy branches broke and fell, and right above, the girl...
- “Aah!”
The thick layers of leaves softened her landing. There laid the girl, staring at us with wide eyes, but aside from that she didn’t seem to be hurt.
- “Guugu!” Carbuncle looked at Arle like it was waiting for something. Some praise, maybe?
- “Nice! Great work, Carby!” Arle flashed a peace sign in its direction, and Carbuncle happily sang, “Guguguu~♪” in return.
Just what is Carbuncle…? Oh well. Now’s not the time to think about that.
I rushed over to the girl who was just getting out of the pile of leaves to stand up. “Are you okay? That sure was a close one! Uhm, so just who are you, anyway...?”
But she didn’t look at me. Instead, she tilted her head up, staring at the strange doors she’d fallen through. Her face was pale and her lips were trembling slightly.
...She looked really scared. Just what happened? I looked up at the dark sky one more time. Those mysterious doors were still floating there. But something was different now from before: The gates had shut.
And now there were two enormous snake-like monsters wrapping their bodies against the white doors!

One of the snakes was red, the other black. They kept winding 'round and 'round the doors as if to say the doors belonged to them. Eventually, the two snakes were so twisted together that it was clear that the doors would not be opened up again.
- “C-could the plot stop thickening for a moment, please? With every passing zeptosecond, my comprehension is approaching zero!” Ringo called out, clutching her head in both hands.
Y-yeah, she had a point there. Uhm, alright, let’s take it from the top. The weirdest thing about all of this right now were those two snakes, right? So, I was thinking about what to say to the snakes, but they spoke to us first.
- “We are...the Demon of Sealing, Ouroboros.”
Hiss... Hiss... It sounded like air leaking through the gaps between their fangs. With a low, rough, and scary voice, the two snakes spoke at the same time. Their words matched perfectly.
Oh, hey, looks like they can talk. But even then... Uhmmm... Yep, this was all waaay too creepy for me to say anything. I could feel the cold shivers run down my spine! Nervously, I looked over at Arle and Ringo.
- “Uhm, you two. What’dya think this is all about...?”
- “Sorry, no idea.”
- “Scanning my memory, I can verify with absolute certainty that I’ve never heard of these figures in my life!”
Both of their brows were scrunched and judging from their expressions, they had no clue what to do. We were all lost in confusion, when the girl who’d fallen from the doors started yelling:
- “Were you the ones who threw me out?! Please, let me go home! This is stressing me out terribly!”
- “Sss hahaha sss...”
They didn’t seem to care even a little about what she was saying. The two snakes just kept laughing in that creepy voice of theirs.
Not letting their laughter stop her, the girl shouted, “Why would you do something like that?!”
- “It is to claim all of the magic power that lies beyond these gates for Our own... A hero would only stand in the way of Our goals.”
- “How selfish! Who gave you the right?!”
- “Whine all you like. Oh, how long We have hungered for magic this delicious....”
- “You can’t take it! Please stop!”
- “You have no method of stopping Us. Be silent and watch.”
- “No... No way!!”
...I still had no idea what was going on, plus this was all creeping me out just a bit. But could I really just stand there and watch? Nuh-uh! I had to do something! So, I took a step forward and put a hand on the girl’s shoulder. She looked back at me with an uneasy face.
I wanted to give her a little courage if I could, so I looked her straight in the eyes and nodded.
- “...Wh-who are you?”
- “I’m Amitie! My dream is to become a fantastic mage♪”
- “Ami...tie,” she repeated my name.
- “I don’t really get any of this, but you’re in a ton of trouble, right? Leave this to us!”
Then, I faced the two snakes and raised my voice.
- “Uhm—! So, if I'm getting this right, you two are the bad guys... I mean, bad snakes, this time around!”
Both snakes turned towards me at once.
- “We are not snakes, for We are Ouroboros...”
Uh, snake pupils are thin and vertical and kind of scary...but the girl was watching me. No backing out now!
