diversity win! the guy who adds obscure knowledge and forgotten images onto pages is trans!
HI my names r klug and arc and klemont and a lot of other ones but those are the ones i like best
i initially only joined because i saw several mistakes in grammar and wanted to fix them, but now i've taken it upon myself to add all the images onto their correct pages if and when people forget to do it themselves /light hearted
my pronouns are usually evi/evil/evils/evildoer, he/him/his/himself and bug/bug/bugs/bugs/bugself
as of 27/06/2022 i've only actually played ppt2, champs, puyoque, puyo puyo 2 and big kindergarten kids, but i'm planning on getting tetris one and emulating any madou-era games i can find half-decent translations of- although i've never managed to actually play it, my favorite game is fever chu!!
apparently self-promotion is legal on this site, so i'll simply mention that i'm bipperbopperbee on tumblr and artfight, go check it out!
my current projects!
- \adding history to ess's page (he is so cool but also so mean. also just like me fr. i love him)
- writing transcripts for puyoteto2's manzais
- checking over every madou character to make sure all their images have been added
this is the images area for images