Template:Infobox User/doc

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This template is designed to be used on your Puyo Nexus Wiki userpage to display relevant information about you and your Puyo Puyo credentials. It can also be used to display contact information and as a way to interact with other members of the Wiki.


{{Infobox User
| username     =
| image        =
| caption      =
| nexus        =
| ppvs         =
| ppvs2        =
| gender       =
| pronouns     =
| birthday     =
| age          =
| nationality  =
| region       =
| debut        =
| highwin      =
| highdef      =
| longmatch    =
| rulepref     =
| charpref     =
| ppwc         =
| pntour       =
| toppfr       =
| clopefr      =
| sleague      =
| ppqid        =
| guild        =
| battleleague =
| favcard      =
| forum        =
| email        =
| website      =
| facebook     =
| twitter      =
| steam        =
| other        =