PPQ:Material Cards

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Puyo Materials

50101. Small Puyo
Img150101.png Red Small Puyo (あかい小ぷよ)
Blue Small Puyo (あおい小ぷよ)
Green Small Puyo (みどり小ぷよ)
Yellow Small Puyo (きいろ小ぷよ)
Purple Small Puyo (むらさき小ぷよ)
50102. Large Puyo
Img250102.png Red Large Puyo (あかい大ぷよ)
Blue Large Puyo (あおい大ぷよ)
Green Large Puyo (みどり大ぷよ)
Yellow Large Puyo (きいろ大ぷよ)
Purple Large Puyo (むらさき大ぷよ)
50103. Rock Puyo
Img350103.png Red Rock Puyo (あかい岩ぷよ)
Blue Rock Puyo (あおい岩ぷよ)
Green Rock Puyo (みどり岩ぷよ)
Yellow Rock Puyo (きいろ岩ぷよ)
Purple Rock Puyo (むらさき岩ぷよ)
50104. Star Puyo
Img450104.png Red Star Puyo (あかい星ぷよ)
Blue Star Puyo (あおい星ぷよ)
Green Star Puyo (みどり星ぷよ)
Yellow Star Puyo (きいろ星ぷよ)
Purple Star Puyo (むらさき星ぷよ)
50105. Moon Puyo
Img550105.png Red Moon Puyo (あかい月ぷよ)
Blue Moon Puyo (あおい月ぷよ)
Green Moon Puyo (みどり月ぷよ)
Yellow Moon Puyo (きいろ月ぷよ)
Purple Moon Puyo (むらさき月ぷよ)
50106. Crown Puyo
Img150106.png Red Crown Puyo (あかい王冠ぷよ)
Blue Crown Puyo (あおい王冠ぷよ)
Green Crown Puyo (みどり王冠ぷよ)
Yellow Crown Puyo (きいろ王冠ぷよ)
Purple Crown Puyo (むらさき王冠ぷよ)

Special Materials

701. Puyo Ice
Img170106.png Red Puyo Ice (あかぷよアイス)
Blue Puyo Ice (あおぷよアイス)
Green Puyo Ice (みどりぷよアイス)
Yellow Puyo Ice (きいろぷよアイス)
Purple Puyo Ice (むらさきぷよアイス)
702. Puyo Candy
Img270206.png Red Puyo Candy (あかぷよキャンデー)
Blue Puyo Candy (あおぷよキャンデー)
Green Puyo Candy (みどりぷよキャンデー)
Yellow Puyo Candy (きいろぷよキャンデー)
Purple Puyo Candy (むらさきぷよキャンデー)
703. Puyo Jelly
Img370306.png Red Puyo Jelly (あかぷよゼリー)
Blue Puyo Jelly (あおぷよゼリー)
Green Puyo Jelly (みどりぷよゼリー)
Yellow Puyo Jelly (きいろぷよゼリー)
Purple Puyo Jelly (むらさきぷよゼリー)
704. Puyo Choco
Img470406.png Red Puyo Choco (あかぷよチョコ)
Blue Puyo Choco (あおぷよチョコ)
Green Puyo Choco (みどりぷよチョコ)
Yellow Puyo Choco (きいろぷよチョコ)
Purple Puyo Choco (むらさきぷよチョコ)
705. Grimoire
Img570506.png Red Grimoire (赤の魔導書)
Blue Grimoire (青の魔導書)
Green Grimoire (緑の魔導書)
Yellow Grimoire (黄の魔導書)
Purple Grimoire (紫の魔導書)
706. 100-point Test
Img170606.png (100点テスト)
708. Book of Secrets
Img270805.png Red Book of Secrets (赤の秘伝書)
Blue Book of Secrets (青の秘伝書)
Green Book of Secrets (緑の秘伝書)
Yellow Book of Secrets (黄の秘伝書)
Purple Book of Secrets (紫の秘伝書)