- “Well, Urorobos, if you keep bullying her like that, we’re gonna have to punish you!”
- “It’s Ouroboros! ...Hmph. Just what does a little lass like you think she can do to Us?”
- “Uhm, so, which one is Ouro, and which one is Boros...? Ah, nevermind, just quit being such a bully!”
- “The two of Us together are Ouroboros! And We have no plans of stopping!”
- “Okay then, Ourobo & Ros— Wait, that’s not it, is it? Well, anyway! Don’t say we didn’t warn you! We’re gonna go all out!” I yelled, and turned to look back at Arle and Ringo.
- “Amitie, Carby and I will help,” Arle replied.
- “Oh yeah, I can feel Lady Justice smiling down on us!! Let’s end this with a bang!” Ringo declared.
- “Okay~! Thank you, you two!” I flashed my two trustworthy friends a quick thumbs-up.
Now, what exactly are the three of us going to do now? It’s called a “Puyo Battle!” That’s “that thing” I didn’t get to finish explaining earlier.
Puyo Puyo are these weird, round creatures that are squishy like jelly. You can find them all over the place here in Primp Town, and they come in a bunch of different colors. When four or more of the same color stick together, they pop. Isn’t that super strange?
And, when the Puyo pop, they release a special kind of power that we can use to cast spells and use all sorts of cool skills!
Usually we just battle for fun, but this time we’ll fight in serious mode right from the start! I mean, we gotta save this poor girl from that mean monster!
- “Uhm... What are you all doing?”
The girl seemed confused by us stacking up our Puyo piles.
- “We want to help you!” I flashed her another smile.
Puyo! Puyon!
First, I gathered four red Puyo, next came the blue Puyo... There! Pop and gone!
- “Here I go! ...Flame!”
The power of fire jumped from my fingertips.
- “Hmph, what a pathetic spark.”
But the tail of Ouroboros’ black snake just flicked it away, like — SNAP.
- “Then how’s this?! Cosine!”
Ringo popped Puyo just like I’d done, and fired her power right at Ouroboros! ...But the result was the same. The magic was shaken off the red one’s neck.
- “Okay, Carby, it’s our turn now. On my cue!!”
- “Gugugu!”
- “One, and— Mindblast!”
Arle took the Puyo her partner Carbuncle had gathered for her and started popping them quickly in succession. Her spell flew straight at Ouroboros! ...But, of course, it was another dud. It bounced off the two interlocked snakes’ scales, burst and disappeared. Ohhhhh boy, that thing’s a real toughie, huh?!
As if to make fun of us, Ouroboros opened its mouth, making loud hissing sounds as it laughed.
- “Sss hahaha sss... We see, you girls are truly all talk! Is this really all you’ve got?”
The red snake suddenly opened its mouth wide. Inside, I could catch a glimpse of a bright, blazing ball of fire. Huh? What was that doing in there...? Actually, hold that thought. Why? Because the snake was spitting it right my way!
- “AHHHH!!”
The flaming sphere burst right at my feet. If I hadn’t jumped, I probably would have been hit! Even though I managed to dodge the blow, the shockwave from the blast still sent me tumbling— I almost fell over.
- “Amitie!”
- “Are you all right?!”
- “Y...yeah!” I somehow managed to stay upright and nodded at Arle and Ringo.
- “Do you understand now? The difference in our strengths is too great to measure...”
Ouroboros looked between us and stuck out its tongue. The way it towered above us made it obvious that it was laughing at us, even without hearing it cackle. And what a mean, mean laugh it was!
- “No way...”
The girl that had been watching next to me let out a trembling voice. A frown had appeared on her face after seeing Ouroboros’ display of power. But the rest of us weren’t scared in the slightest.
- “Hm, going at it separately doesn’t work... It really is stronger than it looks,” Arle murmured.
- “Guu!”
- “In other words, we have to go at it with much fiercer resolve!” Ringo seemed nervous, but there was a bit of excitement in her voice.
