User:TimelineGoddess/Other Translations

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Should be non card-related translations, such as collection dialogues and the like.

Puyopuyo Watch Festival Character Dialogues
Stage Bosses
10 Stamina [★6] Crowned Arle

やっぱりボクがいっちばーん! ぶよ勝負なら、負けないよ!

I'm definitely the one who should win! If it's a Puyo battle, I'll never lose!

15 Stamina [★6] Crowned Witch

おーほほほっ! 王冠をかぶるのにふさわしいのは、 このウィッチさんですわ!🎵

Ohohoho! The one who is most worthy of the crown is... Miss Witch! 🎵

20 Stamina [★6] King of Darkness Schezo

闇の王者にふさわしいのはオレしかいない・・・ おまえもそう思うだろ?

I'm the only one fit to be the King of Darkness... Don't you think so yourself?

30 Stamina [★6] Shadowcrown Rafisol

王様・・? なにもかも、すべて私がうばう・・・

King...? Everything... I will seize everything...

50 Stamina Demiserf ver. Swartz

ハーッハッハッハ! 素晴らしいチカラだ・・・これでなにもおそるるに足らんな!

Ahahaha! This is a fantastic power... With this, I have nothing to fear!

Chance Boss
10 Stamina [★6] Raffina ver. Tsukuyomi

あなたが王様にふさわしいかこのラフィーナが 確かめてさしあげますわ!

I, Raffina, shall determine if you're suitable to be a king. I will ensure it!

15 Stamina [★6] Raffina ver. Tsukuyomi

王様にふさわしい資質はどんなものか・・・ですの? ・・・強さと美しさ、かしら?

The qualities of a proper king... are...? ...Strength and beauty, perhaps?

20 Stamina [★6] Raffina ver. Tsukuyomi

なかなか手ごわいわね・・・ でも、 王様を目指すのならこの程度ではまだまだよ!

You're quite tough... But, if you aim to become a king, this isn't enough!

30 Stamina [★6] Raffina ver. Tsukuyomi

おーっほっほっほ🎵 王様になりたいなら、全力でかかってきやがれ・・・ですわ!

Oh-ho-ho-ho🎵 If you really want to be a king, you'd better give it your all...!

50 Stamina [★6] Raffina ver. Tsukuyomi

あなた、 実力は十分のようね 王様になりたいのならわたくしも手助けしますわ!

You appear to be fully prepared. If you really want to be a king, I'll assist you!

Results Screen
Reward Obtained [★6] Strange Klug ver. Woz

合計[current total]個集めたか・・・ ・・・・祝え! この本に新たな 記念の1ページを記そう

You've collected a total of [current total]... ...Rejoice! A new page shall be written in this book in commemoration.

Amount Left to Next Reward [★6] Strange Klug ver. Woz

あと[amount left to next reward]個集めたら 素晴らしいことが起こる・・・ ・・・そう本に書いてある

If you collect [amount left to next reward] more, something wonderful will happen... ...So it is written in this book.

MetsubouJinrai Challenge Dialogues
✩5 Boss [★5] Legamünt ver. Horobi

俺にはやるべきことがある 止められるものなら、止めてみろ

I have a mission to accomplish. If you think you can stop me, stop me.

✩6 Boss [★6] Legamünt ver. Horobi

俺が従うのは天の意志だけだ・・・ 立ちはだかるなら容赦しない

I obey only the will of the heavens... If you dare stand in my way, I will show no mercy.

✩7 Boss Legamünt ver. Horobi

・・・止めてもムダだ 俺はただ、自分の信念のまますべきことをするだけだ

...It's futile to try to stop it. I merely act on my convictions, and do what I must.

Flipside Boss Legamünt ver. Horobi


The will of the heavens... that is, the will of the Heavenly Knights... is a faith that remains unwavering even when we lose our way.

Challenge Point Gacha Menu [★6] Legamünt ver. Horobi

ほしいものがあるのか? なら、自分の手でつかみとれ

You want something? Then, seize it with your own hands.

Kamen Rider Collab Once-per-day Quest Dialogues
Boss Warning
[★6] Kamen Rider Revice

「見ろよ、このデカい風呂! 俺っち入ってきていい?」 「寄り道してるヒマないぞ」

"Hey, check out this awesome hot tub! Can we get in?" "We don't have any spare time for detours."

[★6] Kamen Rider Revice

「おわっ! ぷよぷよが落ちてきた!?」 「『ぷよ勝負』だな・・・沸いてきたぜ!」

"Whoa! A bunch of Puyos are dropping!?" "A 'Puyo battle'... I'm feeling it now!"

[★6] Akuma

そなたたち、待つま この「あくま」が ぶよ勝負の極意を教えてやるま

Wait just a moment, you two. This "demon" shall teach you the secrets of Puyo battling.

[★6] Black Popoi

ニャッフッフ・・・「魔王」である我輩も つきあってやるニャ!・・ニャッ!?

Nyahaha... As a "demon king" myself, I'll accompany you as well, nya! ...Nya!?

[★6] Dapper Bones

あのヒーロー・・・と、悪魔? ぜ~んぜん聞いてないみたいね

Oh, a hero... and a demon? I don't think I've heard of something like that before.

Results Screen
[★6] Kamen Rider Revice

「みんな! 俺っちの活躍 ゼ~ッタイ見逃すなよ!」 「一体誰と話してるんだ?」

"Everyone! Make sure not to miss any of the awesome things I'm doing!" "Just who the heck are you talking to?"

Christmas 2021 Once-per-day Quest Dialogues
Boss Warning
[★6] Minoa

待ちに待ったクリスマス・・・ さぁ、今年はどんな楽しい パーティーになるかしら?

I've been waiting for Christmas... Now, I wonder what kind of fun party we'll have this year?

[★6] Minoa

まずはこの神殿を、とびっきり刺激的に しなくっちゃね、うふふ🎵

First things first, we need to make this temple super exciting, Uhuhu🎵

[★6] Katya

・・あまり、やりすぎないで下さいね? また、ルリシアさんに比られますよ

...Just don't overdo it, okay? Miss Lulisia might want to do it again and again.

[★6] Mischa

大丈夫よ!🎵 ルリシアさんの大好物・・・ 「ふわふわパン」 を焼いてきたもの

Okay!🎵 Miss Lulisia's favorite food... I've baked the "Fluffy Bread" she loves.

[★6] Deena

さっすがミーシャ! んじゃ、アタシも さっそく神殿をデコっちゃおーっと!

Good job, Mischa! Okay, I'm gonna start decorating the temple too!

[★6] Yana

で、ではワタクシは・・・今日のために 作ったクリスマスソングを・・・歌います・・

S..So, I'll be performing... a special Christmas song I created... just for today...

Results Screen
[★6] Minoa

盛り上がってきたわね! あの子にも予測できないくらい、刺激的にしましょ!🎵

Things are really starting to heat up! Let's make this so exciting that even she can't predict it!🎵