Limited Materials

Official Series

507. Devil Series Materials
Img150706.png Hed/Materials
510. Egyptian Mythos Series Materials
Img251006.png Setoka/Materials
513. Elven Priest Series Materials
Img351305.png Minoa/Materials
514. Cryptid Princess Series Materials
Img551405.png Phoeney/Materials
516. Pirate Series Materials
Img451605.png Fred/Materials

Unofficial Series

M18. Suzuran et al. Series Materials
Img150206.png 1502. Ringo/Materials
2503. Maguro/Materials
3505. Lemres/Materials
4502. Risukuma/Materials
5504. Feli/Materials
M19. Monster Girls Series Materials
Img251506.png 1515. Lilim/Materials
2515. Lamia/Materials
3515. Empusa/Materials
M37. Western Monster Boys Series Materials
Img350605.png 1505. Dolaud III/Materials
2506. Margin/Materials
3506. Lyca/Materials
4509. Ingil/Materials
5508. Greap/Materials
MU1. Attack Up Chance Series Materials
Img450306.png 1503. Sweet Amitie/Materials
2504. Jan/Materials
3503. Panotty/Materials
4503. Chico/Materials
5505. Incubus/Materials
MU2. Full Block Series Materials
Img550306.png 4901. Carbuncle/Materials
5503. Black Popoi/Materials
MU4. Explosive Attack Series Materials
Img150805.png 1508. Takoyaki Shop Rulue/Materials
2505. Santa Arle/Materials
4504. Airou/Materials
5506. Lovestruck Feli/Materials
MU6. AS Follow-up Attack Series Materials
Img251705.png 1511. Stylish Amitie/Materials
2517. Eversummer Seriri/Materials
3515. Uncanny Lemres/Materials
4511. Rabbit Prince/Materials
5515. Masked Incubus/Materials
MU7. ??? Series Materials
Img350805.png 1517. Greengrocer Ringo/Materials
3508. Teahouse Draco/Materials
4512. Worship Gown Chico/Materials

No Series Materials

2502. Yukata Sig/Materials
Img250205.png Ladybug (てんとうむし)
Horned Beetle (かぶとむし)
3502. Songstress Harpy/Materials
Img350205.png Songstress Feather (歌姫のはね)
5502. Powerful Lagnus/Materials
Img550201.png Legendary Gauntlet (伝説のガントレット)
Legendary Greaves (伝説のグリーヴ)
Legendary Body Armor (伝説のボディアーマー)
Legendary Mantle (伝説のマント)
Legendary Circlet (伝説のサークレット)
3504. Furisode Rider/Materials
Img350405.png Fresh Sea Bream (新鮮なタイ)
Premium Sea Bream (最高級のタイ)
4505. Santa Witch/Materials
Img450505.png Holy Bell (Silver) (聖なるベル(銀))
Holy Bell (Gold) (聖なるベル(金))
1506. Doppelganger Arle/Materials
Img150606.png Red Crystal (あかいクリスタル)
Red Enchanted Mirror (あかい魔鏡)
Crimson Enchanted Mirror (真紅の魔鏡)
4508. Sakura Raffine/Materials
Img450805.png Dango (だんご)
Sakuramochi (さくらもち)
5509. Poison Ringo/Materials
Img550905.png Unlucky Apple (不吉なリンゴ)
Dangerous Apple (あぶないリンゴ)
2511. Pike Stall Maguro/Materials
Img251105.png Charcoal (もくたん)
Shichirin Grill (しちりん)
5511. Nekomimi Schezo/Materials
Img551105.png Mellow Milk (まろやかミルク)
Imitation Milk (なりきりミルク)
1512. Lovestruck Rulue/Materials
Img151206.png Giri Choco (義理チョコ)
Honmei Choco (本命チョコ)
5512. Black Ms. Accord/Materials
Img551206.png Ms. Accord's Chalk (アコール先生のチョーク)
Secretive Notes (ひみつのノート)
3517. Celebration Satan/Materials
Img351706.png Celebratory Cracker (お祝いクラッカー)
Commemorative Rosette (きねんロゼット)