- “Alright then, everybody… All together, let’s get out the biggest chain we can!” I replied, giving the sign that it was go time.
The three of us and Carbuncle worked together to pile up Puyo. When four Puyo of the same color stick together, they pop. I already explained that part earlier, but it’s only the basic of the basics. There’s actually a way to bring out much stronger power. It’s through what’s called a “chain.”
If there’s a blue Puyo on top of a red Puyo and the red pops, the blue Puyo loses its footing and falls down... so what if where that blue Puyo falls, it connects with three other blue Puyo? That’s a chain, since the blue Puyo also pop! And then, what if on top of the blue Puyo there’s some yellow Puyo, and they fall again so that they connect and pop...
Right, that’s what we call “chaining!”
When the Puyo pop, the Puyo on top of them slide down, and after that, more and more fall and pop. The longer your chain is, the more power you gather. That way we can use much stronger spells than usual!
Arle and Carbuncle, Ringo, and me. We spend our days having so many Puyo battles with each other, that I’ve already stopped counting. We all know each other’s battle-styles perfectly, so right now we were in full sync! Together, we let our chains connect to launch them as a single, huge chain! Ringo has dubbed that move our “Finisher” before. She said that it means that it’s a special attack that we can rely on in a pinch!
Alrighty then, “Finisher”, here we go!
On top of the red Puyo I put down, Arle placed a blue Puyo. As expected, Ringo understood and added yellow Puyo.
- “We need a green Puyo over here next!”
- “Gotcha! Can you put that red Puyo here in return?”
Puyo, Puyo, Puyon!
In front of our eyes, the Puyo were rapidly piling up.
- “Amazing! I don’t really understand what is going on, but I can tell that what you’re doing is impressive! Please, carry on just like this!”
The girl that had looked like she was about to cry just a second ago was now cheering us on with sparkling eyes.
- “Wh...What in the—?!”
Ouroboros lost its calm attitude, quickly becoming disturbed when it noticed the number of Nuisance Puyo that was rapidly building up above its head.
Nuisance Puyo are Puyo that won’t disappear no matter how many you stick together, so they really are a spectacular nuisance! As you launch your chains, Nuisance Puyo gather to fall on your opponent. Continue piling on Nuisance Puyo until the opponent can’t move anymore and... Game over!
Watch out, Ouroboros, because we’ve got one huge load of Nuisance Puyo with your name on it coming right up!
- “Alright, with this... We’re done!”
- “Gugu!” Arle and Carbuncle let out a cheer.
- “If we pop the green Puyo over there, the chain should trigger. Give it a good run for its money, Amitie!”
- “Okay~! Well then, here I go~!”
I threw the green Puyo I had at the spot Ringo indicated. Now, here goes our giant finisher chain!
Puyo! Puyo! Puyoyoyo!
One after the other, the Puyo burst with a satisfying little “pop”. As the chain got longer, power surged forth in us. Once the last few Puyo have popped, we’ll be filled to the brim with magic!
One, and!
- “Bayoen~~~~!”
It’s the strongest spell Arle and I can use!
- “Gwwaaaaaaahhhhh!”
First, tons of Nuisance Puyo from above pounded onto Ouroboros’ red snake’s head. Ouroboros let out a scream as it wriggled the Nuisance Puyo off its body, but there were too many of them, and it just kept getting buried deeper and deeper...
- “Ssgh...”
At last, the red snake’s body slumped over, its power fading.

- “We did it~!”
- “Gugu~!”
The three of us and Carbuncle gave a great big cheer together!
- “How fantastic!!” The other girl joined us with a dazzling smile, clasping her hands together close to her cheek.
“Well then, next is the black one!” Energetically, I pointed my finger at it. If we could only keep this up, then...
- “Sss hahaha sss... Did you think you had defeated Us?”
Hiss... Hiss... It laughed in that spiteful voice again. Before we’d even noticed, the red snake had raised its head, looking cool and calm.. What? How? It shouldn’t have been able to move again so quickly after being hit with that many Nuisance Puyo!
