Template:Infobox video game series

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Platform of Origin{{{originalplatform}}}
First game{{{firstgame}}}
Latest game{{{latestgame}}}


{{Infobox video game series
| title =
| image =
| caption =
| developers =
| publishers =
| originalplatform =
| firstgame =
| latestgame =
  • title: The title of the game series. Required.
  • image: An image of the franchise logo. The image must have a max width of 240px when used.
    • caption: A caption to display for the image.
  • developers: The developers of the game series.
  • publishers: The publishers of the game series.
  • originalplatform: The platform the first games in the series was first released on.
  • firstgame: The first game in the series.
  • latestgame: The latest game in the series.