- “We are two in one, unified in body and soul. Even if you defeat one of Us, the other will simply donate part of its power to the fallen. And thus, We shall rise infinitely.”
- “No way! You’ve gotta be kidding me!”
- “Sss...heehehah! Yes, We revive each other. It is impossible for Us to lose!”
The four eyes of the two snakes looked down at us, their faces warping in an evil grin.
- “That’s really not fair!” I said.
- “Yeah, come on and fight us fair and square, one by one!” Arle yelled.
- “Gugugugugu!”
- “What’s the point in a challenge you can’t clear? Talk about godmodding!” Ringo protested.
No matter how much we stomped our feet and complained, all that did was entertain Ouroboros more and more.
- “Sss hahaha sss… We shall tell you as many times as you must hear it: Your whining is naught but a lament and testament to your own helplessness.. Realize that, struggle and toil as you may, you cannot win against Us… Now, face this reality, despair in its totality, and then fall to Our might.”
Both of Ouroboros’ snakes opened their mouths at the same time. Inside the red one, the flame we had seen earlier was gathering. Inside the black one, there was a very similar flame, except pitch-black as the night.
Oh no no no, is this gonna be the same attack as before?! But with both of them doing it this time?! Uhm uhm, hang on, so let’s say we somehow manage to dodge its flame breath and launch another huge chain, that would still be pointless in the end, right? Because it’d just revive again right away! And then it’ll send another firebreath attack, and again... We’d just keep repeating the whole spiel, right? At that rate, we’re going to run out of power sooner or later! What should we do, what should we do... Hang on. Could it be that there’s just nothing we can do!?
I felt faint, the whole world blacking out before my eyes for a brief moment… But then.
Ouroboros never actually shot off its attack. Both mouths were now closed again, and the snakes were looking at each other.
- “Huh... Uh? What’s going on? Wasn’t it going to fry us all?” Arle said.
- “I thought we were done for, for sure... But now, look at them. Maybe some variable has changed...?” Ringo said.
Guess their minds had been racing just like mine.
- “M-maybe it’s trying to make us let our guard down or something...?” I suggested.
I was shivering. Sheesh, it’s still scary! Ouroboros’ snakes continued to stare at each other, and we watched on in confusion.
- “Hm... How unexpected...” Like a mirror’s reflection, both snakes tilted their head to the side at the same time.
- “A black shadow is drawing near... What could it mean?”
That line hadn’t seemed like it was meant for us, but just for itself.
- “It’s a power We have not felt before.”
- “Hmmm... Be cautious. Let Us not challenge the unknown.”
- “Wise words... For now We should focus on sealing these gates slowly, and prepare to taste their power. Shall We…?”
- “Well said, partner. We shall do exactly that... Sss hahaha sss...”
I had no idea what they were saying. But Ouroboros appeared to have reached some kind of agreement between itself. The two snakes, moving in unison once again, nodded to each other. Then...
- “Farewell.”
- “Eh?!”
It disappeared just as suddenly as it had appeared! As we watched, Ouroboros and the white doors faded away, as if dissolving into the darkness... Before we knew it, they had utterly vanished.
- “Uhm… Uhm...”
As our confusion grew, the darkness quickly disappeared from the sky. In the blink of an eye, it was bright and blue again. Almost as if nothing had happened at all. And yet...
- “Pl-please wait!!”
From behind us, the girl who had watched the events unfold threw her hand out, desperately grasping toward the sky. She, the mysterious girl who had fallen here from the doors, was clear proof that everything that had happened just now had not just been a dream or an illusion. The three of us exchanged troubled glances. Honestly, we were relieved that our battle with Ouroboros had been postponed for a while!
But even with it gone, there were still problems left to solve... And to start with doing that, we’d have no choice but to ask that girl before our eyes a few questions.
← Characters | Amitie and the Girl of Love Translated by: Precise Museum |
Ally, the Girl of Love → |